Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Mine 17: Game Door
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Madness v1.18 Online Game Door; Online game written with the BBS Onliner Interface, meaning it will run under virtually all DOS based BBS systems. Madness is a simple to play hard to master and extremely addictive screen clearing game.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
MAJYK EMPIRES 1.31: The Online Fantasy Conflict Door
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
ManDown! v1.7 Force your callers to d/l file of your choice
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
DoorMania V3.0b - RIP Compatable! COM1-15, NonStd IRQ, Fossil Support! 12 Popular BBS Doors In One. Slots, Blackjack, Lucky 7, Plinko, High Roller, Card (Sharks) Guess, Point Vault, Master Trivia, Chance Board, Concentration, And More On A Monopoly- Style Board. High Scores Cycle Monthly. Support BBS: 616-968-7150
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
BBS USER MANUAL DOOR Callers can read or download your BBS user manual online.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
M.A.S.H Trivia v1.0 No Expiration A BBS door program relating to trivia questions about the televison series and the movie M.A.S.H. Now creates RIP bulletins and has a RIPSCRIP interface. Registered SysOps may download a utility to add questions to the database. A shareware product from Twilight Software and Robert Ayers.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
MATCHIT.EXE - Soundex Match Door for BBS's
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
MAXIT v4.0 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Object of the game is to score as many points as possible while playing against the computer. Fully functional, supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware. For this and other great door programs call The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Mille Borne - The Number One Rated Family Game Is Now Available On Your Friendly Local BBS! A challenging computer opponent will keep even the sharpest players on their guard! It's a 1000 Mile car race played with Mileage, Safety and Hazard Cards! It's been a board game hit since 1963, and now it's even more fun online! Save Game Feature For Those Games When You Just Don't Quite Have The Time To Finish A Too-Good-To-Be-True Game! Play
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
ModemBase Pro On-Line DataBase Management System (MBPRO DBMS) Release 1.82 - All NEW easy-to-use design & setup! SYSOPS MUST HAVE! dBase III+ DBF & xBase compatible! Works with MOST Online Systems, BBS's, or host programs as a DOOR! Complete communications built-in with multi-user access & security!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
The Bowling Door v2.0 - McSoft Corp. Fully Multi-Node Aware, Gives up TimeSlices to other tasks, uses Dorinfo1.Def OR Door.Sys. Works with ANY BBS that uses a fossil driver.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Magic Chat v5.64 THE Chat door for *ANY* BBS !! Split ANSI display + MACROS! + very powerfull paging hours sy- stem + JOKES!+ Timer + Cooool ANSI screens + Everything is customizable ! DORINFOx.DEF + DOOR.SYS (6, 31 or 52 lines) support + COMMAND LINE This make Magic Chat compatible with *ALL* BBS programs DOWNLOAD NOW !!!!!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
McSpin v2.10 - The Wheel Of Fortune type Door by McSoft Corp. Works with any BBS that runs a fossil and can create a DOOR.SYS or DORINFO1.DEF file.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
McSub v2.0 - Submarine Hunt Door game for any BBS with Door.Sys or Dorinfo1.Def and a fossil driver. A cross between 3D tic-tac-toe and Battleships. Great ANSI screens.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
McTrivia v2.00 - The Trivia Door by McSoft Corp. Many New Features and Bug Fixes! Works with any BBS that runs a fossil and can create a DOOR.SYS or DORINFO1.DEF file. Allows Time Gambling with RA, QBBS, SUPERBBS, and PROBOARD.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
MATCH DICE - BBS Door Game v2.1 Bet on how many rolls you can match the computer's dice. Try to win the Jackpot! Now has a FREE registered Trial period!! Fun & Addictive! Works on all major BBS's. Registered version has a monthly Hall of Fame. See upgrade info. Registration cost is only $10.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
MedLink Version 2.0 Online InterBBS Medical Database and Diagnosis door. o Medical Records Editor o Diagnose Illness with 2 symptom match o Search Medical Records Reverse, Forward or KeyWord Search o MedLink Online Medical Journal. Users can search a "journal" for articles,topics, more information, etc. about various medical topics. o MedLink Pharmacy. Users can search the "pharmacy" for more information about
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
MEDIEVAL WAR DOOR v1.0MEDOOR is a BBS door game of medieval war/strategy. From 2-6 players compete on a map of up to 100 x 100 and up to 50 games may be played simultaneously. Almost any BBS may be configured to play MEDOOR including PCBoard and Wildcat!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
MELEE version 3.20 Official Public Release! This ansi door is the most in-depth gladiatorial combat role- playing game available for multi- player BBS use. Enter the guild and build your skills, equipment, stats, and knowledge toward the goal of be- coming the top Warrior in the country! Warriors can be imported and exported from other BBS's and to the World MELEE HeadQuarters for entrance in International
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Memory v1.0; BBS Door game reminiscent of the old card game you used to play as a child. This game was written for SEARCHLIGHT BBS software, but there is no reason why it shouldn't work with other packages.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Mine Field v3.0 is an online door program for any BBS that uses a FOSSIL driver and can generate a DORINFO1.DEF, or DOOR.SYS drop file. The game challenges users to maneuver the man (the 'X' character) from the "START" square to the "FINISH" square without being blown up. By McSoft Corp.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
MIXED BAG TRIVIA IV v2.5 <<<<<<<<< Trivia game with questions testing your knowledge of general topics. Fully functional, supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware. For this and other great door programs call The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
THE MAD KING'S DUNGEON ] Version 1.00 Features 200+ base monster 340+ Items 30+ Spells Special attacks for Monks Special attacks for Thiefs 30+ Special attacks for Monsters 20 Level dungeon even unregistered version Highly Advanced AI dungeon builder 25+ special affects for players/npc alike 30+ special affects and enchants for items So much I can't list it all! Goal: The mad king burnt your family and farm just for kicks!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Metal Knights VGA v0.83ß! A Door in VGA 256
colors. Supports Sound Blaster and mouse!
Excellent Startegy Wargame. This door should
be more polular then any other wargame on BBS
yet! SysOps have many options and don't have
to register, so download it NOW! Run well
under Desqview, NetWorks... Supports
non-standard IRQ, 300-115200 bps. EZ to
install for SysOps. Many new game options!
Maps up to 3 times bigger! Now in english!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
MLEdit v1.0ß: Monster Editor for Legends of
the Red Dragon door game. Allow you to change
the monsters anyway you want! FREEWARE!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Multi Trivia(tm) is a trivia BBS Door game that let the user choose from 5 catagories of trivia. Multi Trivia is compatible with most BBS software it will handle no standard IRQ'S and fossil drivers This Program needs Brun45.exe to run a copy of it is included in this archive, if you already have it just delete the one that comes with the program... Graveyard Software
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
MATCH MAKER II - DOOR - v4.8 * Part of the Sunrise Door Collection Allows for the matching of callers with like interests, up to 100 questions, DESIRED MATCH AND SELF-DESCRIPTION questionaires (configurable), sending/receiving of private messages, ATTACH PICTURES to user profiles!! DOWNLOAD questions and PICTURES & UPLOAD answers! Multiple answers per question!! Exchange of user and msg bases with other
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Multi-Maze; Set of SysOp generated puzzles, in which the user must try to reach an objective. Mazes can be 2 or 3 dimensional depending on the SysOps imagination.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
MMAKER Message Waiting Bulletin Maker v1.6 . Part of the Sunrise Door Collection A companion program to the Sunrise Match Maker (version 4.0 or higher). This standalone program will create Bulletins (Color, ASCII or Color using PCB @ type codes) containing the names of the callers with messages waiting in the Match Maker Door and number of messages for each. Can be run in your event or as part of logoff.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
MMD_100.ZIP - Online access to Meal-Master(tm) recipe databases. $ Cheap Shareware Release $ Regis. allows up to 18 databases online Recipes can be browsed, or searched, by Title & Category. Sysop configurable DL in MM importable format. A maintenance program is included to sort MM database -
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
MultiMenu 1.0: Menu Door for ANY BBS. UART, FOSSIL, DigiBoard, or local mode. DOOR.SYS, DORINFOx.DEF, SFFILES.DAT. Run up to 254 Doors. Access control by security, age, baud, password.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Mines of Gorr v0.28 *BETA* BBS Door Game MOG is the most advanced medieval role playing door game available today. It has full 3D dungeon exploration, 2D auto- mapping, 250 monsters, and over 170 weapons and armor items. It is also FULLY multi-node capable with internode combat. Also supports the DigiBoard/FOSSIL and most BBS dropfiles.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Mo's MUD v1.4 - MultiUser Dungeons Multi Node Chat/Action Adventure door. Written for PCBoard, WildCat, QBBS, Gap, SpitFire, WWIV, RBBS, UtraBBS, Telegard, Remote Access and more! 115,200 baud support. Also NON-BBS local (Single/Network) Play. NOT CRIPPLED!!! Author: Maurice Boers
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
MonEdit v2.0! For L.O.R.D. v3.20+ - The most powerful Monster Editor available. Color done for you, Increase Dungeon Difficulty, 110% Compat with LordMon!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Money Market v3.3 Door Game: Compete in a simple stock market, great fun! Game resets every monday. Support COM1-15, standard and non-standard IRQ's, DESQview and Network ready, top ten bulletins, colorfull ANSI screens, sysop options, great support, and supports fossil drivers.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
MONTE CARLO Solitaire - Door Game v4.4 . Part of the Sunrise Door Collection Another highly challenging, hard to beat solitaire card game. Makeup games missed, during the month. Automatic game reset and Hall of Fame bulletins, at end of month. Supports the Multi-Com port/ Digiboard cards, including the PCBoard /M version! >>>> I N T E R - B B S capable <<<<
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
MONTY's REVENGE V1.30 * Released February 1, 1995 * A User against User ANSI Doorgame *> Bug Fix Version <* Here it is! That Infamous 3 Card Card Game you Lose all your money with in the Big Cities of the Country! Monty's Revenge is a si- mular Card Game as that of 3 Card Monty between users only with a slight Twist! Features a Montly AUTO-SCORE-RESET, Last Months Winner Screen, and also Supports MOST ALL of the popular BBS Dropfiles! FOSSIL
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
More Play V1.01 Door Multi-alias utility More Play allows players to use more than one account in any BBS Door that uses DOOR.SYS or DORINFOx.DEF. Some SYSOP options. Fossil required. Only $5.00 registration. From Caliber Software.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
MORTAR STRIKE Ver. 1.0. This great door game combines tactics with 'BLIND STUPID LUCK' in an attempt to knock out an opponents mobile mortar vehicles before they get you. Includes both door game and maintenance manager in one complete file. Treat your users to a quick and fun game without an hours worth of manual reading to play. Breeze to set-up & blast to use. Different weapon types and random event play. Brings to mind those great old doors
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
TV & MOVIE TRIVIA III v2.5 <<<<<<<< Trivia game with questions testing your knowledge of TV and movies. Fully functional, supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware. For this and other great door programs call The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
MovieTime Trivia v4.0 No Expiration A BBS door program relating to trivia questions about the movie industry. Now creates RIP bulletins and has a RIPSCRIP interface. Registered SysOps may download a utility to add questions to the database.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
CITY GUIDES 3.0 - by Mike Perry / PCS MPCG is a multipurpose database "door" (that can also be run stand-alone) supporting "guides" of restaurants, clubs, hotels, attractions & more! MPCG supports almost any BBS incl. PCB, RBBS, Max, Wildcat, WWIV, and can be run via command line parms. Maintain online "guides" restaurants & clubs & more; register and receive 20+ additional guide files. Included in this archive are listings of New Orleans
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
MEDQUIZ v1.32 - Online Medical question game. Supports DORINFO1.DEF & DOOR.SYS. Includes an 80+ question database. This update fixes all known bugs. Now runs under OS/2 in a dos box. ShareWare ($15.00)
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Music Review Door. Supports several BBS formats and baud rates up to 115,200.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
MTAC v1.02 - Message To All Callers Door.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Murder Mansion (Door Game) ver. 2.61 Search throughout a mansion to discover to solve a murder. WARNING: If you take to long, you maybe the next victim! Now has user configurable names. Time remaining online is display added. Require ANSI. Now ues DOORFRAME Library, supporting Non-Standard Comport & IRQ's Programmer: William Rountree Release Date 03\08\94
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Mutara Proving Sector 1.0: awesome ANSI Door for most BBSs. Pilot your own starship! For RBBS/PCBoard/Wildcat!/TBBS/Spitfire/Major/Gala
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
MECHWARS v1.9G : Released 12/07/93. Bug fix upgrade with no missing files! * Supports most BBS types. * Fossil and non-standard IRQ support. * Multitasker aware.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
NEWLAND, civilization building BBS door game where players actually put together their own cities with building blocks in a two- dimensional world. The goal is to maximize industrial strength by constructing production centers for building cities, and defending them from other players. With industrial strength, a player can attack and capture cities from other players, but good tactics are required to be successful.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
