Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
VIP*10C Game Door - Version 1.04* VIP*10C is an exciting and extremely challenging BBS game door of 10 Colors and 10 Chances. The object of VIP*10C is for the Challenger to correctly match randomly selected colors from a master list of 10 Colors. There are 10 Chances in each round. Color clues are provided to assist the Challenger after each turn. Easy setup on single or multi-node BBS. Original VIP*Software - Revised: 12-10-93 * *
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
PUZZLE v3.0 <<<<<<<<<<<<<< The object of the game is to move the blocks into numerical order on a 16 grid board with only one empty space available to move the blocks. Fully functional, supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware. For this and other great door programs call The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
CHECKER v3.5 <<<<<<<<<<<<<< The object of the game is to remove as many 'pegs' as possible by jumping each 'peg' with another. Fully functional, supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware. For this and other great door programs call The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
New from Sparkware, creators of the QWK offline mail format. Now sysops can get "A Piece of the Action" when callers register Sparkware's 1stReader QWK mail reader. Become a dealer with Sparkware and make $$$ with your BBS. Includes the new 1stReader 1.12 release. Call "Sparky's Machine" at (615) 230-8822 to get your free dealer ID code.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Who Said That? Trivia. Rip Support. Not Crippled/Most BBS's Test your knowledge of famous and not so famous sayings! Do you know who said "I like a woman with a head on her shoulders. I hate necks" ? (evetS nitraM) you'll have to look at it backwards to find out the answer! A WiggleWare 1st release!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
RPG-2100*THE AWAKENING v1.02-+ DOOR + 57 years after preventing the awakening of Khalal, its evil wraith finally recovered the body and has the evil semi-god, semi- dragon awaken. You have been summoned to the land once more by the sacred fire to kill Khalal once and for all. A fully in- teractive game, the best adaptation of a role-play game (RPG) for BBSs ever! +For Single and Multiline BBSs alike!+
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
RPG-2100*THE WRAITH OF KHALAL v2.00Door The long awaited update to one of the best role-playing game ever, LOTS OF NEW STUFF! As a fighter, rogue, or wizard, get clues, blessings, money, and hints from the old men of the land. Will you escape the Land Of Eternal Confusion? See the king for commissions, hunt other human players, and ultimately, prevent the awakening of Khalal SUPPORTS MULTILINE BBSs, HIGHLY ADDICTIVE
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
TSHOP v1.4 - a conversion program written specifically for the TeleShoppe(tm) online shopping door. 2TSHOP will convert your INGRAM MICRO, MERISEL or MICROBIZ database over to the TeleShoppe 2.13 format and allow you to put literally thousands of items online instantly!. Now uses MAJORCAT fields! This is compatible with version TeleShoppe 2.13+, Supports Merisels latest database.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
CARD SOLITARE v2.5 <<<<<<<<<<< Try to get rid of all 52 cards in this version of a solitare card game. Fully functional, supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware. For this and other great door programs call The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Weather Forcats door - users can request forcasts for most cities.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
FourLeaf Clover v1.3 On-Line Door Game Test your users skills with this simple but yet strategic card game. Game play is ANSI, with cursor control movements. Your given 16 cards face up, in four rows of four each. You have to now discard cards in batches of 13 points. Kings, Queens and Jacks in the same suit can be discarded. FOURLEAF ONLINE DOOR GAME SOLITAIRE Worldwide Programming (209) 497-6722
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Square v2.3 BBS game door. Logic puzzle game. Try to group the four colors together in their respective corners of the Square. Supports almost any BBS software, multi-node, COM 0 - 15, up to 115K Baud, and non-standard IRQ's. Now supports multi-port boards using FOSSIL drivers including PCBoard/M!. A Livewire Door. Now runs in local mode.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
MUSIC TRIVIA III v2.5 <<<<<<<<<<< Trivia game with questions testing your knowledge of music. Fully functional, supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware. For this and other great door programs call The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
AutoBiography v1.00ß2. AutoBiography is an
advanced User BIO System for all DOOR.SYS
compatible Bulletin Board Systems. 99.9%
Sysop Configurable! Copyright 1994-95 by Doug
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
ARROWBRIDGE V1.10 <-<< Arrowbridge Online Game is a D&D style door. It has active combat routines, 240000 locations and supports multinode systems. Players must earn experience, explore the land, raid burial chambers, build armies, gather magic weapons, complete special missions and much much more! The game can also operate on an Inter-BBS basis with features including Inter-BBS assassins, destructors and top 100 player
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
ACEY DEUCEY - Door Game v1.1 . Part of the Sunrise Door Collection An all time favorite! Fast-paced, challenging card game. Automatic game reset & Hall of Fame bulletins, at end of month. Makeup games missed, during the month. FOSSIL support for Multi-port cards including PCBoard /M........ .........Progressive Jackpot................. INTER-BBS capable*
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Automated Network/Conference Listing v2.4. From Sunrise Door/Utility Software Create a conference listing automatically based on the CNAMES file, by Network. Make a conference change or add a whole network and this utility will generate the listing. Colors and verbage are configurable; 99,999 conferences. For PCBoard 14.5/15.x only.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
ADOPT-A-DOOR - Door v3.3 . From the Sunrise Door Collection Runs after any door program and prior to returning to the BBS. Displays a formatted screen promoting the ADOPT-A-DOOR concept or you can replace with your own screen message! Has the option to define which security levels should bypass running the door! NOW supports Multi-port cards using Fossil Driver, including the PCBoard /M version!!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Adopt-A-Door v5.0 Helps find users to 'adopt' or register a door program for your BBS. Runs before the door program and creates a text file of user responses. Another BBS Door from PAROLE Software and Dennis Maidon.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
The BBS ADVERTISER. Buy, Sell and Trade Door with built in Message capability. Program the amount of days in each category for ads to remain. Purge utility removes expired Ads and Messages. Written by..... Those Two Programming Guys! Brad Watts and Vince Sbordone, (C) 1994
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Auto-Fuel v1.0 - A door to allow your users to calculate their current auto gas milage, yearly fuel cost, annual miles driven, and cost per mile driven. Creates a report for the user to download via Xmodem, Ymodem, or Zmodem. (Requires DSZ for download feature.) Supports DOOR.SYS, DORINFOx.DEF, CHAIN.TXT, EXITINFO.BBS.* FREEWARE!*
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
AgeCheck! Door v1.1: Check users age before door entry. Works with DOOR.SYS drop files as long as birthdate info is valid. Supports various COM ports, non-standard IRQ's, fossil drivers, and more! A free utility program from T&J Software.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
AIRCRAFT TRIVIA I v2.5 <<<<<<<<<< Trivia game with questions testing your knowledge of aircraft. Fully functional, supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware. For this and other great door programs call The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
ALADDIN MAGIC LAMP TEXT ADVENTURE DOOR; Works with door.sys, chain.txt, dorinfo.def, sfdoors.dat. Can you summon the Djinni and escape from the mystic grotto? Weird, fun, exciting text adventure. No save/load games in this unregistered version, otherwise fully functional.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Fortune Teller door for Searchlight * Edit ansi and text screens to match your bbs... * Edit answers and slam files... * Edit search for match file... Simple to setup, uses Searchlight comm routines. FREE - from Eagles Eye BBS (207)-724-2016 Other files to look for are: SLADVERT, SLBIO STATGRAF, SLLISTER, TOP10, LASTCALL ++++ zippy with 2016 to find most of them
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
ALASKA TRIVIA IV v2.5 <<<<<<<<<<< Trivia game with questions testing your knowledge of the state of Alaska. Fully functional, supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware. For this and other great door programs call The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Adventurer's Maze (Door Game) ver. 2.51 Quest to find and kill the feared DRAGON! This is a D&D style door. No nightly maintance is required. Requires ANSI. Now ues DOORFRAME Library, supporting Non-Standard Comport & IRQ's. Programmer: William Rountree Release Date 03\10\94
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Total Amnesia Door v1.3! for BBS's Good Memory Game like Concentration! Allows Online Play even UnRegistered! Allows 3 games per Day UnRegistered! Configuration allows the sysop to set how many chances you get or how many games per day! Saves Highest Score info as Last Months Champ, shown in scores!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
AMERICANTRIVIA v1.5 AMERICAN TRIVIA On-line Door Game asks the caller a series of questions on the Famous People, Famous Places, and Famous Dates in American History.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
ANIMAL TRIVIA IV v2.5 <<<<<<<<<<< Trivia game with questions testing your knowledge of animals. Fully functional, supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware. For this and other great door programs call The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
The Announcement Door! v3.7 by T&J Software. Send a screen of your choice/design before or after your real door. Helps you thank users for registering the door, or nudge them to help. Supports all major BBS's, COM 1-15, non-standard IRQ's, multinode & DESQ- view aware.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
APIE Version 1.4. Join in and throw some pies at friends in this multi-player BBS game door. Most BBS interface files supported.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
An awesome AutoPost door, v3.2. Sysop config. colors, security for posting, No.# of posts before deleting, allows handles. All configurable by the sysop. Completely self-maintaining. Support for TriBBS, PCBoard, Spitfire, RBBS, Wildcat!, GAP (Door.Sys) & WWIV. $10.00 reg fee.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
ANSI Presentations V2.0 - User ANSI advertisement door. Allows users to display their own ANSI messages such as BBS ads or any type of advertisement they want in ANSI. Can display up to 100 ANSI screens. Compatible with most BBS software. Supports up to 115K baud rate, COM 0-15, non-standard IRQ's and multi-port boards using a FOSSIL including PCBoard/M. Desqview compatible. From: DEKM Software, Inc.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
ARCBRAIN: ArcBrain is an archive viewer/downloader program. It will supplement any BBS that does not offer full archive features, such as Remote Access.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
ASKthePREZ Door 2/95 1.1 Fun BBS door 4 all users. A Clinton ANSI talks back to a given question. Lotsa random answers to entertain users. Only 27k yet with special effects! Like an 8 ball. Full multinode support. Easy to setup, very configurable. Supports DOOR.SYS, SpitFire, WC!, GAP, PCB, & most other BBS types. $8 by TTW - [ASAP]*
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
AutoScribe 4.01! Subscription Door! ASPCB now offers unlimited lines of description, Intensive Subscription and User Database. Allows use of Checks and Credit Cards! Upgrades instantly with Sec Level or Credits, you design it! True Database instead of text. Auto upload program for your checks! Allows use of language files, color codes and MORE! check it out...its definetly the best!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Digital Genesis's 'After Thoughts' v1.1 - 5/26/94 FOSSIL support - ANSI support - door.sys and dorinfo1.def Message to next caller door. Very configurable. Multinode.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Auction It! 1.0 Online Auction Door. Multinode. Bid while viewing items.Self Maintenance provides for hassle free functioning. 'BETA' version of Multitasking Time Slice Give Back is featured with this door. Many, Many options for both the seller and the buyer. Give it a try today!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
ANSI Voting Booth Door v2.6 - for all BBS types! Supports COM1-15, DESQview aware, non-standard IRQ's, colorful ANSI screens. This is great for online competition between your users on their favorite ANSI screens. Keeps a tally of votes for each screen, etc... Also has support for fossil drivers T&J Software!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
A-Wall v1.0 One-Liner door. Features: -Full ANSI Support -Supports COM1 - 4 -Complete Logging -Badwords filter -Lockout Feature -300 - 115k Baud -DESQView Aware! -FREE Registration!!! -A MUST for SysOps! Written by: Billy Sargent Support BBS (812)897-8757
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
ALLEY-WALL v2.11; A graffiti\bulletin door for PCBoard 14.x and compatible systems. Alley-Wall features: user selectable colors, user selectable bulletin format, and more! Other features include an easy to use setup program, SYSOP commands, TOP or BOTTOM bulletin placement, automatic old bulletin removal, and a maximum number of entries.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Entertainment Awards Trivia v4.0 A BBS door program concerning "OSCAR" trivia questions over the years. Registration will allow you to add questions to the database. Another PAROLE Software program by Dennis Maidon. Now creates RIP graphic bulletins as well as supports a RIPSCRIP interface. Supports all the major BBS drop files. WC!/PCB/SF/GAP, etc....
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Back-house Solitaire v1.1: A great card game door that accomodates many features. When registered features a bulletin generator, calendar, single or multi-node operation & free updates to later versions.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
BadUser v2.8 - lock bad users from your door. BadUser supports all the major BBS formats, DESQview aware, and many other features. Simply add the users name to a data file and they'll never know what is wrong. Has a STANDARD and CUSTOM mode available to the SysOp. This version also supports fossil drivers! T&J Software Program
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Big League Basketball v2.7.0: Online Basketball Game Door
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Board Base Pro! On-Line BBS Lister/Data Base for most BBS Programs. Board Base Pro! is a complete full featured data base for keeping track of up to 999 other Bulletin Board's information. Includes Add, Delete, Edit (user can edit their entries, sysop can edit ALL), Pattern Match Search, Sort, Quick Listing, Detailed Browse and Extended Comments for each entry. Auto-Updates Ansi and/or ASCII bulletin in main BBS (optional). Also
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
BASEBALL TRIVIA I v2.5 <<<<<<<<<< Trivia game with questions testing your knowledge of baseball. Fully functional, supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware. For this and other great door programs call The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
BASEBALL TRIVIA IV v2.5 <<<<<<<<<< Trivia game with questions testing your knowledge of baseball. Fully functional, supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware. For this and other great door programs call The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
BASEBALL DICE - Door Game v2.3 Part of the Sunrise Door Collection Play an addicitve and sometime frustrating game of BaseBall with a roll of the dice!! Nake your own Roster of players. Fast-paced and fun for all ages! Now with MAKE-UP-DAYS! Automatic score reset at end of month. Supports Fossil-based Multi-port cards Including PCBOARD /M. InterBBS CAPABALE
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
BBS Advertisements v2.0; BBS Advertisements is now Configurable for different callers to select the location in which the caller is interested in.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Other SYSOPs BBS Adds door. Lets other sysops post an add on your bbs and change it as needed. But only one per sysop. Also includes list downloading NICE PROGRAM. WORKS with Many BBS systems including PCB.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
BBS_DOOR v3.30: The Premiere BBS Listing Door {Bugfix from v3.2} This program features : * Color Configurable with BBS_TOOL! * RIP Graphics Supported! * DesqView Aware! * Compatibility with DORINFO1.DEF drop file! * Alphabetized listing of the BBS's * Detailed entries containing BBS Name, Number, Sysop, Location, Software, Baud Rates, Hours of operation, Networks the BBS is on, and 3 lines of additional comments! * Editing and
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
BBSGolf ver1.0 - Latest game from "FairWare" Excellent Putt-Putt golf simulation door! Like none you've seen yet. You control the direction and putt strength. Good looking interface. Top scores, realtime scorecard, Chat function, More! Registration brings you a Course Maker which allows you to change/create new courses as often as you wish. Must see this one. Ver 1.0 is beta!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
The BBSLIST. Version 3.0. Encourage System operators and users to list other BBSes using this door. Allows searches by area code. Only Sysop and user who list a bbs can edit it. Allows download of complete listing using the shareware version of DSZ.COM. Generates Bulletin or Goodbye Screens of other BBSes to Call. Small and very fast door program. DesqView Aware. Non-Standard Comm. ports supported. Supports most major BBS Drop file
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
BBSLIST v1.30 - The BEST BBSListing door! User interface like no other BBS - listing door! User's can use there arrow keys to scroll through the BBSes! Support's Door.Sys and Dorinfo1.Def FULL Multi-Tasking Support! FULL Split-Screen Chat! 32,000 Entries Available Download Listing! (5 protocols) Jump to DOS feature Remote SysOp Functions Search Functions Editing Functions Online User Help Not Crippled, No More Pauses!! And
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
BBSTrivia *FREE!* For PCBoard Operators. Have A Different Question/Answer "Trivia" Style Bulletin Displayed To Your Users For Each Day For Nearly A YEAR! (Changed During Your Event) OR *NOW* Comes With An Executable PPE For Your Users To Execute "On The Fly!" Included Is A Database For Nearly A YEARS Worth Of Different Q/A's. Edit/Add Your Own Q/A's. From The Maker Of WhoCalled V7 (Your Safety Insurance!)
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
BCHECKERS A non-interactive checkers door that supports most BBS drop files, BCheckers provides a number of sysop functions, a two-line status line, Hoyle rules, full data input error checking, and multi- node operation. Can make comments to your opponent and generates bulletins. No FOSSIL required support for non-standard comm port parameters. Registration only $10!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Baby Derby v2.6- Let your users join in the fun and anticipation of a new baby. Allows them to guess the baby's DoB, age, weight height and time of birth. Another BBS Door program form PAROLE Software. Now creates RIP style bulletins.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Beatles! Trivia v1.0 - First of it's kind! All questions about the Beatles from the beginning to their breakup. Do you even remember them at all? Who was the fifth Beatle? When did John join the group? These and more are loaded inside this work of intense research. You gotta have it and get it registered to get the entire database with well over 300 questions. RIP Supported, Many BBS Types too. Registration is only $19.00.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Beer Trivia V1.10 Online Door Game "Intoxication Simulation!" Questions typical of a party are asked. If the player misses the question, they must 'slam' a beer! The more they drink, they more the screen becomes garbled making it harder to read the next question. Supports DOOR.SYS & DORINFOx.DEF. Fossil required. $10.00 registration. From Caliber Software.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
BETSY ROSS Solitare - Door Game v3.5 Part of the Sunrise Door Collection Move the cards from the grid and the deck to the 4 foundations. Fast-paced, addictive and very hard to beat! Makeup games missed, during the month. Automatic game reset and Hall of Fame bulletins, at end of month. Now supports Fossil-based Multi-port cards, including the PCBoard /M version !!!!!!!!!! * INTERBBS Capable*
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
BIBLE TRIVIA IV v2.5 <<<<<<<<<<< This is a trivia game with questions testing your knowledge of the Bible. Fully functional, supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware. For this and other great door programs call The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
BIG Rollers Dice Game Door by Joel Dunlap. Version 1.3 Compatible with most BBS software. DESQview aware. Uploaded by the author.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
BBS Informant v1.02 BBS List / Search Door! BBS Informant is a comprehensive BBS door used for adding, listing, and searching through BBS names and numbers. BBS Informant stores over 40 fields of data on each BBS! Store up to 3 phone numbers, software & version, sysop, emphasis, rate, location, number of lines, storage space, CD-ROMS, date of origin, services offered, summary, and much more! Network support!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
CHALLENGER BINGO v1.00b - B&D Software's Challenger Bingo is better than being at the local church, club, or meeting! No money to lose but lot's of fun! For FUN only! Full support of almost all BBS types. DESQview aware. Easy to setup. No compli- cated config files to battle with!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
BIORYTHMS & BIRTHDAYS v3.0 <<<<<<<< The program has Biorythm charts and in-depth astrological information for your date of birth. Fully functional, supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware. For this and other great door programs call The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
BioScan Version 1.0 Online Biorythm Door Program. Features "Real Time" Bar Graph and Empirical Graph. Also Allows User to Download Emperical Graph File When Exiting Door.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Black Jack v1.9 Online Black Jack Card Game Black Jack has all the options of real life Black Jack. This version is played with two decks and has built in automatic reshuffle. The users can double down, split, and more. Displays winner and losser and also shows you what you had in your hand (ie. BUST, Black Jack, Five Card Charlie and more) BLACK JACK ONLINE DOOR GAME WORLDWIDE PROGRAMMING (209) 497-6722
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Vegas BLACKJACK v2.3b. Another door from WRM Systems. Vegas BlackJack is played the same as in Las Vegas. A single deck is used and shuffled every 3 hands. If you are a card counter then this is the game for you. Double Down on a card count of 10 or 11. Split any pair of cards. A very entertaining game that keeps you coming back for more. Generates Top Ten Scorers, All Time High Bulletins after each game. Easy setup via BJUTIL. DesqView
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
BBS BlackJack/21 card game door. Version 3.23 - June 25, 1994. PCBoard 14/15., DOOR.SYS, DORINFO#.DEF compatible. Fully functional Shareware. Fossil support. ANSI.SYS required. Com 1-4. BPS to 115,200. Multinode BBS support. Registration $10.00. 30 day trial period.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Black Jack v1.8 Online Black Jack Card Game Black Jack has all the options of real life Black Jack. This version is played with two decks and has built in automatic reshuffle. The users can double down, split, and more. Displays winner and losser and also shows you what you had in your hand (ie. BUST, Black Jack, Five Card Charlie and more) BLACK JACK ONLINE DOOR GAME WORLDWIDE PROGRAMMING (209) 497-6722
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
BRAINEX BLACKJACK RIP ANSI Great Blackjack, just like Las Vegas. Features Double and Split hands, and great ANSI/RIP graphics! From The Brainex System 310-275-2344.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
WCS BlackJack v.27ß - BlackJack game and
MORE!! Double down, Split, but beware of the
pickpockets! Of course, you just might "find"
some money, too! Registered version enables
make-up days. NO KEY FILE REQUIRED!!
Registration is $10/Single-$15/Multi node
From WCS Software Rob Williams, WCS Software
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Black Jack Challenge v1.41 online blackjack door game.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Book Review Door; Supports several BBS formats and baud rates up to 115,200.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Booby Trap v3.2 - Door Game by Mike Jordan. Requires skill, thought & luck. Find the 25 booby traps without blowing yourself to bits in the field of 152 squares. Supports most major drop files, has Fossil detection, RIP detection and works with environmental varables. No expiration date or demo key required.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
BOOKS On-Line Books Description Door v1.1 Allows your users to view the Greenwood Publishing Group's book descriptions via a colorful interface with true pop-up buttons and more. ANSI, AVATAR/1, DESQview, Windows, OS/2 (DOSbox), and multinode support, too.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Bordello! Door v1.42 Run your own whore house and fight against other players! Supports COM0-15, all speeds, top ten bulls, built-in message editor, fully sysop config- urable, non-standard IRQ's, and even supports fossil drivers!. This door has some great player interactions! Steal money, whores, destroy other houses, fight with opponents thugs, and much more! From T&J Software!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Borg v1.08ß Online door game
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
THE BORG 1.4 for TradeWars 2002 version 2 The BORG is one of several add-on's for TradeWars 2002 v2 from the TW-EXTENDERS series by SimSoft Professional Computer Services. Have up to 10 BORG cruising in your universe assimilating Traders! It is very easy to use and configure, and is run directly after the TradeWars maintenance program EXTERN.EXE. Registration- $7.00 Attention SYSOP's - Download this file!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
BOUNCER v0.54b your Adult/Cd-Rom/Private Areas Keeps the kiddies/Unwanted out of the Adult Games, Can be used to allow Trial Periods on your CD-Roms, or Validator tool for Prvt Bbs
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
BOWLING v3.0 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Bowling computer style for up to four human players. Fully functional, supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware. For this and other great door programs call The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
BOXING v3.5 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Text boxing game with SysOp definable fighters. Fully functional, supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware. For this and other great door programs call The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
BOX Poker Solitaire - Door Game v5.3 Part of the Sunrise Door Collection Play 5 card stud poker on a 5x5 board grid. You place the 25 cards on the grid to form the best hands you can and accumulate points. Automatic game reset & Hall of Fame bulletins at end of month. Makeup games missed, during the month. Supports Fossil- based multi-com port cards incl PCB /M ! >>>>>> I N T E R - B B S capable <<<<<<<<
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Boydian Blocks V.51 RIP DOOR GAME Boydian Blocks is a colorful RIP solitaire board game in which your users try to get the highest score by matching the colors on each side of the blocks. The more sides that are matched the more points that are scored. Supports multi-node systems, DOOR.SYS, DORINFOx.DEF, WILDCAT, Fossil drivers, Digiboard, and higher IRQ settings. Tested for use with OS/2 and DESQview. NEW from First Vision Software.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
BBS Review Door. Supports several BBS formats and baud rates up to 115,200.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
BRAINEX DOOR MANAGER All Brainex Doors require the Door Manager. Makes installation of new doors easy! Configures your CDROM, comports, nodes, etc. Works with most BBS types. From The Brainex System. 310-275-2344 / 310-273-5234
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Bre Stats (The Door) v1.21 is a highly sysop configurable door that is designed to help eliminate alot of guess work when planning attacks, etc. in the popular game Barron Realms Elite (BRE). Generates Bulletins, Accesses Spy Database. Now supports .0956 and .0960 versions of BRE.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Barren Realms Elite (BRE) v0.969ß1 Beta
version for upcoming v0.970 of BRE. Still new
features to be added. Just a first-round
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Bre Stats v1.1: Designed to allow players in Baron Realms Elite Leagues to read the League's score files offline.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Buy & Sell - The Computer Flea Market Post anything for sale, user sets the catagory, price, etc. Send messages to others about products. Lots of options to sell your stuff or your caller's stuff quick! No Keys, No Expire Michael Wilson The Village: 408-229-0706
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
BSIM v2.00: universal battle simulator. It is able to set up battles and use VCR.EXE to show them visually and it can set up host data to simulate multiship battles. (VCR.EXE comes with VGA-Planets)
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Battle Trip v.1.3 - Based on the French Card game Mille Borne. It is a fast paced race against the computer to see who can get to 1000 miles first. Watch out for accidents, out of gas, flat tires, etc. Supports all the usual, non standard COM ports, Now supports Multinode configurations! Reg only $15 for Single Node/$20 Multinode NO KEY FILE NEEDED Author:Rob Williams, WCS Software 2/5/95
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Boob Tube V2.4 - Trivia/Role Door Game. Users answer phrases taking from TV slogans, commercials and jingles. The player moves up the corporate ladder in order to reach President by gaining company shares. Compatible with most BBS software. Supports up to 115K baud rate, COM 0-15, non-standard IRQ's and multi-port boards using a FOSSIL including PCBoard/M. Desqview compatible. From: DEKM Software, Inc.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
BUSINESS CARDS - Door v1.1 . Part of the Sunrise Door Collection Callers enter Business Cards into categories configurable by the Sysop. Sysop sets number of days Cards remain active, by category. Auto purging via nightly event. SUPPORTS ALL Door Capable BBS pgms. EXCHANGE DATABASE WITH OTHER BBS'!! Download Cards & read offline!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Buy-A-Door v1.2; Buy-A-Door is a program that encourages the Adopt-A-Door concept. This program allows Sysop to display a message to the user after he or she runs a door program encouraging them to help adopt that particular door program or the names of users who help to adopt the door. Now allows sysop to take donations within the program by credit card. Support Non-Standard IRQ's.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
BigWins Lotto v0.9ß: Allow you callers to win
prizes and online time in three Lotto-type
games! Fully SysOp configurable and NOT
CRIPPLED! Support multiport cards with Fossil
drivers and speeds up to 115,200 baud.
Multi-BBS capable.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
BBS BOWLING SOLITAIRE v1.2 Online BBS door game for most BBS systems which features colorful ANSI graphics. Score the highest bowling score by filling in a many "pins" each frame as possible. Support for fossil based multi-port boards including PCBoard /M. Baud rates to 115,200, COM 0-15, non-standard IRQ's and fossil drivers supported. 02/07/94 Author:Robert Neal NOT CRIPPLED! Supports USERS.SYS, DOOR.SYS, DORINFOx.DEF,
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
BOX DICE - Door Game v3.4 . Part of the Sunrise Door Collection Remove all 24 boxes from the grid, based on the roll of the dice. Fast-paced, frustrating and VERY hard to beat!! Makeup games missed during the month. Automatic game reset & Hall of Fame bulletins, at end of month. NOW with 'POOL' points and REAL-TIME scoring! Supports Fossil-based Multi-Port cards incl PCBoard /M >>>>>> I N T E R - B B S capable <<<<<<
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
RIPscript Icons for use with Brainex Door Programs.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
BYANOSE v1.0; Your users will have loads of fun betting on the horses at UAN International Racecourse. Watch all the racing action! Sysop Config. Supports for most BBS software, COM 1 - 15, up to 115K Baud, non-standard IRQ's, multi- nodes, Digiboard and multi-port boards using FOSSIL drivers. Requires ANSI.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
SUPER SPOT V1.2ß 31/May/1994 * Okay this is
a new UPLOAD processor for PCBoard! The
FASTEST never seen and it checks all ZIP,
ARJ, GIF & TXT files adding files, removing
files, AUTODIZ included, Auto Archive
comment, auto cutting empty lines,
autocutting DIZ trader comments and add your
Own! Support Ram drives in TXT files TOO!