NIM v2.5 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< An ancient game of skill and strategy. Don't be the player to take the last piece. Fully functional, supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware. For this and other great door programs call The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
NODEVIEW 1.1 ===== Nodeview 1.1 Nodelist Searching door! From the Author of Zbase BBS Lister come's Nodeview with more features! Features: Remote/Local Cursor control Up to 5-Raw nodelists may be defined, Supports Custom-Screens, Multi-Node, Non-Stand-IRQ/Addresses, to 115,200. NOT-CRIPPLED! Author: Brad Larned.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
NPCLord V2.0! For L.O.R.D. v3.20+ Allows you to create and run NPCs in Lord. NPCs do everything humans do, except write mail. Create up to 140 NPCs! LordWare by SOS!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
ENTERTAINMENT TRIVIA IV v2.5 <<<<<<< Trivia game with questions testing your knowledge of the entertainment field. Fully functional, supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware. For this and other great door programs call The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
NUID - NewUser Information Door v1.0 NUID will help get your new users to "jump" into the BBS world a little bit more easily by explaining the major concepts of BBS systems. Supports all popular BBS types.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
NU-XTERN v1.06 for TradeWars; External maintenance add-on for the popular door program Trade Wars 2002. This utility adds interest to the galactic bank account, cloaking device failures, the ability for the Ferrengi Home World to progress, underground hit contracts, port replenishments and the Krystalline Entity. All are configurable.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Nuclear War On-Line Door Game for most BBS Programs. Modeled in part after the Desert Storm Crisis, Nuclear War is a strategic War Simulation game with a complete arsenal of offensive weapons including Missiles, Smart Bombs, Scuds and Viper Warheads. Reliable Patriots are used for defense while you are not playing. Includes a complete On-Line Maintenace Section that can be accessed anytime you are in the game. No need to run
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
NewBooth 1.28 - Companion Program For Use With Voter Plus Versions 1.93 And Greater. Run as a Login Door, Will Notify The Caller If A New Voting Booth Has Been Added Since Their Last Call. Optionally, The Caller May Go Directly To The Voter Plus Door. FREEWARE! From The Author Of Voter Plus.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Occult Trivia is a trivia BBS Door game that let the user choose from 5 catagories of trivia. Occult Trivia is compatible with most BBS software it will handle no standard IRQ'S and fossil drivers This Program needs Brun45.exe to run a copy of it is included in this archive, if you already have it just delete the one that comes with the program... Graveyard Software
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Oil Field v1.13 Online Game Door; Written with the BBS Onliner Interface, meaning it will run under virtually all DOS based BBS systems. Oil Field is a one player wildcatting game with a monthly Hall of Fame.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
On Line Legal Advisor Door v1.1 =- Legal advice on your BBS! Many different help topics broken down into 36 text files. Over 400 legal trivia question! Supports COM 0-15, multinodes and DESQview aware, automatic maintenance, colorful screens, top ten bulletin, EASY setup and much more! Brought to you by T&J Software and The On Line Legal Group!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Online Catalog v2.01 The Online Catalog from Andrew Brown Computing! If your trying to sell a product from your BBS, this is the program to use! Totaly SysOp configurable screens! WildCat! style menuing system. Allows VISA, MasterCard, American Express, and COD payment! Configurable TAX percentage, Downloadable pricing quotes, and much, much more! Download Today!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
On Line Graffiti v1.00 Initial Release Supports nearly all the major BBS drop files. SysOp configurable. Fast and simple to setup. A full-featured graffiti or one-liners door that allows users to list their favorite sayings or quotes. SysOps may limit the number of days that listings are to remain active in the database. Users have the ability to kill or update the listings they originally entered.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
OnLine Reviews v1.01 Initial Release A full- featured BBS door program that allows your users to write reviews relating to different categories which you have pre-determined in the door. Other users may read or even download these reviews and read them at their leisure.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
OnLine Trivia v5.0 Faster/New Interface OLT is a triva door that supports many different BBS systems. It contains over 1700 questions in 4 different categories that is user selectable. OLT will also create a full color bulletin using ANSI/WC!4.x and PCB color codes. It is fully functional with only a slight delay at startup. Registration will remove this delay. OLT now supports the use of a FOSSIL driver. Now creates RIP graphic
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
rnLine Text Reader OLTR.EXE v2.6 A BBS door program that adds a bit of color and security to reading text files while online. SysOps may add special color codes to 10 text files in each of 6 special categories. Each category may be restricted by security level. Uncrippled other than a brief pause which is removed by registering. Another BBS Door from PAROLE Software and Dennis Maidon.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
OneRun v3.4; limit door runs for doors that have no runs per day limit! Supports all the major BBS types, COM1-15, non-standard IRQ's, DESQview aware, and speeds up to 115.5k! Also supports fossil drivers.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
This door program is a great way to get more users and to help cut operational costs while at the same time providing a great service to your users.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Operation: Overkill v1.10 BBS doorgame [Disk 1/3 Main Package ] - The first disk of version 1.10 is required for basic setup. This new version allows for fossil driver handling, up to 4 comports (1-4), is more friendly with OS/2 and Desqview environments, and is multi-node aware. Local side sound capabilities have been installed! The interBBS package is found in disk #2, and the local sound package is found in disk #3.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Operation: Overkill v1.10 BBS doorgame [Disk 2/3 Editor/InterBBS ] - This second disk contains the Overkill game editor, EDITOOII, as well as 45+ extra maps and their text printouts. This disk also has the latest utilities for setting up a BBS-vs-BBS (interBBS) Overkill game and info about the Overkill National InterBBS League! Map converters from Overkill .998 to 1.00/1.10 are provided with this disk for your
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Operation: Overkill v1.10 BBS doorgame [Disk 3/3 Local Sound Package] - The third disk of the Overkill package contains the sound driver and sound effects file required for Sysops who wish to utilitize the local Soundblaster capabilities. A small configuration file, SOUNDPKG.CFG, can be modified to toggle the sounds on and off when desired.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
The Overkill Ansiterm provides lightning fast menus and text while playing remotely. Easy to setup and install for any avid Overkill players!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Overkill 1.10a Ansiterm with Soundblaster for Overkill Players - Similar to the OOAT11.ZIP package, this Overkill Ansiterm has Soundblaster capabilites! While playing remotely, you'll hear all the oohs and aahs, all the grunts and groans, and other mysterious sound effects while playing Overkill 1.00/1.10! A Soundblaster (or compatible) is required.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
The Online Shopping Door v2.3
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Outpost Trader v. 1.01 Space Trading Galactic Conquest Door Game. You can aquire better ships as you climb the ranks. Use multiple weapons and Devices. Team Officers have unique duties. Play with chesslike strategy or be a rouge! Build your planets to reach higher Tech Levels. Build your empire!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
OVER UNDER Solitaire - Door Game v4.2 . Part of the Sunrise Door Collection Very addictive, tough, frustrating solitaire card game, requiring luck and good strategy. Automatic game reset & Hall of Fame bulletins, at end of month. Makeup games missed during the month. Support for Fossil-based Multi-Port cards, including the PCBoard /M!* INTER-BBS option*
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Iron Ox v. 2.01 Maintenance release. Computer players, player-selectable difficulty levels, and a variable-sized map are a few of the highlights of the 2.x release of the Iron Ox science fiction strategy door. Also includes a complete multinode messaging/chat module, full support for a wide variety of BBS programs (including Wildcat! 4), lower memory requirements, and dozens of playability improvements. The wait is over!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Purity 1000 Purity Evaluation Test v2.7 A BBS Door program to test your "Purity". Fully functional. 1000 questions relating to all aspects of Sex and Sexual activities. This is an ADULTS ONLY! Door program and extreme care should be taken to prevent minors access to this program. Another BBS door program from PAROLE Software and Dennis Maidon.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Packer version 3.0 PACKER v1.0 for PCBOARD ( uses USER.SYS ) A door game similar to the famous game from a long time ago. Functions best at 9600 baud & greater. Really good response on the best door program to date. Demo Version -reg $10.00 Full version has 20 screens for play. Also a dos version included for practice on your a home computer. reg. also $15.00
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
PACK-WORM v2.5 <<<<<<<<<<<<<< Object is to guide Pack-Worm through its world without hitting his head against anything but food. Fully functional, supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware. For this and other great door programs call The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
PAGE BRAIN SYSOP PAGE DOOR Set page hours, bell on/off times. Callers can leave a one line comment with reason for paging.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Pair Poker - Door Game v4.2 . Part of the Sunrise Door Collection Play Poker against the computer. Will you get 3-Pair first? Makeup games missed, during the month. Automatic game reset and Hall of Fame bulletins, at end of month. Supports Fossil- based Multi-Port cards, including the PCBoard /M version!* INTERBBS Capable*
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Paladin - CRIPPLE BUGS FIXED! version 2.1 Online role-playing game, similar to Legend of the Red Dragon and Usurper. Supports all major drop files (DORINFO, DOOR.SYS, and many more), and has an Armour, Class, Bar Conversation, Weapon, Monster, and Player editor program for reg'ed sysops $15 dollar reg, great!!!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
PBBSList Version 1.60 Online BBS listing door. MultiLines, DESQview aware, and most of the major BBSs supported. Many great external utilities included. Such as Auto record verifier; Full screen editor, user offline database browser and many many more.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
PBBSTABS Version 1.00 Best TABS registration handling door around. Most BBS systems aware. Allows 10 different access level upgrades, support both $10 and $25 options offered by TABS. Released on Jan 26, 1995
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
PBBSVote Version 2.00 Best Voting Door around. Supports most BBS types. External Full Screen Question Editor for Sysop, Graphic results, Multiple questionnaire files, Multi-taskers supported. You must see for yourself
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Online BBS Voting Booth
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
PCBULT - v1.43ß :by FeatherNet Software, Inc
An outstanding PCBoard Upload Tester & Files
Converter. Tests passing archive *WHILE ON-
Optional convertion of archive to ARJ, ZIP,
or LHA format. Deletes nuisance BBS ads and
inserts archive comment, tests .GIF and .TD0
files. Swaps to XMS, EMS or Disk. Includes
easy configuration program. * MUCH MORE *
100% Functional - NOT CRIPPLED or KEYED!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
DWF Productions Ltd. presents: PCBVP v3.2 - A PCB 15.0+ interface for VGA Planets. Handles up to 100 games concurrently. Configures itself on first run. Users can be involved in multiple games. Allows users to d/l and u/l only their own game files. SysOp functions allow online initialization of new games and configuration of program options.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Prochess v2.0 - Chess Door with User Vs User (Crossnode), Chess computer with openings library, User-Vs-Sysop, Netmail chess (InterBBS), Multiline, VGA-Mouse-Terminal (PCTERM), AVT/0+ and many things more. For all BBS software types, everything is configureable by textfiles.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Pirate's Cove BBS Door. Team / individual play. Multi-BBS support and baud rates to 115,200 bps. Includes maintenance progs.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
TW-PAYDAY 1.4 for TradeWars 2002 version 2 TW-PAYDAY is one of several add-on's for TradeWars 2002 v2 from the TW-EXTENDERS series by SimSoft PCS. Have the Feds pay your good traders for assistance and good morals, or have the Underground help fund the evil traders. It's very easy to use and configure, and is run directly after the TradeWars 2002 maintenance program EXTERN.EXE. Registration is only $5.00 Attention SYSOP's - Download
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Peg-Jump v1.6 - Door Game by Mike Jordan. Requires skill and thought. Jump the pegs in this classic game. It's not just a solitaire game this time. Compete against other players for the high score. No expiration date or demo key required.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
PEG LEAP v3.0 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< The object is to remove as many pegs as possible by jumping each peg with another. Fully functional, supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware. For this and other great door programs call The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Phrase Craze v1.0 On-Line Door Game The game plays like Hang-Man and Wheel of Fortune. A user is allowed to guess letters in a phrase and is awarded so many points for each correct letter. This process continues until the user misses a letter or solves the phrase. You can also be awarded a phree spin PHRASE CRAZE DOOR GAME ONLINE ON-LINE BBS The Lighthouse BBS [209] 497-6722
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
THE PIT v4.03: Lacks a player terminal but that will be available in the next release.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Plain Jane Trivia v1.6 - Simple multiple choice trivia game that allows entry and edit of questions with accompanying editor prog. Keeps track of questions answered, correct, etc. Auto monthly maintenance. Support for non standard COM ports, fossil, etc. Now supports Multinode configurations! Reg only $15 for Single Node/$20 Multinode REQUIRES NO KEY FILE TO RUN - Now RIP Aware!! Author:Rob Williams, WCS Software 1/20/95
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
FORBIDDEN PLANET TEXT ADVENTURE DOOR Works with door.sys, chain.txt, dorinfo.def, sfdoors.dat. Can you save beautiful Altaira from the deadly Forbidden Planet. Weird, fun, exciting text adventure. No save/load games in this unregistered version, otherwise fully functional.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
ProMatch Version 2.0 Online Professional MatchMaking Door. 100% SysOp configurable Matchmaking questions, Send Telegrams & ActionGramsbetween nodes, Internal Netmail, Local mail with Picture signatures. Personal Classified ads with up/download of file. MatchMaking Data, Classified Personal Ads and Netmail are InterBBS Configurable. Ansi/Ascii/Rip graphics.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Poker Bandit v1.1 - Door Game. Poker in a Slot Machine. Pull the Handle and watch the 5 cards spin. Your payoff is decided by the "Hand" that comes up. Has RIP and Fossil detection. Works with non-standard addressing. Uses environmental variables for single *.cfg file in multi- node operation. Internal Setup. No expiration date or Demo Key required.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
VEGAS VIDEO POKER Great video poker game, just like Las Vegas. Features Double or Nothing bet, and great ANSI/RIP graphics!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Vegas Poker v1.7a Poker Door Game. Vegas Poker is played the same as Five card Poker. A single deck is used and shuffled every hand. Set Payoff from 2 and Better to 9 and Better. DesqView aware. Non-Standard Comm. ports supported. Highly addictive and a very entertaining game that keeps you coming back for more. Generates All Time High and Top Ten Score Bulletins after each game. Easy setup via POKERUTIL. No Maintance is Required.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
POKERDOR (1.9a) is a online 5 card draw poker game. This door is designed to be used on nearly every BBS system.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
POT LUCK TRIVIA III v2.5 <<<<<<<<< Trivia game with questions testing your knowledge of general topics. Fully functional, supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware. For this and other great door programs call The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
POTPOURRI TRIVIA IV v2.5 <<<<<<<<< Trivia game with questions testing your knowledge of general topics. Fully functional, supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware. For this and other great door programs call The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
The best Pro Football Door ever made for Wildcat 3.x & 4.0 1994 NFL Season!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
ProPost v1.00 by Savant Software, powerful Autopost door, generates ASCII/ANSI/RIP text file, replace those obsolete message to next caller doors. Multinode aware. Fully configurable.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
PRESIDENT TRIVIA IV v2.5 <<<<<<<<< Trivia game with questions testing your knowledge of U.S. presidents. Fully functional, supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware. For this and other great door programs call The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
PROFILE - Door v1.2 . Part of the Sunrise Door Collection Give your users a way to answer questions about themselves which will be viewable by other callers. If your BBS software will allow, you can FORCE new callers into the Door. The Sysop designs the questions!!! As with all Sunrise Doors, supports NON-Standard IRQs, fossils, digiboards, etc.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
NFL Pro-Pik v1.93 Online Door
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
PRTNUM.EXE v1.0 Prints the user record number and expiration date to the ACTIVITY.xxx log for each caller. A FREE utility from PAROLE Software and Dennis Maidon.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
PURITY 1000: Comprehensive Purity Evaluation Test Stand-Alone Version modeled after a BBS Door program.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Palace Solitaire door v1.32 (Uses DORINFO).
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
PostTime v1.5 - A Horse Racing BBS Door Place you bets, it's Posttime. A BBS Door program to allow you and your users to enjoy the excitement of horseracing without the smell. Bet and borrow to your hearts content but watch out, the bank wants and will get its money back. Posttime creates ANSI/ASCii, Wildcat! 3.x, PCBoard and RIP graphic bulletins. Another BBS door program from PAROLE Software and Dennis Maidon.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
PURITY 500 v2.7 Adults Only BBS Door Comprehensive Purity Evaluation Test. 500 Adult oriented questions on all aspects of SEX and sexual relates subjects. Now supports RIP bulletins. Another PAROLE Software BBS Door by Dennis Maidon.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
BBS Putt Putt (Door Game) ver. 1.61 Take a break on this 9/18 hole miniature golf course. WARNING: This game has Live Action, No Daily Maintence, Requires ANSI , Uses DOORFRAME Library, and Supports MOST BBS SOFTWARE! * Fixes Hole 13! Programmer: William Rountree Artist: Jef Card Release Date 3\10\94
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Prize Vault! Door v4.6: Crack the 4 number combination and win the prize inside! Support for most BBS types and drop files. You may set each digit of the combination from 1 to 999,999,999,999. The user is presented with a 'bar chart' telling them how close/far away they are. Easy setup by typing: PVAULT UTILITY which brings up a utility program. T&J Software (717)325-9481 14.4 / 4369 28.8
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Online game "Password v1.2" - Can you guess the password?
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Penis WarsVersion 2.00, NO EXPIRATION, a spoof on the current space games on the market. This is an adult door!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
PYRAMID 13, TUT'S TREASURE v1.0- BBS door game by TiJaSoft Doors. - The best Pyramid Solitaire door game ever! Supports most BBS types. Full ANSI graphics and a great user interface make this a very fun game to play. It includes make-up days, a tournament mode, std SysOp functions, and automatic daily and monthly maintenance. It also keeps track of last months and the all time champion, along with the daily champs. Easy setup and
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
PYRAMID SOLITARE v2.0 <<<<<<<<<<< The object of the game is to remove all the cards from the pyramid. The cards removed must total 13. Fully functional, supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware. For this and other great door programs call The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Q" 1.4 - for TradeWars 2002 version 2. "Q" is one of several of the add-on's for TradeWars 2002 v2 from the TW-EXTENDERS series by SimSoft PCS. Have "Q" wandering around in your universe, giving or taking goodies, depending on his mood. It's very easy to use and configure, and is run after the TradeWars maintenance program EXTERN.EXE. Registration is only $7.00 Attention SYSOP's - Download this file!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Queen's Crown V3.2 - Trivia/D&D Door Game. Users answer questions given by the wizard Shirak to move up in levels in order to reach Queen. All users compete for the Crown and try to overthrow the existing Queen. Compatible with most BBS software. Supports up to 115K baud rate, COM 0-15, non-standard IRQ's and multi-port boards using a FOSSIL including PCBoard/M. Desqview compatible. From: DEKM Software, Inc.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Quantum Jump Version 2.20 Multinode N.U.G.I. Jump lets you leap through time to try and figure out who are and what you are supposed to do. Database builder available
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
QRDB is a dBase Compatable Database BBS Door. It runs as a door or Stand-Alone. Display, Search, Browse, Build or Edit .DBF and .DBT files. Can also display flatfiles such as the Darwin BBS list. When used as a door, DorInfo1.Def or Door.sys is required. Read and Write security levels can be set for each database. Text used in menus and prompts is stored in a .DBF file and can be edited.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
QReader 3.1. Powerful On-Line text reader for publications (USA), tutorials, reports. Scroll text with PgDn, PgUp, Home and End. Scroll left & right for text over 80 chars. Full featured Find & Repeat find facility displays entire page around the found text. Download capability. Highly configurable. DESQview, FOSSIL & non-standard com support.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Quantum Jump V2.20 Multinode N.U.G.I. ConSorTium SysOp Dave Wendling Quantum Jump lets you leap through time to try and figure out who are and what you are supposed to do. Database builder available on my bbs.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Quotes & Quips! Trivia v2.5 A BBS door program pertaining to famous sayings and quotes over the years. Registration will allow you to add questions to the database. Another PAROLE Software program by Dennis Maidon. Now creates RIP graphic bulletins as well as supports a RIPSCRIP interface. Supports all the major BBS drop files. WC!/PCB/SF/GAP, etc....
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Ver 3.0 Races, a horse racing game to let players bet all their points away. Multi-bbs, Multi-node, baud rates up to 115K, Fossil Driver / DV aware. Game played from one Main Menu for a faster game. It now has a Color toggle! Com-ports 0-15. Now runs in local mode.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Super Rassle v6.2 Wrestling Door Prg. Supports DOOR.SYS, USERINFO.DAT, CALLINFO.BBS, PCBOARD.SYS, SFDOORS.DAT, CHAIN.TXT and several other BBS user files. Super Rassle now supports a FOSSIL driver. No expiration date. Now supports RIP Graphics and WC!3.9. Another "PAROLE Software" release. Registration Fee: $15
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
The Ratio Door! v1.2 by T&J Software. For use as a front end to other doors, only allows users to enter when they meet your UL/DL ratio! Supports most BBS's, COM 0-15, non-standard IRQ's, multinode & DESQview aware, also supports fossil drivers!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
ROMANS AT WAR Door Game - Vers 2.51 From the Pillars of Hercules to the Indus river the empires in the era of Rome battle for world domination. Inter-BBS capable. Geographical and political maps. Six players per game Rome, Carthage, Macedonia, Parthia, Eqypt and Persia. Economics,politics, weather, army and navy building and training, morale, leaders, events like rebellions or disasters. Supports most popular BBS Software packages, including
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
RIVERBOAT BLACKJACK Door Game - Vers 1.05 Multi-player Realtime Rip and Ansi Blackjack game. Players take on the character of 1800s riverboat gambler 'seated' at the table with up to four others. Supports most popular BBS Software packages, including PCBoard Vers 15 & WildCat 3.9. With Rip graphics, supports non-standard interrupts, fossils, comports 1-4, IRQs 0-15, and speeds up to 115,200 baud.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
THE READER V4.01 - Online Mailreader/door for RA, SBBS, QBBS, ProBoard 2.0x and any other BBS creating DORINFOx.DEF. Supporting HUDSON, JAM and SQUISH Msgbase Style. Full Desqview, OS/2 and most other multitasker aware. Now full Netmail support (write/reply) and InterNet support added. Features : reading, writing, replying, searching for Keywords, Area-Change with NewMail-Scan, Tagging Mails, Language- Files, Logbook, Online - Help -
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
SPORTS & RECREATION TRIVIA IV v2.5 <<<< Trivia game with questions testing your knowledge of the sports and recreation. Fully functional, supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware. For this and other great door programs call The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
REMIND ME ! - Reminder Door v1.8 Part of the Sunrise Door Collection Callers leave REMINDERS to themselves. They are reminded daily/on a specific date/day of week/date of the month. Reminders displayed to caller when Door is opened; automatically if you make it AutoLogin. SYSOP can leave reminders to all/specific Security levels or SPECIFIC user. Supports Fossil-based Multi- Port cards, including PCBoard /M version!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Rescue - Door Game v2.8 . Part of the Sunrise Door Collection Rescue all the hotel guests before the bombs explode! Fast-paced, frustrating and FUN! Supports Fossil-based Multi-Port cards, including the PCBoard /M version. Now with MAKE-UP days and automatic score reset and Hall of Fame update, at end of month !!!!!!! * INTERBBS Capable
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
REVERSE v3.0 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Object is to arrange a list of numbers in numerical order by moving sections of numbers at a time. Fully functional, supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware. For this and other great door programs call The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Crooked Slots 1.00 Door with RIP Graphics
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
OzarkSoft RIPView door is a door program for viewing RIP graphic screens. RIPView allows the SysOp to see the graphic screens at the same time the remote user is viewing them. You do not have to have a RIP aware BBS to run this door. The only requirement is that you must have an EGA or better monitor attached to your BBS computer. This door will run on most BBS types. Try it you and your users will both like it. By OzarkSoft and
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Rebel Kingdom On-Line Door Game for most BBS Programs. Rebel Kingdom is a medievil RPG where you build your kingdom while destroying your opponents. The game takes place in the 16th century. You build your Kingdom by harvesting crops, investments, gambling and capturing land from your enemies. Includes a complete on-line Door Sysop Maintenance section as well as many other features For a complete look at what is available from
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
R U N A W A Y The Ultimate Onliner. RUNAWAY is an interactive online game designed for bulletin board systems, but it can be run without a BBS as well! You have run away from home, and you are trying to make a living the rough way! This game is PACKED with action, strategy, and tons of ANSI graphics and music! So download it and put it on your BBS today! Registration is only $15! And be sure to help support the game, and distribute it
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
ROCK & ROLL TRIVIA I v2.5 <<<<<<<<< Trivia game with questions testing your knowledge of rock and roll. Fully functional, supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware. For this and other great door programs call The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