Randomize Your Add.Bbs File name to pack
into! Is the FASTEST on the SCENE, Try IT!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Cam-Mail v1.45 Multi-Lingual, Multi-Node. The best ShareWare QWK/REP Door for PCBoard 15.x Supports Duplicate CRC checking, File Attachments in QWK/REP packets, Echoing Mail Between BBS's, Internal Protocols, Updating of Mail Waiting Flags,command line stacking in the Door and via PCBoard,Forcing of Scanning Conferences and NetWorks Config. Supports non standard comports and /M of PCB (Includes FOSSIL/OS2 support).Truly the BEST
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Subscription Door with Checks Online Feature and Credit Cards. Support for PCBoard Accounting Credits. Will verify credit cards while the user is Online. Works with PCBoard 14.5 through PCBoard 15.21. Written using the PCB-Toolkit. Written by Cam DeBuck Software. Version 1.30
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
CANADA TRIVIA IV v2.5 <<<<<<<<<<< Trivia game with questions testing your knowledge of Canada. Fully functional, supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware. For this and other great door programs call The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
CAPITALS TRIVIA I v2.5 <<<<<<<<<< Trivia game with questions testing your knowledge of world capital cities. Fully functional, supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware. For this and other great door programs call The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
BRAINEX CASINO MANAGER; Menu Program for Brainex Casino programs. Displays Top Scores, and has a Cashier Bank. Players can get and pay off loans. Includes the Brainex Telecheck System, which let's callers transfer casino cash to any BBS that uses the Casino Manager.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Dark Castle Door Game Version 7.7 From Late-Nite Software Multiple BBS', ANSI, HST, 115k baud and 99 Nodes Supported !
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
CatList v4.10:RIPSCRIP Support! A full featured BBS Listing Door that may be set for a specified number of days to keep a lising current. At the end of that time, CatList will notify the lister that his listing has expired and that it will be deleted. Creates a Full-Color bulletin using WC!3.x color codes and a text file resembling WCLIST.TXT from Mustang! BBS.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Criss-Cross (Door Game) ver. 1.01 Attempt to make pairs, 3 of kinds, 4 of kinds and straights in this 5x5 grid. User controlable colors. Easy to play, but challanging for all ages. Requires user to have ANSI. Keep daily winners as well as a total winner for that month. Uses DOORFRAME library for Non-Standard Comport and IRQ's. Programmer: William Rountree Release Date 4\18\94
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
CDMX2DOR v2.04: The "Next Generation CDRom-Access BBS Door"
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
CYBER-LIST Door version 1.3. BBS List Door. Fast, easy, inexpensive. Cyber-List Door is the perfect BBS list utility door for any BBS system. Users can add a BBS, search the list or view the entire listing. Comes complete with a 258k current BBS list. New lists are available to registered users every month and are 4 times the size of the unreg'd BBS list. SUPPORTS most drop files! No FOSSIL required!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Ver 5.0 CDSub door that allows callers to attempt winning a FREE subscription to BBS Callers Digest or buy online with there Visa/MasterCard. Sysop gets FREE listing as authorized BBS in Print Ver. of BBS Callers Digest. Fixed Color Mode? Fossil Driver/DV aware, com-ports 0-15 Now runs in local mode for testing.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
CRYSTALINE ENTITY 1.4 - for TradeWars v2. The CRYSTALINE ENTITY is one of several add-on's for TradeWars 2002 v2 from the TW-EXTENDERS series by SimSoft PCS. Have the CRYSTALINE ENTITY cruising around your universe, stopping on planets and ingesting colonists! It is very easy to use and configure, and is run directly after the TradeWars maintenance program EXTERN.EXE. Registration is only $7.00 Attention SYSOP's - Download this file!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Celebrity Trivia v4.0 A BBS door program concering trivia about famous people around the world. Now creates RIP graphic bulletins. Another BBS Door program from PAROLE Software and Dennis Maidon.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Census Door v1.00: Contains info for each state on the 1990 census. No reg required. Supports various BBS configuration and systems and supports nearly all available drop files. Part of the T&J Software info door collection.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Current Events v2.30 BBS calendar door Allow users to list upcoming events. Self maintaining and fast. Creates ANSI, WC!3.x, PCBoard and RIP type bulletins. Another product from PAROLE Software and Dennis Maidon. Different sort options now available. New features added in this release.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Chalk Board V2.1 - User advertisement door. Allows users to enter and display their own messages such as advertisements or they can use this door as an open forum. Lets users erase their own ads whenever they want. Compatible with most BBS software. Supports up to 115K baud rate, COM 0-15, non-standard IRQ's and multi-port boards using a FOSSIL including PCBoard/M. Desqview compatible. From: DEKM Software, Inc.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
ChaosWar high speed action door game for 9600-57600 BPS only. Shoot zombies before they shoot you! Shareware $15
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Door for checking SysOp Chat Status.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
CHATBOX multi-line Chat Door Let's any number of nodes talk to each other without the need for NETBIOS. Works with DesqView, Windows, or any Network.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
CheckTime v1.01ß - allows a BBS sysop to
ensure that users must wait after running a
door game before entering it again. Uses
DORINFO1.DEF. <Public Domain! J. Phillips,
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Ver 2.9 Choice, this game has three old fashioned text type games in one. Choose between Find-Me, Trap-Me and Reverse. Multi-bbs, multi-node, baud rates to 115K, Fossil Driver / DV aware. Com-ports 0-15. Fixed the NO ANSI errors. Works with /M and also works in local mode now for testing.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Chuck-A-Luck 1.3 - Door Game by Mike Jordan. Has the thrill of Craps, the excitment of Roulete and the anticipation of a Slots. Bet on the roll of 3 dice to try and hope to make a bundle. But beware, the House _DOES_ have the advantage. Supports RIP and DigiFossil. No Demo Key or Expiration date.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Consumer Info Door v1.00: Contains info for consumers with regular database updates for the registered version. Demo has 56 subject entries. Supports various BBS configuration and systems and supports nearly all available drop files. Part of the T&J Software info door collection.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
CLASSIC SOLITAIRE v1.2- BBS door game from TiJaSoft Doors - A nicely done Klondike Solitaire game that supports most BBS types. Full ANSI graphics and a great scoring system make this a very fun game to play. Includes make-up days and automatic daily and monthly maintenance. It also keeps track of last months and the all time champion, along with the daily champs. Easy setup and complete game control by the SysOp, with the included
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Classified Ads v2.0 (c)1994 Heavenware Software Clasad20 is a great sell it style door that supports up to 20 categories, auto maint., quick searches, and user friendly menus. Fixes all bugs in v1.2
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
CLASSIFIED Ads - Door v4.0 . Part of the Sunrise Door Collection Callers enter Classified Ads into categories configurable by the Sysop. Sysop sets number of days Ads remain active, by category. Auto purging via nightly event. SUPPORTS ALL Door Capable BBS pgms. EXCHANGE ADS DATABASES WITH OTHER BBS'!! INCLUDES its own MESSAGE BASE! Download ads, read/reply offline! Allows for the SELLING of AD SPACE ! Now PICTURE capable
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
CLASSIC SOLITAIRE v1.0- BBS door game. - A nicely done Klondike Solitaire game that supports most BBS types. Full ANSI graphics and a great scoring system make this a very fun game to play. Includes make-up days and automatic daily and monthly maintenance. It also keeps track of last months and the all time champion, along with the daily champs. Easy setup and complete game control by the SysOp, with the included configuration file
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
MY CallBack verifier by SteveSoft. SUPPORTS RBBS, and ANY bbs that will read a DOOR.SYS after returning from a door! WildCat! 3.0 support. DV friendly. DIALBACK feature! Will NOT dial 911,555,976, or 900 numbers. Trashcan file. SysOp definable times for verification. Separate security for local and long distance callers. FOSSIL support. SysOp definable Failures and pass codes!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Classified Ads v2.50 Full Featured online ADs list door. Supports most popular BBS Softwares. Fully SysOp configurable and self- maintaining. Old listings deleted automatically. Creates full color bulletins using WC!, PCB color codes or regular ANSI\ASCii screens. User may download an ASCii version of all listings directly from the door. The DL option may be disabled at the SysOp's option.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
ChessMAGIC! v2.16; ChessMAGIC! is the most powerful, full-featured BBS door chess program available! These are but a few of its MANY features: real-time online; up to 9,999,999 games; unlimited gaming areas; up to 115k baud supported; USCF-style ratings; easy to install; and much, much more!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Ver 1.9 Colors. Players get to play against the computer for points by guessing which color the computer will pick next. Multi/bbs/node & baud rate to 115K. Fossil Driver DV aware. Com-ports 0-15 and all played from one main menu. Fixed the NO ANSI errors. Works with /M! Can now test in local mode..
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
COMPUTER TRIVIA I v2.5 <<<<<<<<<< Trivia game with questions testing your knowledge of computers. Fully functional, supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware. For this and other great door programs call The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
COMPUTER TRIVIA IV v2.5 <<<<<<<<<< Trivia game with questions testing your knowledge of computers. Fully functional, supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware. For this and other great door programs call The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
ConCorde - Concordance Door - KJV - Shareware.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
CONCENTRATION - Door Game v1.4 . Part of the Sunrise Door Collection A very challenging game where caller must guess the hidden 5-digit number. Sounds easier than it really is since the hidden numbers are not conventional. Makeup games missed during the month. Automatic game reset & Hall of Fame bulletins, at end of month. Supports the PCBoard /M version ! * INTERBBS Capable
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
CONNDOOR v1.5 BETA - File transfer door for SBBS/QBBS/RA style BBSs and BBSs using EXITINFO.BBS or DORINFO1.DEF files and FILES.BBS text files. Supports TAPE DRIVE and CDROM access, and full duplex protocols such as HSLINK and BIMODEM. Up to 16 sysop definable protocols. Fully configurable, MANY features!!!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
CONNECT 4 v4.0 <<<<<<<<<<<<<< Object of the game is to stack four X's in a row before the computer can stack four O's. Similar to tic-tac-toe. Fully functional, supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware. For this and other great door programs call The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Convince! Door v1.5 Help convince your users to register the door they are about to play. Will give them a message after playing the door so many times! Supports all major BBS's, COM0-15, multinode and DESQview aware, easy configuration, and also supports fossil drivers! T&J Software
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
CORNERS(tm) Door by TomTron(tm) Software Need something different on your BBS? Played on a Tic-Tac-Toe grid. Match numbers in ANY direction, 4-Corners or FULL board. Multi-node - Un-crippled play! - $8.00 reg. A nice addition to all of the RPG, trivia, card and dice games you already have.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Computer Player for VGA Planets.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Consumer Product Safety Door v1.00: Contains info for consumers on various product recalls and notices. Regular data- base updates for the door are available free of charge from T&J Software at (717) 325-9481. Supports various BBS configuration and systems and supports nearly all available drop files. Part of the T&J Software info door collection.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Crazy Dice Door Version 1.2! for BBS's Good Game of chance, Using Six Dice and take chances Rolling for more or Play it safe. Registered Uses a Configuration file allowing the sysop to set how many turns you get or how many games per day! Saves Highest Score info as Last Months Champ in scores!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Crazy Eights v1.8 Play the card game of Crazy Eights against the computer (he's tough!). Supports most BBS software, multi-node, COM 0-15, 115K Baud, and non-standard IRQ's. Now supports multi-port boards using FOSSIL drivers including PCBoard/M!. A Livewire Door. Now runs in local mode.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
v1.8 of the credit card PPE. Allows for your designation of YOUR countrys money symbol.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
CROSSWORD PUZZLE v1.5 <<<<<<<<<<< Try to solve SysOp definable crossword puzzles. Fully functional, supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware. For this and other great door programs call The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
CRYPTIC SAYINGS v2.5 <<<<<<<<<<< Decipher the encrypted sayings (if you can). Fully functional, supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware. For this and other great door programs call The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Cryptograms - Door Game v2.5 . Part of the Sunrise Door Collection Solve a coded phrase. Played exactly like the puzzles found in magazines and newspapers. Very difficult, yet Required! SUPPORTS Fossil-based Multi-Port cards including the PCBoard /M version!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Community Service Door. Supports several BBS formats and baud rates up to 115,200.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
CARD SHARKS v5.8a - Multi BBS Door Card Sharks is based on the TV show of the same name. Fast paced game to play, encouraging continued play. Supports baud rates up to 115,200 baud, non-standard IRQ's, com 0-15. Now supports fossil based multi-port digiboards. 10/16/93 Author: Robert Neal NOT-CRIPPLED! Supports USERS.SYS, DORINFOx.DEF, DOOR.SYS SFDOORS.DAT, PCBOARD.SYS, CALLINFO.BBS, TRIBBS.SYS,
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Card Sharks .004 wide beta by MK Software. Direct support for most BBS software. Multi-node ready. Card Sharks is based on the game show of the same name. Has Bonus round and many sysop-configurable options.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
CyberSpace Transporter v5.8 =========================== YOUR USERS WANT THIS DOOR!!!! CyberSpace Transporter is a door that allows your users to call out to other systems on a second modem and phone line. It can also be used to provide access to an INTERNET provider via your BBS!! Many new options including a script lanauage, call forwarding support, conversion for systems at 7E1, Custom or built in menus, supports
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
CSVerify is a Callback Verification Door for PCBoard 14.5 or greater. Many SysOp Options for configuration. Modifies users record upon successful verification with security levels you provide. Supports Fossil Drivers PCBoard 15.0 Compatible. See history file for changes/fixes.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
The Complete Tarot Door v1.2! Written using DWDoor v1.2 for PowerBASIC v2.10f. Supports comports 1-4, virtually any BBS program, has complete ANSI animation and generates bulletins. Five different Tarot card spreads reveal the future of any question asked using AI logic! A must for any BBS's door area!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
The Cube v2.00 By DKS Software. Most BBS's supported. The Computer randomly twists a cube and you have to twist it back in its original position. Multi-Node and Desqview Aware.When registered features make-up missed days and bulletin generator.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Civil War Door Game Version 4.8 From Late-Nite Software Multiple BBS', ANSI, HST, 115k baud and 99 Nodes Supported !