ROCK & ROLL TRIVIA IV v2.5 <<<<<<<< Trivia game with questions testing your knowledge of rock and roll. Fully functional, supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware. For this and other great door programs call The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
CDROM FILE DOOR Rombrain works with door.sys, chain.txt dorinfo.def, sfdoors.dat. Supports multi- cd drives. Features fast searches, archive functions (read/transfer/view/download) and more. The best CDROM door! (Demo) From Brainex 310-275-2344.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
ROMDOOR v4.0X: CD-ROM Door for Wildcat v3.x V4.XX PcBoard 14.5 Systems Allows access to CD-ROMs and their vast storage capablities. It offers: The ablity to run from 1-250 CD-ROMs and up to 32,000 file areas
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Restaurant Review Door. Supports several BBS formats and baud rates up to 115,200.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
RAILROAD EMPIRES Door Game - Vers 2.18 Railroad Tycoon Door game. You are one of six railroad tycoons who attempt to take over most the US and Canadian railroads. Operate the railroad and make a profit. Invest in rail lines and drive your competitors out of business. Forge your own railroad empire. Supports most popular BBS Software packages, Rip graphics, supports IRQs 0-15, comports 1-4, and speeds up to 115,200 baud.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
RimeSearch is a RelayNet Conference Browsing Door for any bbs type that can use any of the following drop files: door.sys, pcboard.sys, callinfo.bbs, dorinfo#.def or chain.txt. This door allows you to search the RIME conference list for any word or phrase. It returns the information on any applicable conferences. Setup is simple and this door is a must for any BBS that carries RIME! Registration only $7.50
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
REALtime Menu System a LIVE DOOR MENU GENERATOR for LiveCat, LivePRO & WildFire by Steve Cox. Generates Live Door Menus REALtime in ASCII, ANSI, and RIP! Lists last accessing caller and times the door was played. Complete USER Stats and AWESOME game menus! Generates bulletins on doors and users. By Peter Guethlein V0.997 11/28/93 Support Board THE SOLAR SYSTEM BBS 714-837-9677/3218.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
RoboTape v4.00 Users download from tape CD rom and hard drive areas. Has great RIP graphics support. Supports multiple tapes, cds, and cd drives. File tagging and file ratios, dbase engines, quality file base management tools.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
RISE TO POWER Door Game - Vers 1.95 Now with Automatic Multi-node lockout! Game of intrigue in 15th Century Germany. Using treachery, diplomacy, marriage, assassins, combat and other strategies common to the middle ages can you become king and unite Germany in this Machiavellian game? Now with Ansi art provided by ANSI Artist Violet Stymacks. Not a multi-node game, BUT will NOW work on a multi-node system. Supports most
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Gold Rush v1.0ß; Online door that put you in
the role of a miner to mine gold. Supports
Multitasker awareness, COM1-4 and just about
any door drop file. Very Easy set up.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
RIPView v1.11 - RIPView is a door that will automatically detect RIPScrip Graphics and will show the user up to 1000 screens. RIPView will display ASCII, ANSI and RIPScrip screens. RIPView supports languages, the following drop files: TriBBS, PCBoard, DOOR.SYS (GAP), SpitFire, WildCat!, RBBS (DORINFOx.DEF), and WWIV, locked serial ports, 16550 FIFO buffering, you don't need ANSI.SYS loaded, aware of DesqView, Windows,
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
RIP Voting Booth Door! v1.0 Users vote for their favorite RIP graphic screens! Supports COM0-15, DESQview and Network ready, fossil drivers, easy setup and configuration via the RIPUTIL program! Will run on ANY BBS that supports Doors! End users must use a RIP compatible com program. From T&J Software!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Advanced Door Supporting VGA Planets V3 & V3.1. REMOTE access to host AND Master. Multiple game support, multiple external protocols. Registration $15.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Steel & Ice Hockey v3.01 -] Welcome to the next level of online sports simulations! This latest update to a great hockey online includes a roster of 520 NHL players, Anaheim/Florida, more stats, more ability scores and expanded game play. Supports DORINFOx.DEF/DOOR.SYS, fullscreen ANSI/Avatar only. (c) 1992-93 Minds Edge Productions Inc.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Callers talk to Santa Claus on your BBS. DOOR written for PCB & WC! but any BBS that can use DOOR.SYS or DorinfoX.Def can use this. Fossil compatible. XMAS gift to sysops from The Drawbridge BBS in Florida & The Freeware Hall of Fame in Virginia.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
SARATOGA RACEWAY v2.0-NOW SUPPORTS COM1-COM4! Several compatibility upgrades over last REL. Fast ANSI animated Grafix/extensive Sound FX. Very addictive!! One of the UltraSoft series of action Door Games for the 90s. Thundering hoofs circle a huge oval track while you win the Big Bucks! Careful tho don't let the BAD GUYS do you in.REAL Horses & REAL Criminals! DOOR.SYS/DORINFO1.DEF or any convertable BBS. Upl by Author Steve Hansen, UltraSoft-Hawaii
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
SHOP MASTER CREDIT CARD ORDER DOOR; Let your callers order products or obtain BBS subscriptions online by credit card. Instantly changes level and expiration date to sysop determined levels for GAP and PCBoard. Stores ordering information in sysop defined file. Can process orders online with TelePC. Very configurable.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
ScaryFish 2.2 - Multispecies Fishing Game 1-4 Players; over 25 species; many options. Has "Relaxing" and Tournament modes. Shareware version has 49 holes at 3 worlds. Humorous mishaps occur. Results different every time you play. Need at least 470K RAM Graphics not req'd but supports VGA EGA CGA & Herc. Keywords: games sports fishing scary Exciting contest with over 100 ways to win! Anglers will appreciate the realism.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Scavenger Hunt is a door of intense competition! Searching, Stealing, and hiding... setting traps and carefully avoiding set-ups by other players! Locate the objects on your list before you opponents can 10-26-94 Support BBS: 616-968-7150 28.8k 24 Hrs.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
SantaCHAT Door v.1.0 - for PCB or for LOCAL use at home to CHAT with Santa "live" via Internet. Freeware from Polymath One, * * * Try it (609) EWA-LYKE it! * * * * it can recognize User that is not Login User (as, the one sitting on your lap!) * * Use it at HOME in LOCAL mode! * * MERRY CHRISTMAS! * *
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Schmooz! 1.2, BBS Game Door from DavisWARE that will blow you away! Highly addictive game that challenges the mind! Users can chat with each other while playing. Very competitive game for just about any BBS system! Written by James R. Davis!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
SCHTKR v1.2 - ScaryFish world editing util. Many options. Create your own "worlds". Stock fishing holes or let computer stock them. Worlds can have up to 32 species from a list of over 40. Extensive documentation. Includes 2 example files, test mode, screen- saver, best worlds contest rules, and more! Keywords: games sports fishing ScaryFish PMP Freeware "lite" version of Make Your Own Worlds Util ($15), almost identical.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
SCIENCE & NATURE TRIVIA IV v2.5 <<<<<< Trivia game with questions testing your knowledge of science and nature. Fully functional, supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware. For this and other great door programs call The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Scramble! Door v3.9; Unscramble the words in a set time period, ships with OVER 30,000 words, supports COM0-15, DESQview aware, all major BBS's supported, speeds up to 115.5k, tournament play, high score and monthly high score saved, and colorful ANSI screens! This version also supports fossil drivers!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Scrabble Door v4.0E - Shareware Release BBS Door adaptation of the popular Scrabble board game! Supports many different BBS file formats internally. Uses a FOSSIL if available - not required. Supports its own internal ANSI routines.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
SCRIPTURE TRIVIA IV v2.5 <<<<<<<<< Trivia game with questions testing your knowledge of the Bible. Fully functional, supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware. For this and other great door programs call The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Science Class Trivia 2.0 from TES Software! 300+ tuff scientific question to blow your users minds. NON-CRIPPLED Sharware for updates call 919-895-0368 DUAL
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
SCUBA DIVING TRIVIA IV v2.5 <<<<<<<< Trivia game with questions testing your knowledge of scuba diving. Fully functional, supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware. For this and other great door programs call The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Sea Hunt Door Ver 2.0 with OnLine Play! Allows Online Play even UnRegistered! Allows Setup even while UnRegistered! Can leave messages in Games for opponent! Allows Diagonal Ships, ScatterBombs, Mines,& Fatal mines, & Supply ships! Prevents Sysop from Viewing while Users enter Ships. Sysop may include a credit line in the Exit Screen. Allows Sysop vs User Direct play while User is Online.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Word Search - Door Game v3.9 . Part of the Sunrise Door Collection All-time favorite puzzle game. Choose a word from the Word List, locate it on the letter grid and earn points! Makeup games missed, during the month. Automatic game reset and Hall of Fame bulletins, at end of month. Supports Fossil-based Multi-Port cards, including the PCBoard /M version!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Emerald Seer v1.1; ICON verification/update door.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
This is BNSV110B.EXE which fixes ONE minor bug from the release of September 11th to September 12th. Just replace this .EXE on top of the old one. For Blood and Silver v1.10 door game. << D/L me if you have an .EXE marked as September 11th! >> To get the entire Blood and Silver game, look for: <<< BNSv110B.ZIP >>>
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
ServeUp File Door Version 1.0 Offers a file to users and lets them download it. Keeps track of users who download it and does not bother them after they do. Custom screens, sysop defined protocols, @VARIABLES@, and RIPscrip support. Perfect for new user registration packets. By Keith S. Kolbo
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Seven/Eleven v2.00 By DKS Software. Most BBS's supported. A dice game in which you try to match your first roll or get a 7 or 11 on your first roll. Similar to Craps. Multi-Node Supported and Desqview aware. When registered features make-up missed days and bulletin generator.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Seven Towers v1.4 On-Line Door Game A fun little dominoe game that is addictive. The game play is made up of seven columns stacked four high. Object is to remove two dominoes whose pip value is 12 points. It takes luck to be able to finish this game. Game is played with a standard Double-6 set. DOMINOE DOOR GAME ONLINE Worldwide Programming (209) 497-6722
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
SEX TRIVIA IV v2.5 <<<<<<<<<<<< Trivia game with questions testing your knowledge of the sex. Fully functional, supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware. For this and other great door programs call The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Sex Trivia v5.2 Adult Entertainment A trivia door program containing over 200 questions on america's favorite pasttime, SEX! This is a full-featured release with only a small delay at the start. Registration will remove the delay. Sex Trivia now supports a FOSSIL driver. Registered doors will automatically reset the game scores at the beginning of each month. Another BBS Door from PAROLE Software by Dennis Maidon. Now creates RIP
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Bajoran Trivia Door v1.00b A fast paced Bajoran trivia door designed to run on any BBS or as a StandAlone-DOS prompt. The .DAT file is still being upgraded weekly and is always available for download from our BBS 215-426-5596 (SFBAJTRV.DAT). Test your skills and knowledge on the Bajoran Culture, History and Heritage! KLINGON TRIVIA TREK STAR BAJORAN DOOR GAMES Klingon SoftWare Labs (tm) 1993
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Suggested Files v1.00 - This utility when used as a door or a logon utility will help you to make users aware of any files you suggest they download!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Shadow Board Version 1.5 Real Time SysOp / BBS Simulation Door Game. Players can select BBS, up to 8 "Shadow Nodes", Fake InterNet and Online Store connection, Covert actions to "hack" other Shadow Baords, Virus Scan, Artificial Intelligent users log into the Shadow Board and "use" the board and More!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
SHAMpage: Auto-answer SysOp page door. FREE! A.I. program will answer page bell and chat with caller even when SysOp is not there! Uses standard DOOR.SYS or DORINFOx.DEF file. IRQ 1-15, COM 1-4 up to 115,200 baud, FOSSIL support, XON/XOFF and CTS/RTS. Drop to DOS, various timer functions (user's time left, input timer, SysOp hot keys to change user's time, etc.), carrier detection, CTS checking and more.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
NEW! Shells! Door 9/94 Fun BBS game for all users, the ancient game of Shuffle.Exciting ANSI graphics & movement, special effects! Bulletins output. Full multinode support. Score Tracking. More, much more! Easy to setup, very configurable. Bulletin Outputs. Supports DOOR.SYS, SpitFire, WC!, GAP, PCB, & most other BBS types. $8 by TTW - [ASAP]*
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Shell v1.0 BBS drop-to-DOS DOOR with selected commands
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Domain Shopper v2.20c (UNREGISTERED) An online catalog ordering system for Synchronet BBS systems. Users can order products ONLINE using their major credit cards. Up to 99 catalogs of up to 10,000 products each.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
SHOPDOOR v2.25 The Ultimate TeleShopping-Door for Firms, Sponsors, Sysops and Registration-Sites !!! The following options are implemented: - Multi-BBS system Compatible Door (RA v1.11, RA v2.0x, Proboard v2.0x, SBBS v1.17, ROBO v1.08, EZYCOM v1.xx) - Multi-Messagebase Compatible Door (Squish,Hudson,Fido,JAM,Ezycom) - Multi-language: Dutch,English,German,French, Swedish,Spanish,Brazil,Portuguese and
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Online Shopper DEMO. External Shopping & Ordering Door Easy for users to use. You can set up your own payment methods and shipping methods for your users to select from. Users can browse your products and order. Once registered will create an invoice for each order placed. Extremely User Friendly. Your users will have no problem figuring out this one...
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
SHOW BIZ TRIVIA QUIZ DOOR; Test your ShowBiz trivia IQ! Great entertainment trivia door
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Word Shuffle - Door Game v3.1 . Part of the Sunrise Door Collection Word letters are shuffled and the player must unscramble them. Includes a database/event manager. Supports Fossil-based Multi-Port cards, including the PCBoard /M version!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Siggy, the AI Door Games: It talks to you, and LEARNS!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
DRAGONSLAYER v2.0 <<<<<<<<<<<<< Text game where you must slay the fearsome dragon. Fully functional, supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware. For this and other great door programs call The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
SuperLine v2.00 - A small door program that allows users to post one-line messages that may be read by others at logon. Supports Wildcat 3.x, RA 1.x, 2.x, QuickBBS 2.7x, 2.8x, SuperBBS 1.1x, ProBoard 1.x, 2.x and many others. Now includes a menu driven configuration program with mouse support and word filter.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Brainex Vegas Slots; Brainex Video Slot Machine, just like Las Vegas. Great ANSI graphics!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Slots of Luck V2.3 - Slot Machine Door Game. Users place a bet and pull the lever to get a chance to win the Jackpot. This game has three separate rows, so the users triple their chances of winning. Compatible with most BBS software. Supports up to 115K baud rate, COM 0-15, non-standard IRQ's and multi-port boards using a FOSSIL including PCBoard/M. Desqview compatible. From: DEKM Software, Inc.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Sky Mountain v1.03; Searchlight specific Trivia door Game
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Fortune Smeller v1.3 (C) Copyright 1994. A Tronix Developer's production by CJ aka Charles Sperber ... Fortune Smeller v1.3 is a WWIV online door which will smell fortunes. Funny & entertaining. I'm freeware!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Solitaire v2.0 Online Door Game Solitaire plays just like your ordinary game Some nice features have been added to this game though. Full ansi and ANSI MUSIC. SOLITAIRE ONLINE DOOR GAME WORLDWIDE PROGRAMMING [209] 497-6722
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Ver 2.9 Songs, Game that allows players to get first line of a song and then guess what the tune is! Multi/bbs/node, baud rates to 115K, Fossil Driver / DV aware. Com-ports 0-15. Now faster play from one menu and you select number of songs per entry. Now runs in local mode.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
SHIP OF THE LINE - Sailing Ship Combat Door Game - Vers 1.11-Batten down the hatches and man the cannons for you are about to sail in harms way! Journey back in time in this DOOR Game of the period where you will experience what is considered by many to be the pinacle of the great wooden sailing ships of the line era. A easy to learn but fun game which is half wargame and half card game and takes place in the Atlantic Ocean between 1778 and
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
SPORTS TRIVIA III v2.5 <<<<<<<<<< Trivia game with questions testing your knowledge of the sports. Fully functional, supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware. For this and other great door programs call The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
SPORTS TRIVIA IV v2.5 <<<<<<<<<<< Trivia game with questions testing your knowledge of the sports. Fully functional, supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware. For this and other great door programs call The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
NCAA Sports Trivia v4.0 A college sports BBS door program from PAROLE Software. Automatically resets each month. Create full color ANSI, WC!3.x, PCBoard and RIP graphic bulletins. Registered SysOps may DL an editor to allow questions to be added to the database.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Sq_v289.zip - Space Quest 2112. A Great SPACE ADVENTURE Simulation to play on any BBS. Command your Galaxy Class Star Cruiser from the Virtual Reality type ANSI Bridge. You can Actually see the planets and ships as you blow them up. Form alliances, construct Space cities. Over 250,000 unique space locations. Includes ANSI Sound Support. Has Built in internal serial routines.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Space Race (Door Game) ver. 2.30 Try to become the strongest empire. Very challaging due to movement taking place in using a 3 dimentional area. Now ues DOORFRAME Library, supporting Non-Standard Comport & IRQ's. Programmer: William Rountree Release Date 09\03\94
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
SUPPLY SHIP 1.4 - for TradeWars version 2 The SUPPLY SHIP is one of several add-on's for TradeWars 2002 version 2 from the TW-EXTENDERS series by SimSoft PCS. Have a SUPPLY SHIP cruise through the universe stopping and restocking ports! Also drops colonists on Terra! It is very easy to use and configure, and is run directly after the TradeWars maintenance program EXTERN.EXE. Registration is only $7.00 Attention SYSOP's
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
SuperSlots! v3.1. Slot machine game DOOR for many BBS types from J & W Software. Features include: ANSI/RIP screens with sound and animation, full Multi-Node support, COM1-COM8 and IRQs 1-15 supported, DESQview aware, easy installation and no maintenance.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Stack'Em! v3.1. 'Tetris' type DOOR game for many BBS types from J & W Software. Maintenance release to version 3.0. New in v3.x - RIPscrip graphics, configurable Bonus, two new movement commands, sound and more. Features include: ANSI/RIPScrip displays, Full Multi-Node support, COM1-COM8 and IRQs 1-15 supported, FOSSIL support, DESQview aware, Easy setup and no maintenance.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
STAIRWAY - Door Game v1.1 . Part of the Sunrise Door Collection A word game that will put your vocabulary skills to the test. The computer selects the starting letter and player must make words ranging from 2-7 letters. Dictionary is included! Makeup games missed during the month. Automatic reset & Hall of Fame. Supports Digiboard, DV, LANs Non-Standard Com ports!* INTER-BBS capable*
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
TV STARS TRIVIA I v2.5 <<<<<<<<<< Trivia game with questions testing your knowledge of TV Stars. Fully functional, supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware. For this and other great door programs call The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
State Capitols v1.1; Trivia Door Game Which Allows Users To See How Well They Know The USA. Try to guess the Capitals of all 50 States, Fun To Learn.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
STATES - Door Game v2.9 . Part of the Sunrise Door Collection The computer guesses the State you have selected by asking you a series of questions. This is FREEWARE, so use it and enjoy ! BRUN45.EXE no longer required! Supports Fossil-based Multi-Port cards, including the PCBoard /M version!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Challenge Your Users With This Tetris Clone!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
BBStock Exchange v1.07 Online Game Door; Bulletin Board Stock Exchange is another BBS Onliner Interface game that will run under virtually all DOS based BBS systems. Play the market and the computer and get your score on the monthly Hall of Fame.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
MAKE A STORY DOOR; Callers can read and add to never ending multiple choice story adventures. Includes a story editor.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Super Trek Trivia 1.0! Lets the Trekkies choose from 5 question topics or combine all of them into one. Topics include:Deep Space 9 Original Series,Startrek Movies, and The Next Generation. Ansi/Ascii displays/bulls and has Fossil Support included. Registered versions will also be able to add there own questions to the database. All updates/bugs can be reported at Terminal Entry 910-895-0368 or 1:3634/32. The newest version can be freq'ed
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Simply the ULTIMATE Planets Interface Door (S.T.U.P.I.D?) - Over a year in the making. Full support for many external VGA Planets utilities (such as BLANK.EXE, REF.EXE and MASTER2.EXE). Excellent features; more than any other Planets door I have ever seen. Look for yourself! New Release! .CFG bug FIXED! More features!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
SUMMATION! V1.00 with FULL RIP SUPPORT! A strategy game where the players must use careful selection and addition to defeat thier computer or human opponents. Supports REAL-TIME multi-user, multi-node, DOOR.SYS, DORINFOx.DEF, WILDCAT, Fossil drivers, Digiboard, and higher IRQ settings. Tested for use with OS/2 and DESQview. NEW: Improved RIP code, DSZ and GSZ support! * SHAREWARE $15.00
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Sunrise Doors HOF BLT Generator v1.6 . Part of the Sunrise Door Collection SUNHOF is a utility used to create a SET of HALL of FAME bulletins for selected Sunrise Door Software games on the 1st of each month; automatically via an EVENT. Will also clear files for a new game. Can only be used with Cryptograms and Word Shuffle !!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Super Trivia v1.0 A stand-alone version of OnLine Trivia. A FREE play at home game from PAROLE Software & Dennis Maidon.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
SURVEY - Door Utility v1.2 . Part of the Sunrise Door Collection Take SURVEYS or VOTE on issues. Allows for up to 10 Surveys, up to 25 questions per Survey, up to 10 choices per question, & up to 10 lines of user FREE-FORM text comments. Sysop sets the length of time Survey is to be active. Will show number of responses for each question choice as well as the percentage of total vote count per question.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Svalvards Door v3.30. A D&D type door for PCB/QBBS/RemoteAccess BBS's. Very fun and addicting. It takes about 3-5 months to complete the game as a beginner. Very intense.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Software Review Door. Supports several BBS formats and baud rates up to 115,200.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
STAR WARS TRIVIA IV v2.5 <<<<<<<<< Trivia game with questions testing your knowledge of the Star Wars movie series. Fully functional, supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware. For this and other great door programs call The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
SWEEPSTAKES DICE - Door Game v1.9 . Part of the Sunrise Door Collection A fast paced, challenging dice game where you bet on the outcome of the roll of 6 dice. Automatic game reset & Hall of Fame bulletins at end of month. Makeup games missed during the month. REAL TIME scoring and JACKPOT points !!!!! Supports Multi-Port cards, including PCBoard /M version!!!!!!!!!! * INTERBBS Capable*
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
SWORD FIGHT v2.5 <<<<<<<<<<<<< Text game where you must defend yourself from the fierce Baron. Fully functional, supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware. For this and other great door programs call The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Territories 3069: JDH's Universal RIP Game!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
TABSSUB...The instant membership door.. TABSSUB work in conjunction with TABS 900 subscription line.TABS is a service of True Media Inc.You must be using TABS to use this door. What TABSSUB does is allow callers to enter the code they recieved from TABS and instantly update thier security level. TABSSUB is TriBBS specific and will not work with any other type of BBS software as far as I know.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Target v3.2; The ANSI Shooting Game Door
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
TAROT CARD READER v2.5 <<<<<<<<<< The Tarot Reader will attempt to predict your future and determine your destiny using the 78 card tarot deck. Fully functional, supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware. For this and other great door programs call The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
T O M M C H A T 1.01 !!!!! A Door which turns your BBS into a multi-user chat line! Full remote c0 functions, Generic and Intelligent Actions, supports four door info file types, no special hardware or special TSRs needed! Many more features! Shareware $25. From \/\/hirlwind Software!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
THE CHAT v3.0ß : The chat is a "very slick"
split screen chat for sysops. swinging bar
shows who is cur- rently talking, eleminates
the annoy person who types when you do. Uses:
Door.sys, PCBoard, Wilcat,
Dorinfo1.def,Spitfire and more. This is still
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
The Display Door (TDD) v1.00. Display normal text files of any length in ASCII, ANSI and RIP graphics with one file. Allows sysop to define type of continuation prompts user sees. Fully interrupt driven, supports Fossils DigiBoard and non-standard comports as well as normal com ports up to 115,200! Another fine CalypsoWare product.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Target Dice v2.00 By DKS Software. Most BBS's supported. A dice game in which you try to match or come close to the computers roll and win money. Multi-Node and Desqview aware. When registered features make-up missed days and bulletin generator.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Terra-Firma v8.30: Multi-player interactive game in which the object is to colonize as many sectors of the Universe as possible. Terra-Firma has Ten Thousand (9999) sectors located in six different areas of the Universe. A player can attack other players Colony Ships as well as attack colonies made by other players. By doing so one player or more will become the richest and most powerful player(s) in the game.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Bug fix for Terra Firma door game v8.35