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
CyberSpace Transporter is a door that allows your users to call out to other systems on a second modem and phone line. Most of your callers may be long distance to BBS's that are local to you. So now you can actually save your users some REAL MONEY. And maybe make some for yourself.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Trivia Darts Version 1.0 combines the game of Darts with trivia! The player throws the dart and is asked a trivia question. If right then the player receives the points he made on the dart board. Also features ansimusic sound effects.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
DAWN v1.00 - The semi-intelligent bbs door. Dawn is an example of artificial intelligence that supports most bbs drop files. Simple installation.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
DEATH BY ADRENALINEThe Ultimate Onliner. Game designed for bulletin board systems, but it can be run without a BBS as well! Absolutely packed with ANSI graphics, ANSI music, and the works! You are your average hoodlum out cruising the town and living on the edge! Lots of blood, sex, violence, and stealing! Grab a copy and try it out today!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Double Solitaire v1.1; Play against the computer in this DOOR version of the classic game. 'Tournament' style play. Features: ANSI and RIPscrip graphics, FOSSIL support, Multi-node support, COM1-COM8 and IRQs 1-15 supported, DESQview aware, easy setup.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Deluxe Credit Card Door 3.00i (BETA). The best credit card processing door ever available to PCBoard sysops! Subscriptions, Products, Inventory, Donations, and MORE! Taxable subscriptions finally added.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Deluxe Chase 1.0: a great graphical ANSI Door for most BBSs.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Dragon Door (Credit Card Door) Ver.1.00 A Credit card door written to be used to process multiple items for those of use using the fine services of Dragon BBS to process our credit cards. Not written or supported by Dragon BBS, but it creates the file they process. Uses DOORFRAME library for Non-Standard Comport and IRQ's. Programmer: William Rountree Release Date 3\13\94
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Domain DataLink v1.00c - DOOM & More on your BBS! MORE SPEED IMPROVEMENTS! FASTER, FASTER! Domain DataLink allows for your users to play DOOM, Falcon 3, DOOM ][, and many other modem games through your BBS. It also allows for DIRECT user to user transfers and more! Works with most BBS packages supporting XTRN.DAT, DOOR.SYS, PCBOARD.SYS, DORINFO#.DEF, SFDOORS.DAT, and CHAIN.TXT dropfiles.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
This program allows a door to open up to many doors. It also keeps the door usage statistics.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
DEFLECTO v1.5 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Object is to get all of the targets by placing deflectors on the board to change directions. Fully functional, supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware. For this and other great door programs call The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
DESTROY HARD DRIVE JOKE DOOR Let your callers destroy their hard drives! Just a joke... Does no harm!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
DHSCOPE3 Your Daily Horoscope v3.4; Uses astrology and the positions of the planets to plot out your daily horoscope. Allows you to save the horoscope for every sign into an ASCII text file to display as you wish. Will know the sign of a user every time he or she enters this door upon initial run. Lots of features for registered owners. Creates PCB, ASCII and ANSI text files.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
DISNEY TRIVIA IV v2.5 <<<<<<<<<<< Trivia game with questions testing your knowledge of Disney movies and shows. Fully functional, supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware. For this and other great door programs call The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Double Joker v1.0 door game. Popular hi/low card game.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
DOORLIB DOOR UTILITIES <<<<<<<<<< Config Utility v2.0 and Score Utility v1.5 Utilities for use with DoorLib doors. For this and other great door programs call The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Doormind v1.1/standard [Jul-01-94] Doormind monitors door usage, creates graphs, notifies users of number of users running doors and what door, determines most and least active doors, allow single node doors on a multinode system, and much more. Registration: $10 to $15. Made in the U.S.A. Dezone Services, Co. (1:103/203)
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Dollarmania! Door v2.7; The ultimate in online slot machines! Supports COM 0-15, multinodes and DESQview aware, TOP TEN bulletin creation, resets every Monday, colorful screens, CUSTOM or STANDARD modes of play, easy setup, and now even supports fossil drivers.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Diamond Trivia v4.0 Feature Update! A BBS door program concerning trivia of our national pasttime, BaseBall. Now creates RIP bulletins and has a RIPSCRIP interface. Another BBS Door program form PAROLE Software and Dennis Maidon.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
DoorMan v3.43 - Door Mgnt/Menuing System The absolute *BEST* program available to handle EVERYTHING relating to Doors on your BBS! You have to see this one to believe it!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Download Door v3.0; Fast Downloading of up to nine specified files. This up-date adds RipScript Graphics. You do not have to have a Rip aware BBS to use this program. If your user is running a Rip Terminal programming DownLoad Door will detect the terminal and send the Rip Graphics screens and give the user mouse contol of the menus. If your user has an ANSI terminal then they will get ANSI screens. This version includes a files list
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Dodge Ball - version 1.1 - BBS Door Just like the old days. Avoid the flying balls and pickup the treasure to get the high score. No Keys, No Expire Michael Wilson The Village: 408-229-0706
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
DODGE'EM v2.5 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Object of the game is for you, the Racer, to try and get all of the .'s before the Jammer gets you. Arcade style game. Fully functional, supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware. For this and other great door programs call The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
DOMINOES - Door Game v2.6 . Part of the Sunrise Door Collection An all time favorite! Fast-paced, challenging simulation of the ever popular game played by everyone. Automatic game reset & Hall of Fame bulletins, at end of month. Makeup games missed, during the month. FOSSIL support for Multi-port cards including PCBoard /M........ NEW SCORING Features!!!...................... INTER-BBS capable*
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
DoorMan v1.0 - Controls access to your door programs on a door by door basis. "Lockout" users who've dropped carrier in the door on a previous call or who have too little time remaining online. Exempt users above a set security level from being locked out. COM1- COM4 (including non-standard); up to 115200 baud; FOSSIL supported (but not req'd); and support for most drop files. Shareware from Alien Archives!. (02-10-94)
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
DOORSYS will make DOOR.SYS file for you to run a door game localy even when it does not have a local mode option. Should work with most doors that support door.sys. Version 1.1 minor update <<>> From Brian's World BBS (714) 821-3123
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
DoorMan: DM will build your Doors.bbs & Door.Rip Menus for you It will update the menus each time a caller uses a door It Post each door, who last used the door, when, and how many time the door has been used. Fully functional as is.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
DOOR TIME; A method of controling the amount of time a user can spend in a particular door. Currently, DRTIME only works with BBS software utilizing DORINFOx.DEF, but a version for DOOR.SYS will be released soon.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Whether its Bill Gates, or Dr. Doom, you need a program that will page you if one of your 100 "VIP" or "NON-VIP" users logon. Unfortunately, most BBS packages dont have such capabilities. FORTUNATELY..DORWarn Does! Try DORWarn Version 1.5 by Donny Brand. (c) 1994. (Almost '95) DORWarn Version 1.5
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
D.O.S.C. v1.1: Disk Operating System for Communications is finally here... This is a door that recreates DOS... OVER THE MODEM! It has password support, message system, and it can run normal applications!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
DOUBLES SOLITARE v2.5 <<<<<<<<<<< Object of this solitare game is to get rid of all 52 cards by removing all of the 'doubles' or 'pairs' from the screen. Fully functional, supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware. For this and other great door programs call The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
DownLoad Door Plus 1.45 Bug Fixes - Fixed the forced fearture. Offers a 52 file database. InterActive ANSI & RIP menus, without Files! You individually force any # of files on your users. This version adds a database to keep track of WHO downlaoded WHAT. Call DUOnline for the latest version and to make a personalized 30 Day Demo key. 513-324-8606. Needs GSZ or DSZ to work.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
BBS Door Review door. Supports several BBS formats and baud rates up to 115,200.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
The Dragon's Claw v.1.0 Full featured on-line adventure game. Topographical ANSI maps of terrain and multi-level dugeons. ANSI monsters, magic items, towns, ruins, and over 200 monsters. Uses fossil driven COM routines for best compatability.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Draw Poker v1.4 On-Line Door Game Here is a nice ANSI Draw Poker game that your users will love. Has many nice features to the game. Tells the player who won and why. DRAW POKER ONLINE DOOR GAME Worldwide Programming (209) 497-6722
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Dr. DreadMulti-player BBS or local role playing game. Battle Droids. Use your wits to make your way past Sizzlers, Zingers, Force Fields & many other Electro-Droids to rescue the Hostage. Use your Zapper to deactivate the Droids in the Zones. But watch out for the Traps! Animated color ansi graphics! On-line chatting. Multi-player movement in Zones. Secret door Key Quests for shortcuts thru Zones.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
AceyDeucy v1.3: Acey Deucy, also known as Between the Sheets 100% ANSi Grafix. Supports all the most popular BBS' OS/2, DesqVIEW, Windows compatable! Multi-node Compatable!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Announce! v1.2: A GREAT Announcement Door! This is your BBS' own running 'NewsRoom'. Run it as a logon event and/or Door. Fully editable messages/news. Now with RIP grafix! Supports all the most popular BBS's
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
BlackJack Dice v1.0 ] Play BlackJack with dice! Can you get to 21 before the computer opponent does? Watch it, he's good! Incredible AI! 100% Ansi Graphics! Supports all the most popular BBS' including WildCat!, PCB, WWIV, SpitFire, TriBBS, and more! NOT CRIPPLED!!! FULLY FUNCTIONAL!!! $10 Registration- A Must See [ DreamWARE Communications ]
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
BattleShipv1.3 DreamWARE's BattleShip!! The classic game of BattleShip comes to your BBS ! 100% ANSi Grafix! EXCELLENT! Your users will LOVE this version of BattleShip!!! NOT Crippled! Multi-Node Compatable!! Read WHATS.NEW $10 Registration DreamWARECommunications
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Card Sharks v1.3: Card Sharks, also known as High Low. 100% ANSi Grafix. Supports all the most popular BBS' OS/2, DesqVIEW, Windows compatable! Multi-node compatable!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
DreamCHAT v1.4: The MUSICAL Chat Door NOW WITH MORE SONGS. Choose from 68 songs to be played to page you. Can Open/Close, Restrict (Password Protect) by security level, and restrict time. Supports most popular BBS's
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
DreamDOWN v1.1: The ULTIMATE Download Door! Use to allow users to download special files (BBS info, ever changing files, etc) Configure each downloadable file by password and/or security level. Automatically reads file_id.diz from the file if available. Downloadable filelist and more! Multi-Node
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
DreamHANG v1.0 The ULTIMATE Online HangMan game! 100% ANSi Grafix. Over 31,000!! words in the database! Your callers will LOVE this door. version of the classic game! Supports all the most popular BBS'. Multi-node Compatable!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
DreamLISTv1.4 DreamLIST is an online BBSList Data- Base. Users can enter BBS information, view, & dl others. Can search for Name. SysOp, Area Code, City, State, etc... Supports all the major Data Drop Files. TOTALLY CONFIGURABLE!! DOWNLOADABLE ADS! Read WHATS.NEW! You'll LOVE it!!! $10 Registration NOT CRIPPLED!!! DreamWARECommunications
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
DreamORDERv1.8 The ULTIMATE Online Catalog/Order Door! Let your users order your merchandise online! 6 definable shipping (definable), calculates order totals, VERY flexable setup! Allows downloading of total catalog. Multi-Node compatable! NOT CRIPPLED!!! $10 Registration. A MUST SEE !! Read WHATS.NEW DreamWARECommunications
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Othello v1.2: The classic board-game comes to your BBS! 100% ANSi Grafix. Othello has incredible AI! Plays VERY smart, VERY tough opponent! Supports all the most popular BBS' Multi-node Compatable! NOT CRIPPLED!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
DreamROM v1.3: The ULTIMATE CDRom Access Door! Let your callers browse your CDs, download from online CDs, and request from offline ones. Uses it's own databases, unlimited disks/directories Archive commands, fast searching, supports Pioneer changers, plays audio CDs, and more! Supports all the most popular BBS' including WildCat!, PCB, WWIV, SpitFire, TriBBS, and more!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
DreamSHUFFLE v1.0 ] The Online Word Scramble Game! Over 56,000!! words in the database! Your callers will LOVE this door version of the classic game!!! 100% Ansi Graphics. Supports all the most popular BBS' including WildCat!, PCB, WWIV, SpitFire, TriBBS, and more! Multi-node Compatable! NOT CRIPPLED! $10 Registration- A Must See [ DreamWARE Communications ]