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
TASK FORCE BROADSIDE - Pacific Naval War Door Game - Vers 1.11-Anchors away and full steam ahead in this light hearted but fun game which is half wargame and half card game and takes place in the Pacific Ocean of the 1940's. Using drydock, sub attack, minefield, land based air support and broadside cards, you attempt to sink the opponents fleet of five ships before that fate happens to you. Did I mention that you can also draw Storm
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
The Graffiti Door - Version 2.10 Supports RIPscrip Graphics on both the user user AND Sysop Side! Concurrent Multi-Node Support; Fossil, Uart (including Fifo's), & DigiBoard support. Also supports locked bps rates, hrdwre flow control, & non- standard ports. Works as regular door OR login door. Comes with an editor, setup program, & sysop chat. Only $10! Released 11-26-93 by T.E. Morgan - 1:301/3
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
The Hack Door game v4.0 - Users think they are hacking into other BBS's
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
THEPOOL v1.1; Your users can pick who they think will win the weeks NFL Football games. Sysop Config. Supports for most BBS software, COM 1 - 15, up to 115K Baud, non-standard IRQ's, multi- nodes, Digiboard and multi-port boards using FOSSIL drivers. Requires ANSI.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Thinker V2.0 by McSoft Corp. Thinker is a fun, simple online card game which challenges you to achieve the highest monthly score possible. This game is similar to the game of "Concentration" as seen on television.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Thirteen v1.2 On-Line Door Game Here is a nice ANSI card game that your users will love. Has many nice features to the game. Object of the game is to clear a foundation of eight cards. Make match of using only 2 cards or just the King. Not easy by any means. Thirteen CARD ONLINE DOOR GAME Worldwide Programming (209) 497-6722
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
T&J Software's Bible Online Door v1.0: Supports most BBS systems, fossil drivers, and digiboard systems. Online searching in each book or the entire Bible. Registered version requires approx. 10 megs free.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
The T&J Lotto Door v1.60 - win at the lottery by picking the right lotto numbers! Let your users win up to three different prizes that you select, supports COM1-15, DESQview aware, non-standard IRQ's, colorful ANSI screens, fully SysOp configurable, supports fossil drivers, and most BBS types. A product of T&J Software
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
T&J Video Poker! v1.5 You set the payoff, 2's or better to Ace's or better! High hand of the day gets a BONUS tomorrow! BONUS is sysop configurable, various COM ports, DESQ- view and Network ready, top ten, alltime high, last weeks high, fossil drivers, easy setup and configuration via the VPUTIL program! From T&J Software!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
The T&J Raffle Door v1.1: Run a raffle on your BBS! Fixed # of tickets per person and door locks on your set date! Supports COM 0-15, multinodes and DESQview aware, automatic maintenance, colorful screens, and much more! Also supports Wildcat IM and PCBoard/M versions! This version also supports RIP!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
TJStat v1.3; Activity Log analyzer for Wildcat! 3.xx BBS's. Makes a concise one screen display of your activity log file for up to 10 different log files. No registration fee! A free utility for Wildcat! SysOp's.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Trivial King 3.9 from TES Software. Lets users compete for points from a database of over 1800 questions! Supports COM 1-4 with various IRQ's. All options are completly sysop configurable! It features a 1800 question database!. Also you can get ADDTK.EXE to add more questions to the database. For the latest releases or to report a bug please call Terminal Entry 919-895-0368 HST. 1:3634/32 TESFREQ is
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
The Labyrinth Door v2.20; A Maze Game pure and simple. No role playing! Setup program to create the config file. Multi- Tasker detection and support. Very Configurable! 5 Mazes included, SysOp can make more!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
STAR TREK: TNG TRIVIA I v2.5 <<<<<<< Trivia game with questions testing your knowledge of the Star Trek, The Next Generation. Fully functional, supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware. For this and other great door programs call The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Time of Chaos v4.7; Basically a futuristic, demographical, role-playing type of game, or simulation, which leans mainly towards scientific theory and fact.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Truth or Consequences v1.1 A FREE! Door program from PAROLE Software. See just how many user have the nerve to see the conclusion of this door program. There is NO registration fee for this door. This is one birthday where I'm giving out the presents. Enjoy! Copyright (c) 1993, PAROLE Software all rights reserved
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
PATCH.EXE File required to apply the patch files for the PAROLE Software door and utility updates.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Trivia Plus V2.3-Multi Trivia/Role Door Game. Users answer questions taking from six trivia categories. Starting at a Comatose level the user moves up in levels by gaining IQ points until they become the Genius. Compatible with most BBS software. Supports up to 115K baud rate, COM 0-15, non-standard IRQ's and multi-port boards using a FOSSIL including PCBoard/M. Desqview compatible. From: DEKM Software, Inc.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
The Pool Machine Version 5.0 - Run a sports pool on your BBS. Can be set up to run a real time pool or pick it's own winners. Comes with all game data for the 1994 NFL season. Easy remote maintenance, 6 week full demo use.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
The Polling Station Voting Door 0.99a
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Traffic Jam v6.03 - Door Game for any BBS system Upgraded Traffic Jam door game for many BBS systems. Most major BBS drop files supported. ANSI graphics game where you try to get from home to the airport in time and avoiding uneccesary delays. Must stop along the way to pick up snacks for the kids. The door features auto roll-over of the scores the 1st of the month, play back/ahead days. Fully configurable in registered version by
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Ver 4.4 Trek Trivia, allows callers to choose between Original Series, TNG or Deep Space 9 Trivia. Multi/Node/BBS. Fossil Driver / DV Aware. Com-Ports 0-15. Bauds to 115K. Also added a BONUS round for winners. Sysop now configures number of questions. Now runs in local mode.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Star Trek Trivia Quiz BBS Door; Features questions from TNG, and TOS. Registered version has question editor and 479 questions to test the skill of the most dedicated Trekker! Supports GAP, PCBOARD, WILDCAT 3, RBBS, WWIV, SPITFIRE or any DOOR.SYS BBS.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
STAR TREK, TRIVIA I v2.5 <<<<<<<<< Trivia game with questions testing your knowledge of the original Star Trek TV series and movies. Fully functional, supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware. For this and other great door programs call The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
STAR TREK, TRIVIA IV v2.5 <<<<<<<<< Trivia game with questions testing your knowledge of the original Star Trek TV series and movies. Fully functional, supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware. For this and other great door programs call The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Tri-Bingo v2.2 - Door Game by Mike Jordan. The best Bingo Door Game available. Many features, play up to 3 cards at a time and choose from several types of Bingo games. Several "Special" games that allow bonus payoffs. No expiration date or Demo Key required. Supports RIP and DigiFossil.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
TRIANGLE Solitaire - Door Game v3.6 . Part of the Sunrise Door Collection Remove all cards from the pyramid in Pairs that equal 13. Fast-paced solitaire game. Makeup games missed during the month. Automatic game reset & Hall of Fame bulletins, at end of month. Supports Multi-port cards, including PCBoard /M. * INTER-BBS Capable*
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Tri-Software Registration Door v1.0 ATTENTION PROGRAMMERS! Have you wanted to provide your users with a way to register your software online? Tri-Software Registration Door v1.0! This door will allow your users to register your software ONLINE! It has TOO many features to list including a LOG FILE,HACKER FILE,FILE CHECKING,AUTOMATIC AUTHORIZATION ONLINE THROUGH THE USE OF THE TABS 900 SYSTEM, It is compatable with the software
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Sunrise TRIVIA Door Game v2.2 . Part of the Sunrise Door Collection Nothing fancy, just a good old solid TRIVIA Door game. Question Database, change the questions via your Event process, import questions created offline or use the Trivia maintenance module to enter questions. Supports Fossil-based Multi-Port cards, including the PCBoard /M version!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Star Trek Trivia v2.0 Enhancement Release! The Ultimate "Star Trek" Trivia Door Game! Has over 300+ trivia questions with four multiple choice answers regarding all "Star Trek" facets, i.e. ST:TOS, ST:TMP, ST:TNG, ST:DSN, Klingon/English and English/Klingon trivia, Science, Technology, Race, Religion, Culture, Heritage, Make-Up and MORE! TRIVIA TREK STAR LANGUAGE DOOR KLINGON PAROLE SoftWare (C) 1991-94 - all rights reserved
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
The Rime List Door. View worldwide Rime nodes. Supports several BBS formats and baud rates up to 115,200. Version 10.2
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
TDM's TRACTOR PULL NATIONALS! NEWEST VERSION (1.23) * Released: Jan 4, 1995 * *Last Months Dirt Merchant Bug Fix* ^^^ ^^^ A User against User ANSI Doorgame featuring Tractor Pulling Machines with competetive action! Full Featured Pit Area and Engine Torque Meter to measure the strength of your pulling machine before and during your pull! Also, POP IN agents that offer you special deals that can make you or break you! New Month Auto-Scores
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Trivia Fever is an addictive trivia door program for use with VBBS. Just gives a score so users can play more than once!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
THE BEST ONLINE . STORE EVER! . . eleshoppe! . v2.13 . . The most complete on-line store available for all BBS types. Sell your items online without effort. TeleShoppe features an excellent dbase manager, Configurable screens, Extended descriptions, Shipping, Break Pts, Search and more! TSHOP uses a TRUE database and not text files! From Compu-Doc Consulting! Simply the BEST!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Time Trials v2.5 Drag Racing Simulation. A BBS door program that gives you everything but the smell of burning rubber. Supports all the major BBS types. Another BBS door from PAROLE Software and Dennis Maidon. Now creates RIP Graphic Bulletins. You gotta see it to believe it!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
TUNES v3.0 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Juke Box style ANSI music program with SysOp definable tunes for your listening. Fully functional, supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware. For this and other great door programs call The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
TUNE TRIVIA I v2.5 <<<<<<<<<<<< Trivia game with ANSI music asking you to "Name that tune". Fully functional, supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware. For this and other great door programs call The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
NINJA TURTLE TRIVIA IV v2.5 <<<<<<<< Trivia game with questions testing your knowledge of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle movies and comics. Fully functional, supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware. For this and other great door programs call The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Tuts Revenge v1.5 On-Line Door Game You may know this game as Pyramid 13. Game is done in ANSI. Has some real nice features to the game. Works on cursor movement. A must game for you solitaire type players. PYRAMID TUT GAME DOOR ONLINE Worldwide Programming (209) 497-6722
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Time Vault v4.0 For Searchlight BBS Door program for Searchlight BBS systems. Easy to install.. Has SL "look and feel"! Withdraw & Deposit functions completely configurable. Optional transfer feature can be enabled. Withdraws will not interfer with BBS events. Colors come right from you BBS color settings! Multi-node compat.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
TV TRIVIA IV v2.5 <<<<<<<<<<<<< Trivia game with questions testing your knowledge of TV programs. Fully functional, supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware. For this and other great door programs call The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
TV Agent Demo v1.01 - customizable TV guide for 99 users. Remembers hilites and deletes for titles, types, and channels. Delete channels you don't subscribe to (and dull types or titles) so you don't have to read thru so many listings. Print listings matching previous hilites without looking. 130+ channels, MANY episode details, FRESH listings. Demo is fully functional but only includes 22 channels for Jan 1-8, 1995.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Ver 2.6 TvTrivia, Players get to choose from 5 different Tv shows for the all the trivia. You can enhance it also & select how many times played etc. It is multi/node/bbs, bauds to 115K. Is fossil driver / DV aware. Com-ports 0-15. Very configurable by sysops. Now runs in local mode.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Trade Wars 2002 Assistant v2.20: Excellent offline TW2002 player utility! Supports door game version 1.03(d) and v2 and the Major BBS game v2. Easy to use full featured database for an edge over your competition! Very nice output. Many text reports (sector, port, route, etc.) and EGA/VGA graphic displays. Includes a no-turn universe mapper, dead ends, paired ports, and more. Also has many reports not found in most other database
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
The TradeWars 2002 Bible v1.1 (by Psycho)
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
TradeWars Bulletin Generator v1.2; Generates an easy to read bulletin of your current TW2002 game. If you are a sysop, Get It!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
THE BORG 1.5 for TradeWars 2002 version 2 The BORG is one of several add-on's for TradeWars 2002 v2 from the TW-EXTENDERS series by SimSoft Professional Computer Services. Have up to 10 BORG cruising in your universe assimilating Traders! It is very easy to use and configure, and is run directly after the TradeWars maintenance program EXTERN.EXE. Registration- $7.00 Attention SYSOP's - Download this file!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
GALACTIC BANK ROBBERS 1.5 for TradeWars v2 GALACTIC BANK ROBBERS is one of several add-ons for TradeWars 2002 v2 from the TW-EXTENDERS series by SimSoft PCS. Now the Galactic Bank at the Stardock can be robbed by Evil Aliens! Whover destroys the Alien will recover the money! It's very easy to use and configure, and is run directly after the TW maintenance, EXTERN.EXE. Registration is only $5.00 Attention SYSOP's - Download this
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
CRYSTALINE ENTITY 1.5 - for TradeWars v2. The CRYSTALINE ENTITY is one of several add-on's for TradeWars 2002 v2 from the TW-EXTENDERS series by SimSoft PCS. Have the CRYSTALINE ENTITY cruising around your universe, stopping on planets and ingesting colonists! It is very easy to use and configure, and is run directly after the TradeWars maintenance program EXTERN.EXE. Registration is only $7.00 Attention SYSOP's - Download this file!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
ICONIAN COMPUTER WEAPON 1.5 for TW2002 v2. THE ICONIAN COMPUTER WEAPON is one of the several of the add-on's for TradeWars 2002 v2 from the TW-EXTENDERS series by SimSoft Professional Computer Services. Have an ICONIAN COMPUTER WEAPON wandering around in your universe, infecting any shipboard computers that it happens to run across. It's very easy to use and configure, and is run after the TradeWars maintenance program
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
TW-PAYDAY 1.4 for TradeWars 2002 version 2 TW-PAYDAY is one of several add-on's for TradeWars 2002 v2 from the TW-EXTENDERS series by SimSoft PCS. Have the Feds pay your good traders for assistance and good morals, or have the Underground help fund the evil traders. It's very easy to use and configure, and is run directly after the TradeWars 2002 maintenance program EXTERN.EXE. Registration is only $5.00 Attention SYSOP's - Download
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Q" 1.5 - for TradeWars 2002 version 2. "Q" is one of several of the add-on's for TradeWars 2002 v2 from the TW-EXTENDERS series by SimSoft PCS. Have "Q" wandering around in your universe, giving or taking goodies, depending on his mood. It's very easy to use and configure, and is run after the TradeWars maintenance program EXTERN.EXE. Registration is only $7.00 Attention SYSOP's - Download this file!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
SUPPLY SHIP 1.4 - for TradeWars version 2 The SUPPLY SHIP is one of several add-on's for TradeWars 2002 version 2 from the TW-EXTENDERS series by SimSoft PCS. Have a SUPPLY SHIP cruise through the universe stopping and restocking ports! Also drops colonists on Terra! It is very easy to use and configure, and is run directly after the TradeWars maintenance program EXTERN.EXE. Registration is only $7.00 Attention SYSOP's
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
THE WANDERERS 1.4 - for TradeWars version2 THE WANDERERS is one of several add-on's for TradeWars 2002 2 from the TW-EXTENDERS series by SimSoft PCS. Have WANDERING planets roaming the universe, stocked with goodies to be picked up by traders or claimed and relocated! It is very easy to use and configure, and is run directly after the TradeWars maintenance program EXTERN.EXE. Registration is only $7.00!! Attention
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Trade Wars Helper release 7.0 is a terminal program used ONLINE with the BBS door game "Trade Wars 2002". It maintains a database of sectors with the known port and warp to information. Several commands are available to utilize this data in addition to commands that automate repetitive processes and map the TW universe GRAPHICALLY. Don't leave FedSpace without it!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
The Mad Hatter's TW2002 Universe Expander V0.88 A utility for the Trade Wars 2002 BBS door game. The unregistered version allows you to hook 2 universes together giving a total of 2000 sectors for your players to use. The registered version allows for up to 20,000 sectors, and the Intra-Universal Stardock.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
TRIPLE YAHTZEE - Door Game v6.6 . Part of the Sunrise Door Collection Great Dice game. Plays like the popular board game and is VERY ADDICTIVE! One of the top 5 Door games in the world. Supports Fossil- based Multi-Port cards, including PCBoard /M Automatic game reset and Hall of Fame bulletin generation, at end of month. * INTERBBS capable*
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
UfoBase Version 6.0 Online UFO Sightings Database. Add/Browse Download/Search/Rank Percentage Finds of over 271 UFO Sightings. INTERBBS Compatible! Network UFO Sightings Between BBSes! Online UFO "Journal" and ability to download files while within the door.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
THE ULTIMATE B.B.S. LIST door v2.00 Complete with 100 board database! Users can search your database by CITY, STATE, BOARD NAME, ZIP CODE, SOFTWARE, BAUD RATE, many others. Searches are VERY FAST!, and the data is displayed in a clean orgainized mannor. SysOps can add a COMPLETE description of there board, up to 64K in a full editor, not 2 or 3 lines like many other BBS listing doors. Benefits of registration: UNLIMITED
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
UniMessage 1.00 BBS door for caller creation of display files. This door will give you, the SysOp, the chance to give your callers a way to write messages to be seen during login, logoff, from the bulletin menu, or at any other time. Many BBS programs have an "automessage" feature built in; UniMessage is a door for those BBS's that don't offer such a feature.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
WORD UNSCRAMBLE v2.5 <<<<<<<<<<< Object of the game is to unscramble the letters to form the correct word. Fully functional, supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware. For this and other great door programs call The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Updatez v1.2 - FREEWARE for non-commercial SysOp's to output text to the com ports. Useful for updating the user on how long it will take to load a door. FOSSIL support - door.sys and dorinfo1.def - ANSI and ASCII support - New to V1.2 - Wait function & Display a text file & Display to ComPort
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Planet Connect's USA Today Door- A Free On-Line USA Today Decision Line Reader Door. Provided by Planet Systems and James Songer. Version 1.1
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
USBBSDOR 5.3. USBBS Listing Door. Search by Area Code, State, Text, Modem, BBS or New. Automated monthly maintenance. Colorizes list on the fly. DESQview aware. Easy to install. Downloadable off-line USBBS list searcher and viewer that can be personalized with the BBS name and telephone number (when registered). Supports FOSSIL and non-standard com ports.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Usurper v0.08 [1995-02-19] MultiUser/multiNode doorgame. Gangwars and partying. Sex, drugs and steriods. Fight monsters and other players in this fascinating game. Be prepared for violent and bizarre nonstop action. Can be run in Classic or NEW mode.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Ultra Trivia, one of the better trivia games.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Ultimate Universe ver 1.62 Bored with Trade Wars? Try Ultimate Universe, the most complex & challenging Space Conquest Door, ever. UU's features include over 460 Ship Devices, many Specialty Ports, Space Madness & up to 45 players in a single campaign. Playing fields can be up to 10 dimensions of 4000 Sectors each. Battle enemies, form teams and keep peace with the establishment, all while plotting to become a Lord
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
UUTERM beta; EGA term program for playing Ultimate Universe. Get more done faster and wiser while on-line. 3D graphics along with many important features that help you play better; Planet Alert, Procurator alert, Explore universe quickly and more.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Valence QWK door for Searchlight v1.3 Full support of color codes, included files, metacharacters, bulletins... much, much more! Fast, reliable, flexible. Easy setup. Now does node-level QWK networking. FREEware
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
VOTEBOX Version 2.01 ))))))) Can have to 10,000 topics to vote on Has command line options to display number of unanswered booths. Can set security needed to create a booth. A renumber booth command also added. Now also shows results graphically!! No longer requires a fossil driver!! Sets up in seconds and looks great!! Registration is VERY CHEAP!! - $5.00
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
VIP*Charge Card Door for BBS * v1.15 * Make money $$$ Accept MasterCard/Visa BBS SysOps receive monthly $$checks$$ Quick EZ setup for automated operation Fully configurable screens and menus Supports extended product descriptions New User Trial Subscription Utility DOOR.SYS and PCBOARD.SYS compatible Professional BBS SysOp service uses the VIP*Computer Services merchant account.. Charge card transactions processed by a
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
VERIFY!.EXE v3.1a - BBS online call back verification door program. Call back numbers are under the full control of the sysop. ERRORLEVELs returned to calling batch file for your online security level adjustment program. Support for TRIBBS and SPITFIRE BBSs included. Others by request. Use of this program makes the BBS callers accountable, and they know it! Sagerquist Micro Engineering BBS (805) 723-6908
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Video Bandit v1.1 - Door Game. Video Poker in a Slot Machine. Pull the Handle and watch the 5 cards spin. Select the cards to Hold or Discard and spin again. Payoff is based on the "Hand" that comes up. VB has RIP and Fossil detection. Works with non-standard addressing. Uses environmental variables for single *.cfg file in multi- node operation. Internal Setup. No expiration date or Demo Key required.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
VIETNAM WAR v4.0 <<<<<<<<<<<<< Defend yourself in Vietnam. Be careful, you don't know who you can trust. Fully functional, supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware. For this and other great door programs call The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
VIEW v1.5: Smart text file lister for RA2.x and DORINFO?.DEF'BBSs - Search option - PageUp/PageDn (uses smart ANSI/Avatar Sequences for optimal speed) - online help (ANSI file) - customizable ANSI files (even if not registered!) - CTL files offering nice bulletin access to files These CTLs may be nested! - Supporting ReadRoom.TOC + RaMAG Electronic Magazines - multi-lingual - multi-node - configuration program
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
The Viper Ca$ino Challenge; Latest Update To This Addictive and fun BBS DOOR. Written for RBBS/PC-Board/Gap/Wildcat/WWIV SPITFIRE and more! Just added a WINDOWED full-screen mode and more!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
VIP*Merchant Charge Card Door v1.05 * Charge Card Door for SysOps with their own MasterCard/Visa Merchant Account Quick EZ setup for automated operation Fully configurable screens and menus Supports extended product descriptions New User Trial Subscription Utility DOOR.SYS and PCBOARD.SYS compatible Revised: 01-15-95 Original VIP*Software
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
VoteDoor v1.0 by T.F.F. Utilities* State of the art online voting booth that allows users to add questions, vote, display results and add there own answers to questions. Features: FOSSIL com 1 - 8 Seamless multinode support DESQview/OS2/Windows aware DORINFOx.DEF and DOOR.SYS support And Much More!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
VGA Planets BBS DOOR Interface v1.40; Supports aliases as well as computer races. This is great Online Game, supports door.sys, pcboard.sys, doorinfo.def plus added fossil driver support. You need VP300.ZIP (Game files). This file includes the BBS DOOR Interface files only as well as the new upgrade HOST version and the CPLAYER utilities.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
A collection of utilities for vga planets.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
VPlusBLT 1.30 - Bulletin Generator For Use
With The Voter Plus Door Versions 1.93ß And
*AWESOME* RIP Style Bulletins Of The Voting
Results. Just A Hint Of Things To Come From
The Original VOTER PLUS Voting Door... ++ New
Calling Syntax - See VPLUSBLT.HST ++ !!