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
DreamSLOTSv1.5 The ULTIMATE in Online Slot Machines! 100% ANSi Grafix. Can YOU Become A Billionaire & Join The Bill' Club?? Supports all the most popular BBS' Multi-node capable!! NOT CRIPPLED!!! $10 Registration A MUST SEE !! Read WHATS.NEW DreamWARECommunications
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
DreamSTAKES v1.0 ] Based on the classic dice game SweepsStakes. How lucky will YOUR roll of the dice be? 100% Ansi Graphics! Supports all the most popular BBS' including WildCat!, PCB, WWIV, SpitFire, TriBBS, and more! NOT CRIPPLED!!! FULLY FUNCTIONAL!!! $10 Registration- A Must See [ DreamWARE Communications ]
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
DreamMATCHv1.3 Similar to "Concentration" 100% ANSi Grafix !! How fast can you match the 32 cards on the playing field ?? Supports all the most popular BBS' Multi-node compatable!! NOT CRIPPLED!!! $10 Registration A MUST SEE !! Read WHATS.NEW ! DreamWARECommunications
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
WWIV2GAP v1.1 Reads WWIV and VBBS' CHAIN.TXT and converts it to DOOR.SYS. Free DreamWARE
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Drop 2 DOS Door Ver 2.1 (C) 1994-95 Steve Doss - BBS Door that simulates a dos "shell". Many standard DOS functions are supported. Also included are the commands PKUNZIP, PKZIP, UPLOAD, and DOWNLOAD among others. Does not allow the running of other programs from within this door, but does provide full support for the DOS functions. Multi-node ready. Supports non-standard COM ports up to 115200 baud, as well as fossil drivers.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
DRTIME. Includes 2 programs to help the sysop control how much time a user can spend in a particular door program. One for DOOR.SYS, the other for DORINFOx.DEF. Freeware.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
DSM Door Screen Manager 1.1! A great door menuing system for your Wildcat/PCB BBS. Shows door number,description of Door, Last User,times used, and last date and time used! DSM is also completly sysop with colors and backgrounds.Very easy to install onto your BBS. 5 Second Delay until registered. For latest updates call TES Software (910)895-0368.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
The Story Book - Neverending Story
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Domain Shopper/Teller Sysop Program v2.20a This is the version of DSYSOP.EXE meant to go with v2.20a of Shopper/ InstaTeller, it was accidentally left out and the older version of the program was shipped instead. If you downloaded SHOP220A.ZIP or INST220A.ZIP prior to 10/25/94, you should get this file to replace your existing DSYSOP.EXE file.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Door Tracker v1.0 for SysOps Door Tracker v1.0 is a FREEware release for all SysOps to keep track of their DOOR programs. Very complete information is kept on door names, authors, reg numbers, BBS support names and phone numbers, etc. Auto-alphabetizing and hardcopy printouts are part of the package.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
DoorTape 2.2 for Colorado Memory Systems tape software
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
DOUBLE WORDS v2.5 <<<<<<<<<<<<< Determine the second half of a 'double word' phrase. (ie: teddy bear, power steering, etc.) Fully functional, supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware. For this and other great door programs call The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
DUPLICATE SOLITAIRE Door: Compatible with most BBS Software
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Dream Voting Booth v3.20- The most full-featured voting door available... Supports the standard Door.sys dropfile - MultiNode Systems - SysOp Editor - Very SysOp configurable
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Dream Voting Booth v3.20 (Spanish) - The most full-featured voting door available... Supports the standard Door.sys dropfile MultiNode Systems - SysOp Editor - Very SysOp configurable.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Latest version of Dementia Wall with support for a full page of multi-color grafitti. Still the best Grafitti wall available.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Door World Magazine ONLINE DOOR. New release
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Eagle Enterprise Charge door & Subscription service Let us take care of all your subscriptions and Shareware sales. Each user will be handled one on one. We do this for security reasons. If nothing else Please d/l the file and check it out, read about us and what we are doing... Unlike some that have come and gone we are here to stay. Please feel free to place this file for download on your BBS. Thanks
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
EMPIRES AT WAR Door Game - Vers 2.51 Game of conquest and empire building in Napoleonic Europe. Geographical and political maps. Inter-BBS capable. Six players per game - 6 empires - France, England, Prussia, Austria, Russia, and Ottoman Turks. Economics, politics, weather, army and navy building, morale, leaders, events like rebellions or alliances. Supports most popular BBS Software packages, including PCBoard Vers 15 & WildCat
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
v3.0 Fast, Online, BBS list door which allows user to search for BBS by Name, Software, Baud, Nodes, Hours, and Telephone Number. Now has BBS list downloading capability! User can view EXTENDED information on a specific BBS. The program is configurable so that it will only allow a certain se- curity or higher to enter a new BBS. More features in Registered Version. @X0EMANY NEW FEATURES THIS VERSION!!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
ECC v2.1 Esterian Conquest Commander - GUI interface for DOOR game
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Eliminate v5.5. The computer selects a secret word. You try to guess it by entering words of the same length. Choose 4-9 letter words. Features 3 levels of difficulty. Supports most BBS software, multi-node, COM 0-15, 115K Baud, and non-standard IRQ's. Now supports multi-port boards using FOSSIL drivers including PCBoard/M!. A Livewire Door and now runs in local mode.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Eliza:Improved spelling, grammar & layout.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Elvis Presley! Trivia v1.0 - A BBS Door Game about the life and history of the "King of Rock & Roll". This is THE First of it's kind! Questions like: Where was Elvis born? Was he an only child? What was his first wife's maiden name? How many movies did Elvis direct himself? These are just a few of the questions found in the database and there are many more included in the expanded database when you register this door. You gotta have
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
E.M.S. TRIVIA IV v2.5 <<<<<<<<<<< Trivia game with questions testing your knowledge of Emergency Medical Service. Fully functional, supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware. For this and other great door programs call The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Enquirer type Headlines at Log on BBS DOOR
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
ENSEMBLE 1.0 is a match maker door by the makers of NEXUS. This door, although similar to NEXUS, is intended for a more general crowd, as NEXUS is intended for adult users. If you register either NEXUS or ENSEMBLE then you get the other free. If you currently own NEXUS your key will work with ENSEMBLE. This door is the best match maker out there today. the Sysop, and questions can be "weighed" as to their importance. This door does not
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Online Electronic Banking v1.01, Door Takes Checks Online! Door for WildCat!, PC-Board, RemoteAccess, TriBBS, PowerBBS, or any DOOR.SYS BBS. Electronically process checks from a checking or savings account online as payment for merchandise, services, subscriptions, etc. Fully automated. Full text logging of all transactions. Multi-node and DigiBoard compatible. Transaction data can be sent automatically via modem in an
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
EPSHELV2: A BBS SAFE shell to dos with with file tagging, Zmodem send, Zmodem uploads, Edit, Whereis and other commands. External commands can also be added. Works with these BBS verions: RBBS - Rbbs-Pc version 16.1+ (uses DORINFOx.DEF) QUICK - Quickbbs; Uses DORINFOx.DEF (same as above) PCB12 - Pcboard version 12 WWIV - WWIV bbs (uses chain.txt) PHOENIX - Phoenix bbs WILDCAT - Wildcat bbs PCB14 - Pcboard version 14 (not fully tested)
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
ESP Extra Sensory Perception! v2.4 Guess which Die is going to turn up. Fun for all ages. Includes ALL source code so you can experiment and make any necessary changes. Another BBS Door program form PAROLE Software.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Enterprise Trivia 3.0 from TES Software. Lets users compete for points by answering questions about Startrek TV show. All options are sysop configurable!. Also you can get ADDET.EXE to add more questions to the database. NOT CRIPPLED! Special Off Purchase 1 Trivia door at regular price and and get 2 Trivia doors FREE! Your pick! Online registration with MC/VISA at 910-895-0368.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
LordEvent v1.1! For L.O.R.D. v3.20+ - Create 100% configurable random daily events. Add anything, write anything, powerful editor, MORE!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
EXCALIBER v0.9c: Multi-player door game designed to be run on Wildcat 3.x bulletin board systems. It can, however, be run on any BBS that supports the DOOR.SYS standard.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Drop file compatability for QuickBBS and some doors.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Troubleshooting EZ-ROM cd door by Mike
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
E-Z Bingo v2.1 LlanoWare Play an exciting game of Bingo! E-Z Bingo is an OnLine door game that will give your players hours of fun and enjoyment! E-Z Bingo supports most BBS dropfiles. E-Z installation will have you up and running in minutes, even on multi-node systems! Now supports locked baud rates up to 115,200. Multi-node playable.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
E-Z Chat v1.1 LlanoWare E-Z Chat is a multi-node, User to User chat door that is designed to work on most BBS software. E-Z Chat is NOT a split screen chat door, but rather sends communications via 1 to 4 line messages. E-Z Chat has 10 edit able action commands, edit able language support, private (whisper) support, who's on, 256 private "rooms" that may optionally be passworded. All language and actions can be edited from
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
EzCheck 1.00 (c) Michael Niekut intented for use with EZROM 1.30h EzCheck checks if there is a rea- son (FileRequest) to start EZREQ. If there is a reason you can start EZREQ automaticaly. Have a look a see how usefull 1 KB can be. Freeware, you can use it for free Leeched from Pleasure Dome BBS Line I: +49-911-471107
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
E-Z Hang'n v2.2 LlanoWare Play an exciting game of HangMan! E-Z Hang'n is an OnLine door game that will give your players hours of fun and enjoyment! E-Z Hang'n supports most BBS dropfiles. E-Z installation will have you up and running in minutes, even on multi-node systems! Multi-node playable! Full fossil support for com1 thru com99. Over 21,800 words! Supports locked baud rates to 115,200. Now with Handle support for some BBS types.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
EZ-ROM 2.00 CD-ROM Door for ANY BBS. * UART, FOSSIL, DIGIBOARD. Use DOOR.SYS * or DORINFOx.DEF. Keeps Own Database, * Enforces Limits, MultiDisk, MultiNode * File Tagging, Text Search, Offline * Requests, ZIP & Text Viewer, Inserts * BBS Ads, Supports Pioneer Disk Changers * Direct Support PCBoard, Wildcat 3.x/4.x * Now includes Internal Protocols!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
EZSLOT v3.1 LlanoWare From the mindless array of slot machines littering the electronic arcade and casino rooms emerged a new face, a new era...EZ-Slots! An online gambling door in which your players loose, I mean, bet $'s in the EZ-Slot Machine. Supports most BBS drop files. Supports locked baud rates to 115,200. Multi-node playable.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
E-Z Wall v1.0: Another Graffiti Wall for your users to write their mindless ramblings on. E-Z Wall supports most BBS dropfiles. E-Z installation will have you up and running in minutes, even on multi-node systems! Multi-node playable! Full fossil support for com1 thru com99. Allows unlimited entrys. Direct write and read options. Full Language support. Supports locked baud to 115,200.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Ver 3.6 Facts, The door that test your knowledge. Similiar to TV's Jeopardy. Multi-bbs, Multi-node, handles baud rate to 115K. Configure the # of plays and can now show answers. Entire game now played from game menu. Fixed the score and register displays. Fossil Driver aware. Com-ports 0-15. Works with /M. Updating BLT error is Fixed. Now works in local mode for testing
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
TRUE FACTS TRIVIA IV v2.5 <<<<<<<<< Trivia game with questions testing your knowledge of general topics. Fully functional, supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware. For this and other great door programs call The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
v1.9 Famous Celebrities. Can you guess what Celebrity name that was picked? Multi/bbs/node and handles bauds to 115k. Fossil Driver aware and needs no run time file. Sysop selects to give correct answer or not. Now handles com-ports 0-15! Fixed the NO ANSI errors. Works with fossil drivers and in local mode.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Fancy ANSI V2.0 - User ANSI display door. Allows users to display their own ANSI's. Either ANSI's the user created or ones they found interesting. Can display up to 100 ANSI screens of any size. Compatible with most BBS software. Supports up to 115K baud rate, COM 0-15, non-standard IRQ's and multi-port boards using a FOSSIL including PCBoard/M. Desqview compatible. From: DEKM Software, Inc.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
FAST DOWNLOAD sysop Tool. This is a utility that is just for the sysop who does alot of work on there BBS from remote. This door allows you to Download files Without the work of putting it into the BBS file directory then having to take it back out. Plus you can upload and drop to dos all in the same door!!!!! Think of all the time it will save you. Try Fast download for yourself it could be one of your favorite sysop tools ever..