FREEWARE From The Author Of Voter Plus !!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Campaign Editor for VGA Planets 3.x Working Model v2.00: The Working Model of Campaign Editor for VGA Planets 3.x is being released as freeware.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
VGA Planets BBS Door Interface Program v1.00; Interface program for Tim Wisseman's VGA Planets. This release supports v3.00 and v3.10 of VGAP. Features include: Run up to 10 games at once; Support for Cplayer, the new AI computer player; Aliases; Each game has it's own configurable settings, such as minimum players needed; The players can edit their empire names and download the RACE.NM file for each game
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
VPlusEdt Ver. 1.21ß - Stand-Alone Editor For
.VTR and .USR Files. Compatible With Voter
Plus Versions 1.93ß+. FreeWare!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
HOSTPAT - VGA Planets host patch utility.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
VPHOST - VGA Planets host support utility.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
VPMovie 2.10: Compiler/Viewer for VGA Planets games. Allows host to create a "Movie" of what happens during the game, for everyone to see when the game is finished. A must for any serious VGAP player, or anyone wanting to see where they went wrong in their games... Point and click interface, adjustable speed, easy to use... In use in VGAP Tournament! Try it out! Sample (simple) .VPM movie included.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
VPMKTRN - FAST turn file compile utility.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
VPUNPACK - FAST result file unpack utility.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
VPUTIL - VGA Planets support utility.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
V-Shell v1.2: VBBS specific door designed to allow the system operator to perform a wide variety of tasks from a remote location.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
WIN2002! Version 1.0 Beta. Only the BEST, and perhaps only, Trade Wars trading pair seeker (only one I know of for any version over 1.03). More features to come, not a dime out of pocket, it's freeware, at least for now! Don't take my word for it, download this and see how much money you can REALLY make at Tradewars, beginner or expert alike! Well worth checking out!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Wacky Words V2.2 - A Word & Puzzle Door Game. Back Words - try to find all the words in a puzzle, but the words are spelled backwards. Word Jumble - try to unscramble a given word in less then three tries. Compatible with most BBS software. Supports up to 115K baud rate, COM 0-15, non-standard IRQ's and multi-port boards using a FOSSIL including PCBoard/M. Desqview compatible. From: DEKM Software, Inc.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Wand Ad Door v1.0 by Alan Davenport - Supports non-std irq - fossil - to 115200 bps
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Don't Wake The Sysop v1.0ß A simple but fun
bbs game. Give your users a new way to log
off of your system!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
The Graffiti Wall v3.5 (C) Copyright 1994. A Tronix Developer's production by CJ aka Charles Sperber ... The Graffiti Wall v3.5 is a freeware production by Tronix Developers. This onliner is compatible with several BBS types and serves as an entertaining method of writing anonymous comments to other users of your system. Download me, I'm freeware!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
THE WANDERERS 1.4 - for TradeWars version2 THE WANDERERS is one of several add-on's for TradeWars 2002 2 from the TW-EXTENDERS series by SimSoft PCS. Have WANDERING planets roaming the universe, stocked with goodies to be picked up by traders or claimed and relocated! It is very easy to use and configure, and is run directly after the TradeWars maintenance program EXTERN.EXE. Registration is only $7.00!! Attention
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
game. Warpath is a game of galactic conquest and development, where two philosophies vie for the heart of the galaxy. This game may be played solo, direct head to head, or with up to four players via the Game Connection, using Line Mode.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Brainex Weather Brain; Now you can provide your users with local and state weather information, updated every 3 to 4 hours... Weather Brain will call online weather services and create ANSI and ASCII news files with your local and state weather.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Word Criss Cross (Door Game) ver. Beta: Attempt to make 5 letter words in this 5x5 grid. Displays the status of the remaining letters. If you like scrabble take a look at this! User controlable colors. Challanging. Requires user to have ANSI. Keep daily winners as well as a total winner for that month. Uses DOORFRAME library for Non-Standard Comport and IRQ's.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
WinChecker! v1.0 - Free utility program for the T&J Lotto Door program. Checks for last nights winner so you can leave yourself a message that somebody has won!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
WORLD CLASS SOCCER v3.5 Excellent DOOR GAME of professional soccer! Supports: DORINFOn.DEF, DOOR.SYS, PCB, others Now includes all WC94 contestants! Low Reg! Authors from London, Ontario... EASY to USE! -
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
WCS BlackJack v1.2 - BlackJack game and MORE!! Double down, Split, but beware of the pickpockets! Of course, you just might "find" some money, too! Registered version enables make-up days. NO KEY FILE REQUIRED!! Registration is $10/Single-$15/Multi node From WCS Software Rob Williams, WCS Software 1/15/95
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
WCS Keno v1.0 - Fun, fast-paced keno game Just like playing the lottery, only better! Visually exciting screens, plus watch out for those pickpockets! Registered version comes with make-up days enabled.*REQUIRES NO KEY FILE TO RUN.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
WCS Uno v1.1- Similar to the card game UN But much more FUN!!! Visually exciting screens, plus watch out for (or she) is a tough competitor! Registered version comes with make-up days enabled. *REQUIRES NO KEY FILE TO RUN* From Rob Williams, WCS Software 2/5/95
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
WAY FREIGHT-Rail Operations Door Game Vers 1.11- No time for that second cup of coffee you've got a long busy day ahead in this fascinating door game of rail operations on the single freight train level. You are chief engineer and must deliver up to 20 freight cars to the proper industries in the fewest number of moves. Realistic rail movement mechanics, 5 different rail maps and 4 different skill levels guarantee that no two
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
WHEEL OF FORTUNE v3.0 <<<<<<<<<<< Just like the hit TV game show Wheel of Fortune (sorry no Vanna). Fully functional, supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware. For this and other great door programs call The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
WhoCalled V7.1 (PCBoard) LastCall/WhoCalled Bulletin Maker! A Billing Module & External DataBase! Let Your Users Use THEIR OWN Callers Log! WhoUsers Included! (A Complete & External DataBase Of The Users File.) PRINTs Invoices & Processes TeleFlora-PC-B Users On The Fly! Track The Last XX Callers & Creates A Bulletin To Show LogOn Msgs Files (U/D) & Mins. Includes Invoicing To Bill Your Users By Mins/Files/Msgs.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
FalcoSoft Software Development Presents
WireNews 1.00(ß) BBS-NewsCompiler : creates
ANS & ASC files in WIRESTYLE !!!!! Absolutely
great, download and use it... ShareWare
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Wizard Maze 3D v1.26: 100 levels of confusing 3D mazes. Your users enter as a young apprentice who has mistakenly put himself on trial. They must navigate the mazes using spells, automap, and a compass before being overcome by noxious fumes. Supports DOOR.SYS, DORINFOx.DEF, WILDCAT, DigiBoard, Fossil, higher IRQ settings, and RIP detection. NEW: Improved auto-mapper, depth shading, Multi-tasker friendly!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Word Mix On-Line Door Game for most BBS Programs. Word Mix is a Multi-Level Scrambled Word Game. There are 3 levels, 1,2 & 3. level 1 words are 5-7 characters long, level 2 are 8-11 characters and level 3 words are 12-15 characters. Points are 5, 10 & 15 respectivly. Keeps trach of al all time high score as well as a monthly high score. There is a complete on-line maintenance section and much more. For a complete look at what is
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
WWIVMail/QWK v4.53 Qwk mail door for WWIV version 4.23.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
WHEEL of FORTUNE - Door Game v5.9 . Part of the Sunrise Door Collection Plays like the popular TV game show. Includes puzzle database manager with automatic puzzle changes via your nightly event process ! NEW OPTION allows players to supply Sysop with puzzles, at end of game, online. Supports Fossil-based Multi-Port cards, including the PCBoard /M version! New Maintenance program!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Word Scramble v1.4 On-Line Door Game See how fast your users can unscramble the word. SCRAMBLE ONLINE DOOR GAME Worldwide Programming (209) 497-6722
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Word_Challenge! HOT New BBS Door Game! An Intellectual Game and Vocabulary Tester. Also used offline at Home or in a Classroom Environment!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
WORDZEE - Door Game v2.1 . Part of the Sunrise Door Collection A VERY CHALLENGING word game, played with word dice. Form words from the dice roll and fill in the corresponding categories. Play 1-3 games at once. Definitely NOT a game to be playing when you are tired! Makeup games missed during the month. Automatic reset & Hall of Fame. Supports Digiboard including PCBoard /M !* INTER-BBS capable*
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
WPBETSY v1.1-Excellent Betsy Ross & Calculation Solitairre On-line Game. Two games in one! Uses almost any dropfile format. A MUST SEE for any BBS/Sysop.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
WPDOGS v1.7 Excellent On-Line Dog Racing Simulation. Color graphics let you watch the dogs run around the track. Has all the betting options of the real dog races. A MUST SEE for any BBS/Sysop.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
WPPOKER v2.7 Excellent Video Poker Machine On-line Game. Has multiple styles of poker including Straight, Double Down, Second Chance, Jokers Wild, Deuces Wild, and Deuces & Jokers Wild. A MUST SEE for any BBS/Sysop.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
WPPYRMD v1.1 Excellent Pyramid Solitairre On-line Game. Very fun to play and uses almost any drop file. A MUST SEE for any BBS/Sysop.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
WPSOLIT v1.2 Excellent Klondike Solitairre On-line Game. Has 3 card and 1 card draw styles. Very fun to play and uses almost any drop file. A MUST SEE for any BBS/Sysop.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
WORD WAR - Door Game v1.2 . Part of the Sunrise Door Collection The object of Word War is to create as many words as you can from 15 randomly chosen letters. Dictionary is included! Makeup games missed during the month. Automatic reset & Hall of Fame. Supports Digiboard, DV, LANs, Non-Standard Com ports!...................... * INTER-BBS capable*
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
WRITERS TRIVIA I v2.5 <<<<<<<<<<< Trivia game with questions testing your knowledge of writers. Fully functional, supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware. For this and other great door programs call The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Vegas BLACKJACK v2.2. Another door from WRM Systems. Vegas BlackJack is played the same as in Las Vegas. A single deck is used and shuffled every 3 hand. If you are a card counter then this is the game for you. Double Down on a card count of 10 or 11. Split any pair of cards. A very entertaining game that keeps you coming back for more. Generates Top Ten Scorers, All Time High Bulletins after each hand. No Maintance is Required. Supports
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
WORLD SERIES TRIVIA IV v2.5 <<<<<<<< Trivia game with questions testing your knowledge of the World Series games. Fully functional, supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware. For this and other great door programs call The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Optional source to menu, help, language and display (script) files For the Silver Xpress V5.03 Mail Doors, with CAS based Fax module. Required if you plan to modify menus or and of the *.VCC files.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
French Language Files for the Silver Xpress Off-line Mail Door V5.03 only.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
XMAS.EXE- Christmas Countdown A batch file utility to remind you of the number of days left before Christmas. Another FREEWARE utility from PAROLE Software and Dennis Maidon.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
CHRISTMAS TRIVIA IV v2.5 <<<<<<<<< Trivia game with questions testing your knowledge of Christmas. Fully functional, supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware. For this and other great door programs call The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Yahtzee v1.7 On-Line Yahtzee Door Game A great yahtzee door game, nice ANSI graphics Plays just like regular Yahtzee we all know YAHTZEE DOOR GAME Worldwide Programming (209) 497-6722
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Yankees & Red Necks 1.05 The "BEST" just got BETTER! HOT new action! "Bad to the Bone" D&D style HACK & SLASH game. New features added and old "bugs" squashed. EASY setup! Simple "on the spot", registration. SYSOPS: If you want to keep 'em coming back, then "try this one!"..... NEW VERSIONL&K Software
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
YOU SAID WHAT! V1.0. We give you the QUOTE and you give us the person(s), movie, TV show or place. Quote Trivia Door with over 500 quotes available. DEMO Version, NOT CRIPPLED. Written by..... Those Two Programming Guys! Brad Watts and Vince Sbordone, (C) 1994
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
ZAP'EM v3.0 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Your mission is to zap the invading Horde ships in your path. Arcade style game. Fully functional, supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware. For this and other great door programs call The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
ZBase 2.02.1 Beta-RIP/Ansi BBS Lister A great Door for your BBS Listings! Features: Database, Display's 5 of your favorite BBS lists! Includes Ansibase a Dbase for Full screen adds for BBS's. Users Upload adds directly into the dbase. Supports RIP/Ansi,Downlding,Config-Screens, remote cursor control. Multi-Node, Non-Stand-IRQ/Addresses, to 115,200
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Z-WORDZ v1.4 Multi-BBS Door; What do you get when you mix a little bit of CrossWord puzzles with a little bit of Scrabble with a 950+ word dictionary? You get Z-WORDZ! Support for fossil based multi-port boards including PCBoard /M. Baud rates up to 115,200, COM 0-15, non-standard IRQ's and fossil drivers supported.