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
The FB POOL Live Door V1.70f A Very Easy to run POOL door! Excellent for FOOTBALL, BASEBALL or Any TEAM sport. Auto-Locking during actual game play, can be updated by user or sysop, easily configurable for BBS's using DOOR.SYS. COM1-4,IRQ's to 15. Now with FOSSIL support. WILDCAT!, PCB etc Compatible. By Peter Guethlein, Deltronix Enterprises Release Date : 8/29/93 V1.70f
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
FDL FileDoor LITE V 4.10.1 Bug-fix rel. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* DISP software: FileDoor-LIT protocol driver Version/Date : V 4.10.1 / Sept 18th , 1994 *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Update to FDL 4.10 to fix COMPORT's > 4. Needs the original FDL_V410.ZIP archive as well ! *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
FedJobs! Door v1.00: Your online access to 100's of gov't jobs nation wide. Reg.gives you access to bi-weeky updates to the job database (downloadable from The T&J Software BBS and The Docksider BBS). Info can be searched by title, keyword, etc. Info contains pay grade, open/close date of job, and location. Another quality door from T&J Software (717)325-9481/4369 Registration Special, Only $30.00 Until 12/31/94.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Ver 2.5 Feud, Game similiar to TV's Family Feud. Allows players only 3 strikes to be out. Multi-bbs/node and handles baud rates to 115K. Now Fossil Driver Aware. Fixed the bulletin reports plus much more. com-ports 0-15. Fixed the NO ANSI and too many files error. Now can run in local mode.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
FOOD FIGHT EDITOR, ver 1.1 The perfect companion to Food Fight, A very popular BBS control over players, the bank, configurations, and much, much more. Registration: $10.00 Author: Michael Wilson Support BBS: The Village 408-229-0706
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
FOOD FIGHT BBS Door Game ver 4.4 - Addictive, Colorful, Fast-paced, fun. A popular game on every board. Very simply, the callers find money, buy food, and throw it. You get points if hit, and lose points if you miss. There is a bank to save your money, get loans and protect yourself from robbery. There is protection to help you out. Food items, protection and a dozen other options are 100% configurable by the sysop. Supports DOOR.SYS,
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Freshwater Fishing Simulator v 2.6.003b Door by Eric Hamilton Fishing door. 28 different types of fish. Up to 4, sysop configurable, tournaments running at a time. 5 lakes to choose from, 20 when registered. DV, WIN, OS/2 aware. Handles up to 20 nodes when registered. compiled 2/20/95.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Match 15 v1.5 On-Line Door Game Test your users skills with this simple but yet strategic card game. Game play is ANSI, with cursor control movements. Your given 16 cards face up, in four rows of four each. You have to now discard cards in batches of 15 points. Kings, Queens, Jacks & 10's in the same rank can be discarded. MATCH CARD ONLINE DOOR GAME SOLITAIRE Worldwide Programming (209) 497-6722
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
TV & FILM TRIVIA I v2.5 <<<<<<<<<< Trivia game with questions testing your knowledge of TV and films. Fully functional, supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware. For this and other great door programs call The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
FILE REQUEST v1.2: BBS Door that will allow users to post file descriptions or names of files they would like to have U/Led to the BBS. File Request is DesqView, OS/2 and Windows aware. Supports most BBS software.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
JPSoft... Doorware for your BBS. Fire Fighter 1.00 is an addicting game where players try to stop the forest fire before it spreads. Players achieve higher scores by preventing damage and loss. Requires ANSI emulation. Detects RIP and sets up for 80x25 font. Supports DORINFOx.DEF, DOOR.SYS, FOSSIL driver, ASYNC and more. Installation and configuration programs make for easy install and setup.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Fire-Rescue Trivia v1.0 - A BBS Door of Many topics for Fire Rescue, EMT's and Medical Personnel. Are you ready for this one? Many questions are included in the expanded database when you register this door. You gotta have it and get it registered to get the entire database with well over 500 questions. RIP Supported, many BBS types too.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
FIRE FIGHTING TRIVIA IV v2.5 <<<<<<< Trivia game with questions testing your knowledge of fire fighting. Fully functional, supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware. For this and other great door programs call The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Q&D product...not fancy but it works....it will fix it so that your ansi doors will realize your users actually have ansi...it fixes the dorinfo1.def file so that the ansi flag is listed as 1 not 2 (2 indicates avatar + ansi and confuses some doors).....just run it in the directory your dorinfo file is in before the game is run
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
FLASHDEF is a no hastles (PCB) style DOOR.SYS conversion program that switches DOOR.SYS to DORINFO?.DEF drop file format. Its lightening fast for almost seemless operation. FREEWARE!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
FL LOTTOv1.0 The Quick Pick Door for the FLORIDA LOTTREY picks random numbers for lotto Fantasy 5 Pick 4 and Cash 3 Supports Wildcat and most other popular BBS's NOT CRIPPLED!! $5 Registration
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
FIELDS OF BATTLE 2.05BETA Online Game For PCBoard BBS Systems Multi-Player; EGA Graphics; Animation; Sound; Mouse Supprt; MultiNode; Custom Maps; Players 1-8; Strategic Warfare; Fields Of Battle Is A Graphical Game For BBS Systems, Players Control An Army of Tanks, Soldiers, Planes, And Many Other Units, In An effort To Sieze Control Of The World and Crush The Other Players Forces!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Forces of Darkness 1.00 - The space role playing game you have waited your whole life for! This is not a space trading game, but a role playing game set in space. The monsters you fight are space monsters. You travel from planet to planet as your character advances up the ranks of the galactic street fighters. drivers, non-standard IRQ's, locked baud rates and more. Setup is a snap. Brought to you by High Voltage! Software, the makers of
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Foolem' v1.1 (The Fake Dos Door) Foolem' is a "Fake" drop to dos door that will make your users think they have gained access to your hard drive. You can set it up as a door or as a dos hook. Catch those "Snoopy" users that just can't seem to resit trying to get to areas they know they don't have access to. Foolem' will create a log file for the sysop to review showing EVERYTHING the user did when they went into the door. Foolem'
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
FOOTBALL v4.0 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Play football against the computer using standard NFL rules. Fully functional, supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware. For this and other great door programs call The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Fortune Wheel 1.0: BBS Door. Great Wheel game! Good graphics. Most BBSs.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Future Runner On-Line Door Game for most All BBS Programs. Future Runner is a Futuristic Role Playing Game that is never the same each time the game is won and restarted. There are over 160 different play variations depending on the play version, who hired you, object you are searching for and the character you select. Over 150 different location and Ansi color screens give you a realistic view of where you are. We have even added a little
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Front Line 1.01 is a highly configurable, very secure host front door. Can be used with Doorway or any executable. Supports all COM ports at speeds up to 115200.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
FTPDOOR * ON-LINE * Version 1.01 ================ FTPDOOR is an online Files Request Door with built in FILES.BBS display Chat, Message to Sysop Functions Etc. SHAREWARE $4 - Proceds go to Childfind Compiled 01/09/94 ====================
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
FastVote* v3.50 NEW! (4/94) Great Voting System for almost ANY BBS! Updates include DigiBoard support, non-standard IRQs, Mandatory Voting, no-results-until you vote, and more! Includes internal BBS support, full communications routines, multi-node support, attractive ANSI graphed results, and access-level security. Allows users to create, edit and delete booths, add choices, change votes, and much more. EASY SETUP!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Food Wars 2.00 - Exciting new door game from the makers of Nexus. This game supports fossil drivers, non- standard IRQ's, locked baud rates, and comms 1-4. This is a role-playing style game loaded with great features and lot's of fun. Very popular game on my system.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
File WishList v1.0 door program Allows Sysop/Users to add their file wish list so that everyone on your bbs can view it and upload the files files if they have them. Supports Most BBS Software! *>WBS Presents<*
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
File Wishing Well II v2.3 PAROLE Software A BBS door program to list files that you and your users are seeking. Creates full color bulletins as well as an ASCii text file. Supports WC!3.x, PCBoard and ANSI/ASCii color codes. A complete rewrite of the original version. New features and a completely new look. Supports RIP graphic bulletins.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
FixDoorSys v1.2 - Allow RIP callers into Doors without RIP. This can be handy for BBS
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Global Backgammon Doorgame version 1.1. A real-time multi-node Backgammon and Acey-Deucy door game by the author of the popular doorgame Global War. Players wager points the Hall of Fame. Works with any BBS. Supports any number of nodes. Fossil, Non-Fossil or Digiboard. Global Backgammon Acey-Deucy Door Joel Bergen
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
GENERIC TRIVIA I v2.5 <<<<<<<<<<< Trivia game with questions testing your knowledge of general topics. Fully functional, supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware. For this and other great door programs call The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
GRUNT FEST -Mech Inf Combat Door Game Vers 1.21 - Hooahh... It's head to head mechanized combat between the two most powerful armies on earth in this fun to play BBS DOOR game which is half wargame and half card game. Journey to the near future somewhere between 1995 and 2005 where you will lead a mechanized Infantry Platoon in hypothetical Combat against another force of similar strength or greater.The opponents are the
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
GIFSEE 2.0 - Let your users preview GIF files, in less time, by mashing a bunch together and shrinking them. Your users will love you forever!! Registered mode allows you to put an advertising GIF in the compilation. Sorted lists, precomp CDROM lists, multinode capable. * NEW * lightbar tagging, sequential file names Can run with or without a fossil driver Cheap Shareware from Pete Rocca - $8.00
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
GILLIGAN'S ISLAND TRIVIA IV v2.5 <<<<< Trivia game with questions testing your knowledge of the Gilligan's Island TV shows and movies. Fully functional, supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware. For this and other great door programs call The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Grid Iron V2.3-Sports Trivia/Role Door Game. Users answer questions taking from all areas of sports. The player moves up in titles in order to reach the owner of their own Football team, by gaining points. Compatible with most BBS software. Supports up to 115K baud rate, COM 0-15, non-standard IRQ's and multi-port boards using a FOSSIL including PCBoard/M. Desqview compatible. From: DEKM Software, Inc.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Galactic Overlord 1.32 BBS Door Game GO is a game of galactic conquest. Each player will attempt to control a universe of planets. GO has 20+ ANSI screens/animation and is Multi-node friendly! Uses JSW Resource Files that contain all of the ANSI, doc, etc. files for the game. Supports std/nonstd comm ports, FOSSIL, and DigiBoards.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Gotcha Door, game. Supports several BBS formats and baud rates up to 115,200.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
GOBBLE MAN v2.5 <<<<<<<<<<<<<< Object of the game is for you, the Gobble Man, to try and get all of the .'s before the Monsters get you. Fully functional, supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware. For this and other great door programs call The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
GODFATHER OF CRIME Door Game - Vers 2.00 A rip-roaring, knock-em-dead ANSI door game of the 1930s New York organized Crime Scene! Carefully researched, the game provides authentic flavor as well as a fun to play game of the period. Using treachery, bribery, corruption, illegal businesses and, of course, some criminal acts, you attempt to work your way up from a young family Lieutenant to become the GodFather and most
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
GOMOKU v4.0 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Object of the game is to get five X's in a row either diagonally, vertically, or horizontally before the computer does. Fully functional, supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware. For this and other great door programs call The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
GoodUser v1.7 - only allow "good" users into your door programs! Supports all the major BBS types, DESQview aware, and non- standard IRQ's. Great for running tournaments between rival users! This version now supports fossil drivers! T&J Software Program
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Geo-Political Warfare v 0.91 GPWAR is an online game for PC Based BBS systems. Forget SRE's continuous scroll! GPWAR has a *FULL SCREEN ANSI INTERFACE* In GPWAR each player much take on many economic, military and diplomatic problems. The only way to win is by trading with other players & getting well prepared for the military showdown. GPWAR is based on Galactiwars. It supports all dropfiles, FOSSILS, and IRQs! Shareware!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Grafitti Wall For Any DOOR.SYS BBS! Sysop Configurable! DV Aware! Version 2.00 -> NEW RIP Graphics! <- From FireHawk SoftWare.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
NavGRID: Kiss Your Battleship GOOD-BYE >>> Now Supports RIP And ANSI! <<< A-10 and I-4 Coordinates Were Great For The Board Game, But Now You Can Compete Against Literally Unlimited Challengers In This Mouse/Cursor-Controlled Game. Direct Support For COM1-15, Digi-Port, Fossils, Multi-Node, Desqview. Support BBS: 616-968-7150
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
GROAN DICE - Door Game v2.0 . Part of the Sunrise Door Collection A fast paced, challenging dice board game. Makeup games missed during the month. Automatic game reset & Hall of Fame bulletins, at end of month. REAL TIME scoring and POOL points! Supports Fossil-based Multi- Port cards, including PCBoard /M version!!!!! INTERBBS Capable
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
GRUNT! Alpha v0.016 - Online RPG Game Door! This is an action packed RPG game built for PCB 15.2. Done in the tradition of LORD. It has many areas to fight, verbose player statistics + 10 times more player abilities than LORD. Rings, wands, potions, scrolls, many shoppes, tons of objects, ability to buy, sell and exchange, online fighting, multi-player battle modes AND MORE! Even comes with an interactive chat-bar! BNU
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
GALACTIC RIM WARS ELiTE v1.1 a new humourous parody of online space games, and an addictive onliner in it's own right.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
GAPTABS v1 Telephone Access Billing Service TABS A 100% automatic subscription door. Through use of a 900# Billing service, this door takes the work and hassle out of subscriptions. Users call a 900# for a code and use the door to get upgraded instantly. They are then billed by thier Phone Company! No Startup costs. You just can't lose! Signup today!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
GTERM is a terminal program for use with my land of devestation doorgame. It provides EGA graphics support.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
GUEST REGISTRY (c) 1994 Atlantis Software The ORIGINAL & BEST Guest Registry door! Don't be fooled by cheap immitations. Extremely popular BBS door for TriBBS, Remote Access, Spitfire, Renegade, Wildcat, PC Board, Gap, and ALL other major BBS's. Guests can read about other guests and enter information about themselves for others to view. Information includes age, hobbies, children, favorite books and movies, dating
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Graffiti World Version 2.0 - BBS door Includes many features not in conventional graffiti doors. RIP support local and remote, with local mouse support! Registration $5.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
B.B.S. HACKER: Interactive BBS doorgame where your users get to play against other users or the computer. The object of the game is to become the best hacker out there!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Hang-Man v2.2 Online Hang-Man Door Game Hang-Man allows your users to choose from 30 different categories of words. Gives you the option of displaying a word when it is missed Hang-Man is a full ansi game with ANSI MUSIC as well. Comes with its own category maker. HANG MAN ONLINE DOOR GAME Danny Davis [209] 497-6722
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Viper Hangman Door v1.0; This is an old favorite with a twist. RBBS, PCB, GAP, WWIV, SPITFIRE and more!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
BBS Herald v1.2 Minor Bug Fix! An announcement type door for BBSs. SysOps may display a text or RIPSCRIP type screen to their users before of after doors or as DOS hooks on the various BBS systems. Another BBS Door from PAROLE Software and Dennis Maidon. Supports RIPSCRIP!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
HI-LO - Door Game v1.0 . Part of the Sunrise Door Collection A fast-paced card game whereby the player has to guess whether the card from the deck is HIGH or LOWER than one of the cards on the triangular board. Makeup games missed during the month. Automatic reset & Hall of Fame. Supports Digiboard, DV, LANs Non-Standard Com ports!* INTER-BBS capable*
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
HIROLL DICE - Door Game v5.6 . Part of the Sunrise Door Collection A fast paced, challenging dice board game. Makeup games missed, during the month. Automatic game reset & Hall of Fame bulletins, at end of month. Introducing REAL TIME scoring and POOL points !!!!! Supports the PCBoard /M version! * INTERBBS Capable
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
American History Trivia v2.0 Update!!! A BBS door program based on the history of North America. Supports RIPSCRIP Graphics, COM1-4, IRQ 0-15, Fossils and PCB/WC! Environment variables. Also creates full color buletins in ASCii/ANSI, WC!3.x and PCB special color codes. Locked DTE rates to 115200. Another quality door from PAROLE Software and Dennis Maidon. Copyright 1991-94, PAROLE Software all rights reserved
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
HISTORY TRIVIA IV v2.5 <<<<<<<<<< Trivia game with questions testing your knowledge of the history. Fully functional, supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware. For this and other great door programs call The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
HOBBIT TRIVIA IV v2.5 <<<<<<<<<<< Trivia game with questions testing your knowledge of the Hobbit stories. Fully functional, supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware. For this and other great door programs call The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Hockey Door Game
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
HODGEPODGE TRIVIA IV v2.5 <<<<<<<<< Trivia game with questions testing your knowledge of general topics. Fully functional, supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware. For this and other great door programs call The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Host Plus v3.00: Created to provide the host of a VGA Planets (C) game to have more control over the galaxy. It can be used to created a "trade" race which other players may trade, sell, and buy from. It may also be used to create a personalized galaxy to fit a certain scenerio. Use your imagination...
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Hot-Dice v1.7 - Door Game by Mike Jordan. Roll the dice and pick the numbers from a 3x3 grid that equals the roll of the dice. Try to get all the numbers before you run out of numbers to choose from. No Demo Key or Expiration Date. RIP detection, is DV and fossil aware. Supports environmental variables for multi-node operation.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Beta version of VGA PLANETS host 3.2 -Revision
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
ALFRED HITCHCOCK TRIVIA I v2.5 <<<<<< Trivia game with questions testing your knowledge of Alfred Hitchcock and his works. Fully functional, supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware. For this and other great door programs call The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
IAGO'S WAR MANUAL for playing TradeWars 2002 v1.03 and v1.03d
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
INTERBBS.EXE v2.9 Current version . Part of the Sunrise Door Collection* As more Sunrise Doors are updated to support the InterBBS option, this program will be updated to reflect those changes as well as other enhancements/bug fixes. Now includes a DOC file that will contain the information that is common to all the InterBBS capable Sunrise Door programs. INTERBBS will now handle REGIONAL HUBS !!!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
InterBBS Business Cards version 1.0 6 Definable Business Card Type, Ability to define Foreground, Background and Border Colors. InterBBS Networkable. Can be used stand alone door or as a External Module in Jobs 3.0+
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
ICONIAN COMPUTER WEAPON 1.4 for TW2002 v2. THE ICONIAN COMPUTER WEAPON is one of the several of the add-on's for TradeWars 2002 v2 from the TW-EXTENDERS series by SimSoft Professional Computer Services. Have an ICONIAN COMPUTER WEAPON wandering around in your universe, infecting any shipboard computers that it happens to run across. It's very easy to use and configure, and is run after the TradeWars maintenance program
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Shopping Mall DOOR Program. Features InterBBS Shopping and Up/Download for offline store managers. Contains features found in shopping programs TWICE the price. Also contains an Offline Store Manager for Store Owners.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
In-Between Cards (Door Game) ver. 1.11 Card Game where 2 cards are displayed. The user then wagers that the next card be higher than the first and lower than the second. Odds of a winning hand are contiually updated. Keep daily winners as well as a total winner for that month. Uses DOORFRAME library for Non-Standard Comport and IRQ's. Programmer: William Rountree Release Date 3\12\94
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Immortal, D&D online game.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Information Centre v1.02: Information centre is the almost-perfect way to give your users, old and new, information about your bulletin board and what's happening in it.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
INFO DOOR DISPLAY TEXT FILE Use this to display a text file. Requires the Brainex Door Manager.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
INFO-DOOR DOOR program for most bbs software. Creates menued, searchable database from simple text file. MENU is created automatically. Easy to install. Built in support for most bbs software. Excellent for displaying online services such as USA TODAY, BOARDWATCH MAGAZINE, or create your own Caller Registrys, BBS Lists, Classified Ads etc.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
INUSE Utility v1.0 . Part of the Sunrise Door Collection Use this utility when you have a DOOR that is NOT Multi-Node aware. If you create a file in the Door directory when the NON-MultiNode aware Door starts, this utility will check for that file everytime someone tries to play from another Node. Just about everything is configurable from colors to verbage! Supports the Multi-Com port/ Digiboard cards! In the tradition of the rest
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
InterBBS Recipe Door Version 1.0. o Ability to import ascii Meal Master (tm) recipe files (registered) o Database contains over 1800 recipes o Users can enter Recipes / Search Forward, Reverse, Keyword Search (reg.),or Individual Recipes. o Users can download individual Recipes while searching/scanning. The downloaded recipe will be in Meal Master (tm) format. o Has WoodyWare's exclusive "Make Me A Meal! (tm)" module. Here users can
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Iron Ox v. 1.00 Great strategy door! Scheme to become the richest colonist on an alien world. Nine player races that can claim land, steal, sabotage, spy and trade. Multinode and DV-aware with support for FOSSIL, many dropfiles, and "smart secure mode." Up to 255 concurrent games with game-by-game and monthly scoring; sysop-configurable daily, weekly, and monthly time prizes for the leader. Fun for your users; fast, easy
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
I Remember That...!(Door Game) ver. 2.12 Trivia Game that user attempts to guess the year an event took place. No nightly maintance is required. Requires ANSI. New capability for the user's to add additional questions. Sysop Editor! Now uses DOORFRAME Library, supporting Non-Standard Comport & IRQ's. Programmers: Jim Pierce William Rountree Release Date 2\23\94
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
IsCallN - This is a public-domain program for bulletin boards that use the DOOR.SYS file to determine if the current caller (in the door) is calling for the (nth) time (e.g., the first time, or hundredth time). This allows sending a call- appropriate mail message or similar action.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Online Interview and Resume Door version 1.0 Can be run as stand-alone door or as a Jobs 3.0 Module. Users can answer Job Interviews Online, keep their resumes online, get tips interviewing and resumes. 100% Sysop configurable who can put in interview questions and who can read interview answers and download/read resumes.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
THE ELECTRONIC JOB FAIR v1.1; Job seekers need more than skill, they must also be informed about interview skills, job trends, legal rights and responsibilities, career options. Use this online door to make it easier.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Jackpot! For Sysops who hold drawings. Picks winner randomly. Bulletin and more!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
JestBBS 2.22; Funny BBS utility that displays a joke at logon/logoff. OVER 2130 JOKES INCLUDED! Creates ANSI, ASCII, and optionally RIP files!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Jewel Thief v1.2 - Door Game by Mike Jordan. Jewel Thief is a multi-level, action game, that requires concentration, courage, fast reflects and good hand eye coordination to be able to steal all the Jewels in each room...Without getting Zapped by the over protective guards. No expiration date or Demo Key required. Supports RIP and DigiFossil, locked DTE, & most Drop Files.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Amazing Memory Door v4.2A By JNS Software, Released 7-22-94. Simon clone where the game displays a sequence and the user repeats it. Non Standard Com Port addressing & Fossil Driver Support. NO EVALUATION KEY required. The registered version features Make-Up & Play Ahead options as well as a Bulletin maker and User Score Data Editor which is built in. Now detects and adjusts screen for RIP Graphics back to 25 line mode.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Boxed Poker Door Game v4.1A By JNS Software Released 7-22-94. Place Cards in a 5x5 grid to come up with the best ten poker hands. Non Standard Com Port addressing & Fossil Driver Support. NO EVALUATION KEY required. The registered version features Make-Up & Play Ahead options as well as a Bulletin maker and User Score Data Editor which is built in. Now detects and adjusts screen for RIP Graphics back to 25 line mode.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Card Draw Poker v2.1A- By JNS Software Released 7-22-94. A nice poker game where the user plays against the dealing computer. Non Standard Com Port addressing & Fossil Driver Support. NO EVALUATION KEY required. The registered version features Make-Up & Play Ahead options as well as a Bulletin maker and User Score Data Editor which is built in. Now detects and adjusts screen for RIP Graphics back to 25 line mode.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Double SoliTree Game v2.1A By JNS Software Released 7-22-94. If you like SoliTree you will love this. Like Soli-Tree With 2 Decks! Non Standard Com Port addressing & Fossil Driver Support. NO EVALUATION KEY required. The registered version features Make-Up & Play Ahead options as well as a Bulletin maker and User Score Data Editor which is built in. Now detects and adjusts screen for RIP Graphics back to 25 line mode.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Golf Solitaire Door v4.2A By JNS Software, Released 7-22-94. This is a solitaire card game which features Tournament Play for a very competitive game. Supports Non Standard Com Port addressing, & Fossil Support. NO EVALUATION KEY required. The registered ver- sion features Make-Up & Play Ahead options as well as a Bulletin maker and User Score Data Editor which is built in. Now detects & adjust screen for RIP Graphics 25 line mode.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
The Great White Card v4.1A By JNS Software, Released 7-22-94. A fantastic card guppies clone that adds a lot more fun to the play. Non Standard Com Port addressing & Fossil Driver Support. NO EVALUATION KEY required. The registered version features Make-Up & Play Ahead options as well as a Bulletin maker and User Score Data Editor which is built in. Now detects and adjusts screen for RIP Graphics back to 25 line mode.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
In-Between Door Game v4.1B By JNS Software, Released 7-22-94. This is a simple but yet a very aggravating card high/low card game. Non Standard Com Port addressing & Fossil Driver Support. NO EVALUATION KEY required. The registered version features Make-Up & Play Ahead options as well as a Bulletin maker and User Score Data Editor which is built in. Now detects and adjusts screen for RIP Graphics back to 25 line mode.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Idiot's Delight Door v1.3A By JNS Software Released 7-22-94. You can't be an idiot if you want to win this solitaire card game. Non Standard Com Port addressing & Fossil Driver Support. NO EVALUATION KEY required. The registered version features Make-Up & Play Ahead options as well as a Bulletin maker and User Score Data Editor which is built in. RIP Detection and has several new features over v1.3. Also a few bug fixes.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Kings Last Door Game v2.1A By JNS Software Released 7-22-94. A pure luck Solitaire game that children really like, and adults too! Non Standard Com Port addressing & Fossil Driver Support. NO EVALUATION KEY required. The registered version features Make-Up & Play Ahead options as well as a Bulletin maker and User Score Data Editor which is built in. Now detects and adjusts screen for RIP Graphics back to 25 line mode.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Match-Two Door Game v1.2A By JNS Software, Released 7-22-94 This is a poker style card game in which you bet on matching cards. It is tuff. Non Standard Com Port addressing & Fossil Support. NO EVALUATION KEY required. The registered version features Make-Up & Play Ahead options as well as a Bulletin maker and User Score Data Editor which is built in. Now detects and adjusts screen for RIP Graphics back to 25 line mode.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
On The Edge Door v1.4A - By JNS Software, Released 7-22-94. This is a solitaire style card game which features Tournament play. Supports Non Standard Com Port addressing & Fossil Support. NO EVALUATION KEY required. The registered version features Make-Up & Play Ahead options as well as a Bulletin maker and User Score Data Editor which is built in. Now detects and adjusts screen for RIP Graphics back to 25 line mode.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Press Your Luck Door v1.4A By JNS Software, Released 7-22-94 Pressing your luck on rolls of dice is the theme but you must know when to stop. Non Standard Com Port addressing & Fossil Support. NO EVALUATION KEY required. The registered version features Make-Up & Play Ahead options as well as a Bulletin maker and User Score Data Editor which is built in. Now detects and adjusts screen for RIP Graphics back to 25 line mode.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
The Puzzle Machine v4.2A - By JNS Software, Released 7-22-94. Number puzzle that must be returned to it's 1 to 15 numbered sequence. Non Standard Com Port addressing & Fossil Driver Support. NO EVALUATION KEY required. The registered version features Make-Up & Play Ahead options as well as a Bulletin maker and User Score Data Editor which is built in. Now detects and adjusts screen for RIP Graphics back to 25 line mode.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Quote Fall Door Game v4.2A By JNS Software, Released 7-22-94. The player must unscramble mixed quotes by droping letters into boxes. Non Standard Com Port addressing & Fossil Driver Support. NO EVALUATION KEY required. The registered version features Make-Up & Play Ahead options as well as a Bulletin maker and User Score Data Editor which is built in. Now detects and adjusts screen for RIP Graphics back to 25 line mode.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Soli-Tree Door Game v5.2A By JNS Software, Released 7-22-94. This is a solitaire card game which features Tournament & Standard Modes, Non Standard Com Port addressing, & Fossil Support. NO EVALUATION KEY required. The registered version features Make-Up & Play Ahead options as well as a Bulletin maker and User Score Data Editor which is built in. Now detects and adjusts screen for RIP Graphics back to 25 line mode.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Two-Card Poker Game v4.1A By JNS Software, Released 7-22-94. Two card poker game where the player plays against 3 computer hands. Non Standard Com Port addressing & Fossil Driver Support. NO EVALUATION KEY required. The registered version features Make-Up & Play Ahead options as well as a Bulletin maker and User Score Data Editor which is built in. Now detects and adjusts screen for RIP Graphics back to 25 line mode.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Trapper Door Game v2.1A - By JNS Software Released 7-22-94. A fun and challenging game where you try trap the varment on a block. Non Standard Com Port addressing & Fossil Driver Support. NO EVALUATION KEY required. The registered version features Make-Up & Play Ahead options as well as a Bulletin maker and User Score Data Editor which is built in. Now detects and adjusts screen for RIP Graphics back to 25 line mode.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Treasure Trove Door v1.4A By JNS Software, Released 7-22-94. This is a solitaire card game which features Tournament play. It Supports Non Standard Com Port addressing & Fossil Support. NO EVALUATION KEY required. The registered version features Make-Up & Play Ahead options as well as a Bulletin maker and User Score Data Editor which is built in. Now detects and adjusts screen for RIP Graphics back to 25 line mode.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Yacht Door Game v1.1A By JNS Software. Released 7-22-94. Nice Yacht Dice game that awards points for the high score of the day. Non Standard Com Port addressing & Fossil Driver Support. NO EVALUATION KEY required. The registered version features Make-Up & Play Ahead options as well as a Bulletin maker and User Score Data Editor which is built in. Now detects and adjusts screen for RIP Graphics back to 25 line mode.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Jobs! Version 3.0 the most Comprehensive Online Employment Opportunity door Available. Over 1500 Federal Jobs, over 1000 Private Sector job contacts, 100% configurable Employee and Employer questionaires, Matches to 5 Employer<>Employees, Internal netmail. Now with Rip! This one has it ALL.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Galactic Overlord 1.30 BBS Door Game GO is a game of galactic conquest. Each player will attempt to control a universe of planets. GO has 20+ ANSI screens/animation and is Multi-node friendly! GO can create text, ANSI, or Wildcat! ranking bulletins. Most of the CRIPPLING has been removed! Uses JSW Resource Files that contain all of the ANSI, doc, etc. files for the game. Easy to use player interface. Now has over 20 !NEW!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Jimmy The Geek's Trivia Gems V1.60 Outstanding Trivia Live Door with over 3000 TOP QUALITY questions available! Questions presented in 5 different formats. Definitely the Best Quality Trivia Door Available. Sports & General Database DEMO. NO KEY NEEDED. Easily configurable for BBS's using DOOR.SYS. COM1-4,IRQ's to 15. FOSSIL, WC!, PCB, RIP, Compatible. By Peter Guethlein, Deltronix Enterprises Release Date : 2/20/94
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
KA9QDOOR v2.0 - RUN KA9Q NOS AS A DOOR. Offer callers direct TCP/IP access to the Internet via serial SLIP/PPP link! Allows them to run FTP, Telnet, Mosaic, etc! Requires KA9Q NET program and an connection to the Internet. (Callers need SLIP/PPP software.) Now works with any BBS that creates DOOR.SYS!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
KABOOM! A game door similar to MineSweeper that supports most BBS drop files, KaBoom! provides a great number of sysop functions, a two-line status line, full data input error checking, and multi-node operation. Supports both IBM and straight ASCII character sets and monochrome monitors Hall of Fame and left-handed operation, tutorial and hint modes. No FOSSIL required handles non-standard comm ports. $10 registration!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
KINGS ARE WILD v1.0 - Multi-BBS Door Program Challenging and quick paced game where users score points by matching the total of the card displayed. Features make-up days option plus 12 month annual scoreboard. Supports COM0-15 up to 115,200 plus fossil driver, non-standard IRQ's and much more. Another fun online game from CorpSoft. 03/17/95
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
WCS Keno v.16ß - Fun, fast-paced keno game.
Just like playing the lottery, only better!
Visually exciting screens, plus watch out for
those pickpockets! Registered version comes
with make-up days enabled.*REQUIRES NO KEY
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
KICKBOXERv1.0 Released 2/15/94 A soloware ßßS
Door Game
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
King's Crown V3.2 - Trivia/D&D Door Game. Users answer questions given by the wizard Shirak to move up in levels in order to reach King. All users compete for the Crown and try to overthrow the existing King. Compatible with most BBS software. Supports up to 115K baud rate, COM 0-15, non-standard IRQ's and multi-port boards using a FOSSIL including PCBoard/M. Desqview compatible. From: DEKM Software, Inc.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
BRAINEX KENO; Features automatic number picks. ANSI/RIP display. Fun! Top weekly/all time scoring. Requires the Brainex Door Manager.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
KENO - Door Game v2.2 . Part of the Sunrise Door Collection Can You pick 8 numbers that match the computer's picks. If you do you can win the REAL TIME Jackpot! Fast-paced & challenging. REAL TIME scoring with other players online. Automatic game reset & Hall of Fame bulletins. Makeup games missed during the month. NOW with multi-port card support, incl PCBoard /M.* INTER-BBS capable*
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
King of the Board Version 8.18 The most popular Trivia game for BBS Systems. Over 600 Happy registered Sysops Supports Fossil Drivers Non-Standard IRQ's Supports ALL Major BBS's Now menu Driven! New pyramid display & Bulletin This is not the COMPLETE package This packet is an UPDATE ONLY! Read the !KING.NEW for changes Supported since 1987!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
KMAIL v3.0 Offline Mail Door for PCBoard. This version supports PCB 15.0 - 15.21. Uses TPA interface, is network compatible with appropriate file locking when necessary. Uses HS/Link and DSZ protocols. Prescanned mail packets and online help. File services handy for network hubs. Supports both NDX & IDX message formats. Attached file support. Full function trial demo available This version does NOT support FOSSIL interface.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Kingdom Online Door Game. Be the ruler of a Kingdom for 50 years! Make the season to season decisions of how much food to eat and plant, how much land to buy, etc. DORINFOx.DEF & DOOR.SYS systems. Fossile Required. From Caliber Software, the makers of Beer Trivia.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Knight's Move - v1.6 Door Game by Mike Jordan requiring skill and thought. Move the chess Knight around the board trying to land on each square only once. Supports most major drop files. Supports environmental variables for multi-node operation. Has fossil and RIP detection and works with Digifossil. No expiration date or demo key required.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
KNIGHTS v3.0 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< This game is played using the chess piece called the knight. The object is to move the knight on as many squares as possible without moving on the same square twice. Fully functional, supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware. For this and other great door programs call The Pegasus
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Kannons & Katapults v4.3 by Alan Davenport is a shareware door game where your users play against the computer in a simulation of the old castle vs. castle wars. It is fun and quick to play. KNK makes extensive use of ANSI sound effects and the AI engine is no pushover! KNK supports COM1 through COM4, non-standard interrupts, fossil drivers and baud rates up to 115200 BPS. Registration is $20. The two common BBS dropfiles
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Klingon Trivia v2.0 -naDev tlhInganpu'tu'lu'- (There are Klingons around here). Test your KLINGON knowledge with this BBS door program devoted to all aspects of "Klingon Trivia." Registered SysOps may obtain a special utility to add/edit questions in the database Supports a RIPSCRIP interface and creates ANSI/WC!3.x/PCB/RIP bulletins. Supports the following user files: CALLINFO, USERS, DOOR, USERINFO, PCBOARD, DORINFOx, TRIBBS, SFDOORS
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Kylon's World v2.3: Multi-node, multi-user door game with a dungeons & dragons role playing theme. Users may battle the monsters, team up against the monsters, or kill each other. Features online user help and multi-node chat. Works with any DOOR.SYS BBS software and runs up to 200 concurrent nodes. RIP graphics capable.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
LADDERS Dice - Door Game v4.5 . Part of the Sunrise Door Collection If you use the right strategy and have plenty of luck, you will climb the ladders and "capture" the required number to earn points. Makeup games missed during the month. Auto game reset & HOF bulletins. FEATURING 'POOL' points & REAL TIME scoring! Supports Fossil- based Multi-port cards, incl PCB /M version! >>>>> I N T E R - B B S Capable <<<<<
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
LASAGNA BBS game door v1.00; Welcome to Lasagna, a mastermind type of game using 3 numbers. Will you get cheese, meatballs, or noodles? Most bbs interface files are supported.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Lasso! Door v1.4 by T&J Software, based on the popular HANGMAN type game. Comes with over 28,000 words! Supports up to 115k baud rate, COM1-15, non-standard IRQ's, DESQview aware, fossil driver support, and much more! A fun game for all your users!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
LZHDoor v2.01 - This door will explain to your users why you use LZH (LHA.EXE) for your archiver and what file to download. This door also has several other uses. You may use to display information to your users. Supports COM1-4, non-standard IRQ's and other features. NOW SUPPORTS RIPScrip! Very easy to install. Fixes DOOR.SYS error.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
LORD TRX! Version 1.10. A SocraSoft In Game Module for use with Seth Able Robinson's immensely popular "Legend of the Red Dragon" versions 3.25+. New features! Fairy Events! Talking Horse Events! New limits on trading and stealing! Bug fixes! Shareware $5.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
LEARN HAWAIIAN v1.5 LEARN HAWAIIAN On-line Door Game asks the caller a series of questions on the Hawaiian Words, Hawaiian Phrases and Hawaiian Sentences. Educational and Fun.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
LEGENDS v5.0 - Fantasy Role-Playing System!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Lemonade Door v3.50 - run your own stand! Supports COM1-15, DESQview aware, non- standard IRQ's, colorful ANSI screens, top 10 bulletin creation, fully SysOp configurable, supports most BBS types, and even fossil drivers! T&J Software Program
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Lemonade (RIP) Door v1.0: FULL RIP door. Make money selling lemonade! Full RIP graphics, COM1-15, non-standard IRQ's, DV aware, RIP bulletins, easy sets up on ANY BBS that supports doors, sysop options available, and much more! Another door release from T&J Software!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Online Library 1.6; Add a librarian to your BBS! User's can view/download and upload ANSI/AVATAR and any text files you have available! Stores all files in an archive file (ZIP/ARJ or whatever you define). Files are unpacked as they are needed. 100 categories and up to 200 files in each category! An impressive addition to any BBS
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Links Golf v4.0 BBS Door Program; Links Country Club Golf. Play rounds of 9 or 18 holes. Includes course architect to customize a course to your board. Now includes ANSI display for each hole. Supports baud rates to 115,200, COM0-15, non-standard IRQ's and fossil based multi-port digiboards.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Letter Match - Door Game v2.0 Part of the Sunrise Door Collection A unique and challenging game that tests your memory and knowledge of the category subject chosen by the Sysop. Automatic reset of game at end of month. Make-up-games-missed option and MORE! Supports Fossil-based Multi-Port cards, including PCBoard /M
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Land Of Devastation Door Game: Players compete to save the remains of a world devastated by Nuclear War by assembling a air-purifying "Puritron" Device. Sysop and User documentation [Required]
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Land Of Devastation Door Game: Players compete to save the remains of a world devastated by Nuclear War by assembling a air-purifying "Puritron" Device. Main LOD program and data [Required]
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Land Of Devastation Door Game: Players compete to save the remains of a world devastated by Nuclear War by assembling a air-purifying "Puritron" Device. EGA version [Optional]
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Land Of Devastation Door Game: Players compete to save the remains of a world devastated by Nuclear War by assembling a air-purifying "Puritron" Device. EGA additional graphics library [Optional]
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Land Of Devastation Door Game: Players compete to save the remains of a world devastated by Nuclear War by assembling a air-purifying "Puritron" Device. Sysop customization package [Optional]
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Land Of Devastation Door Game: Players compete to save the remains of a world devastated by Nuclear War by assembling a air-purifying "Puritron" Device. EGA developers kit [Optional]
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Lords of Irongate v2.00 - Quest for the Orb! ++ EXCELLENT BBS ADVENTURE DOOR. IBM/PC VERSION Now FULLY supports: TriBBS, GAP (DOOR.SYS), RBBS, PCBoard, WildCat!, WWIV, and can be run locally. Freely distributable version. \\\\ An Enchanted Software Production! ////
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Legend Of The Red Dragon 3.26 The hit door becomes better. Real- time multi-node battles, marriage, IGM feature, bug fixes, lots more.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
LordBull v1.0! For L.O.R.D. v3.20+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Create 4 exciting new bulletins for LORD! Includes an exclusive "Ultimate" Bull. By SOS!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
LordCops v1.5! For L.O.R.D. v3.20+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Police that patrol your Lord Game! Prostitution arrest, assault & battery, etc! By Sons of Salami!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
LordConvert v1.1! For L.O.R.D. v3.20+ - Convert all of those Lord color-coded files in ANS/ASC/Any type of BBS color code format! Freeware by SOS!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Legend Of the Red Dragon Gambling Casino v1.6-R3 Yes, now all of you LORD players can gamble away your Gold! (Another giant bug fix in this ver.)
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
LordType v1.0! For L.O.R.D. v3.20+ - Type the LORD color-coded files from DOS. No ANSI.SYS driver needed. SOS software!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
LORE Version 1.00 - A new doorgame of fantasy role-playing! Features a full-screen ANSI graphics interface,with a detailed and colourful moving map system. Over 1 million locations to move to! Visit cities, and talk with the inhabitants in an inter- active way. Hundreds of monsters to do combat with, thousands of possible character combinations! Hire computer- controlled players to join you on your quest! Supports all major doorfile
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
The Lost Temple V0.2 * *The Newest On-Line RPG* Advance Through 30 Levels Explore Hundreds Of Rooms And Fight Evil Creatures Of All Kinds On Your Quest To Free The Lost Temple!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
Ver 4.8 Lottery Door, players can win at Pick-3 or Pick-4. You can set the prizes that they win and also set the amount of times in the door per day! Multi-bbs, Multi-node, bauds to 115K. Fossil Driver aware and NO other file needed to run door. Com-ports 0-15 Now runs in local mode for testing.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
LORD Monster Expansion, v1.0 - Add custom monsters to Legend of the Red Dragon, version 3.20a! This is not just another monster editor, this allows you to increase the number of monsters in your game. Allows you to add and edit monsters. Newest version allows you to import and export monsters to share with others. Developed by TC Software Shareware only $3.00!
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
LUCKY 13 SOLITARE v3.0 <<<<<<<<<< Solitare with a slightly different twist. Fully functional, supports multiple BBS formats, file sharing for multiple nodes, bauds up to 115200, INT 14h fossil drivers, COM 1-4, IRQ 1-15, and is DESQview aware. For this and other great door programs call The Pegasus BBS at (502)684-9896 USR DS.
Uploaded Tue Jan 31 2023 11:17 am
LAS VEGAS CRAPS GAMBLING DOOR Works with door.sys, chain.txt, dorinfo.def, sfdoors.dat Supports WWIV's gold. Plays just like a real Las Vegas crap game! Uses ANSI color. High score bulletin not saved in this version.