Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:04 am
"5 Card Stud v1.41" ------------------------------------------ Play 5 card stud against the computer and match your ability against others. Keeps daily winners as well as a total winner for that month. Uses DOOFRAME library for Non-Standard Comport and IRQ's. Now able to to be played without a BBS! Supports PCB, WC3.x/4.x and many others. Original Programming by: William Rountree
Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:04 am
ANSI Color Generator ACOLOR.EXE v6.21 Add ANSI color to ASCii files. Supports WC!3.x and PCB special color codes. Also creates files using ANSI color. Fully SysOp configurable. Another !FREE! SysOp utility from PAROLE Software & Dennis Maidon.
Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:04 am
Adopt-A-Door v5.1 Helps find users to 'adopt' or register a door program for your BBS. Runs before the door program and creates a text file of user responses. Another BBS Door from PAROLE Software and Dennis Maidon.
Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:04 am
"Adventure's Maze II v1.10" ------------------------------------------ If you like Role Playing and D&D, this sequal to Adventurer's Maze will keep you busy! 3-D ANSI views in the maze, so while your trying to find the exit, your fighting monsters and finding treasure. Uses DOORFRAME library for Non-Standard Comport and IRQ's. Original Programming by: William Rountree
Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:04 am
"Adventure's Maze v3.02" ------------------------------------------ Quest to find and kill the feared DRAGON! This is a D&D style door. No nightly maintance is required. Requires ANSI. New Hall of Fame, Reset after won & gen. new mazes. Now ues DOORFRAME Library, supporting Non-Standard Comport & IRQ's. Supports PCB, WC3.x/4.x and many others. Original Programming by: William Rountree
Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:04 am
ARTILLERY DOOR GAME V1.1 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- BBS door game that let's your users test their marksmanship. Fire a projectile over and through obstacles to destroy the hiding enemy. Very easy setup. Supports multiple nodes. Has sysop chat mode, carrier detect, no maintenance, and great graphics. Most features sysop configurable.
Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:04 am
"Accordian Solitaire v1.20" ------------------------------------------ A game of solitaire with a twist. No deck to play cards from, just shift cards from one pile to the other. Sounds easy, but it is quite challanging! Keeps daily winners as well as a total winner for that month. Uses DOORFRAME library for Non-Standard Comport and IRQ's. Now able to be played without a BBS! Supports PCB, WC3.x/4.x and many others. Original Programming by: William Rountree
Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:04 am
Entertainment Awards Trivia v4.30 A BBS door program concerning "OSCAR" trivia questions over the years. Registration will allow you to add questions to the database. Another PAROLE Software program by Dennis Maidon. Now creates RIP graphic bulletins as well as supports a RIPSCRIP interface. Supports all the major BBS drop files. WC!/PCB/SF/GAP, etc....
Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:04 am
________________BBS*Tris V1.1_______________ BBS door game that requires fast hands and quick thinking to play. Score by maneuvering falling pieces to form complete rows. Supports multiple nodes and many different drop file types. Has sysop chat mode, carrier detect, bulletin generation, great graphics, and NO MAINTENANCE! Difficulty can be configured by the sysop. Very easy setup! Shareware.
Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:04 am
____________Beat The House V1.0_____________ Now a Black Jack game that actually TEACHES the user to play! Real-time probabilities are calculated as the hand is dealt. Includes built-in hand analyzer, basic strategy generator, charts on dealer and player odds, etc. Players compete to win the most money. Automatic scores bulletin generation, game reset, and NO MAINTENANCE! Simple setup. Great graphics, sysop chat mode, and many other features. Both 16 and 32-bit versions included for one price!
Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:04 am
______________Brain Drain V1.4______________ Very addictive BBS word game that lets users attempt to match the skill of the computer in finding hidden words in a 4X4 matrix. Complete with dictionary that you can edit. Works on almost any BBS system and supports multiple drop file types. Great graphics, sysop chat mode, carrier detect, bulletins, and more. In this version: new menu, new bulletins, optional word count display, minor ANSI fixes, word extraction utility, larger dictionary. Very easy setup and NO MAINTENANCE! Shareware.
Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:04 am
"Bible Trivia v2.02" ------------------------------------------ Compare your knowledge of the Bible to others. Two modes: Normal and Challage. Over 500 questions. Automatically resets each month. Missed questions are repeated as Make-up questions. Keeps daily winners as well as a total winner for that month. Now able to be played without a BBS! Uses DOORFRAME library for Non-Standard Comport and IRQ's. Supports PCB, WC3.x/4.x & many others. Original Programming by: William Rountree
Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:04 am
"Calculation Solitaire v1.02" ------------------------------------------ Game of solitaire where there are 4 foundations to build upon and 4 discard piles to use. Each foundation requires a different increment to be played. Keeps daily winners as well as a total winner for that month. Uses DOORFRAME library for Non-Standard Comport and IRQ's. Now able to be played without a BBS! Supports PCB, WC3.x/4.x & many others. Original Programming by: William Rountree
Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:04 am
CatList BBS Listing Door v4.82 Support most major BBS User drop files. Support RIPSCRIP graphics and creates RIP compatible bulletins. Registration enables enhanced functions. Registered SysOps may set a limit to the number of days that listings remain current. Upon expiration, users are notified that their listings have expired. New UPDATE feature for Registered SysOps.
Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:04 am
"Criss Cross v1.93" ------------------------------------------ Attempt to make pairs, 3 of kinds, 4 of kinds and straights in this 5x5 grid. User controlable colors. Easy to play, but challanging for all ages. Requires ANSI. Keeps daily winners as well as a total winner for that month. Now able to be played without a BBS! Uses DOORFRAME library for Non-Standard Comport and IRQ's. Supports PCB, WC3.x/4.x & many others. Original Programming by: William Rountree
Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:04 am
Celebrity Trivia v4.3 A BBS door program concering trivia about famous people around the world. Now creates RIP graphic bulletins. Another BBS Door program from PAROLE Software and Dennis Maidon.
Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:04 am
Current Events v2.30 BBS calendar door Allow users to list upcoming events. Self maintaining and fast. Creates ANSI, WC!3.x, PCBoard and RIP type bulletins. Another product from PAROLE Software and Dennis Maidon. Different sort options now available. New features added in this release.
Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:04 am
______________BBS Checkers V2.1_____________ Now your users can test their skills at Checkers by playing each other in up to 20 simultaneous games. Works on almost any BBS system. Very easy setup. Has in-game messaging feature that lets the players send notes to each other. New in this version is the ability to use a password to reserve games for specific opponents. Great graphics, sysop chat, carrier detect, bulletin generation, and NO MAINTENANCE! Shareware.
Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:04 am
Classified Ads v2.60 Full Featured online ADs list door. Supports most popular BBS Softwares. Fully SysOp configurable and self- maintaining. Old listings deleted automatically. Creates full color bulletins using WC!, PCB color codes or regular ANSI\ASCii screens. User may download an ASCii version of all listings directly from the door. The DL option may be disabled at the SysOp's option.
Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:04 am
"Cover 11 v3.15" ------------------------------------------ Solitaire card game door for PCB or systems using 31 line door.sys files. ANSI graphics game based on an old solitaire card game. All instructions are in the door program. The door features auto roll-over of the scores on the first of the month, play makeup or ahead days. Features are configurable in registered version by the sysop. Original Programming: Robert Poirier
Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:04 am
"Cribbage Solitaire v1.31" ------------------------------------------ For those people who enjoy Cribbage, a new challange! Score as many points as possible with one trip through a deck. Keeps daily winners as well as a total winner for that month. Uses DOORFRAME library for Non-Standard Comport and IRQ's. Now able to be played without a BBS! Supports PCB, WC3.x/4.x & many others. Original Programming by: William Rountree
Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:04 am
Coin Trivia v1.0 Initial Release. A BBS door program from PAROLE Software. Automatically resets each month. Create full color ANSI, WC!, PCBoard and RIP graphic bulletins. Registered SysOps may DL an editor to allow questions to be added to the database.
Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:04 am
Diamond Trivia v4.3 Feature Update! A BBS door program concerning trivia of our national pasttime, BaseBall. Now creates RIP bulletins and has a RIPSCRIP interface. Another BBS Door program form PAROLE Software and Dennis Maidon.
Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:04 am
ESP Extra Sensory Perception! v2.5 Guess which Die is going to turn up. Fun for all ages. Another BBS Door program form PAROLE Software. !!! FREE !!!
Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:04 am
File Wishing Well II v2.3 PAROLE Software A BBS door program to list files that you and your users are seeking. Creates full color bulletins as well as an ASCii text file. Supports WC!3.x, PCBoard and ANSI/ASCii color codes. A complete rewrite of the original version. New features and a completely new look. Supports RIP graphic bulletins.
Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:04 am
World Geography Trivia v1.2 A BBS door program that tests your knowledge of the world's geography. Another PAROLE Software program by Dennis Maidon. Now creates RIP graphic bulletins as well as supports a RIPSCRIP interface. Supports all the major BBS drop files. WC!/PCB/SF/GAP, etc....
Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:04 am
"Gold Hunt v6.20" ------------------------------------------ This ANSI game is simple to play with all instructions in the door itself. You start at the entrance to a mine and all you have to do is explore the mine looking for gold. Along the way are storage boxes which could hold some items useful to you on your quest. Be careful for disasters which could befall you on your journey through the mine. This release version has switched to support almost any BBS drop file, multi node systems and for Non-Standard Com Port IRQ's. New weekly scoring format. Original Programming: Robert Poirier
Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:04 am
Compu-Paper Generator - GPAPER.EXE v5.50 Now supports Synchronet BBS color codes. Adds computer paper effect to text files. SysOp configurable as to background color. Creates ANSI, WC!3.x, Synchronet, SearchLight and PCB color coded files. Set environment variables for different BBS systems and file extensions. Registration : FREE
Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:04 am
"Golf Solitaire v1.03" ------------------------------------------ A game of solitaire where you attempt to the playing field by playing one card higher or lower than the deck's card. Keeps daily winners as well as a total winner for that month. Now able to be played without a BBS! Uses DOORFRAME library for Non-Standard Comport and IRQ's. Supports PCB, WC3.x/4.x and many others. Original Programming by: William Rountree
Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:04 am
BBS Herald v1.2 Minor Bug Fix! An announcement type door for BBSs. SysOps may display a text or RIPSCRIP type screen to their users before of after doors or as DOS hooks on the various BBS systems. Another BBS Door from PAROLE Software and Dennis Maidon. Supports RIPSCRIP!
Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:04 am
American History Trivia v2.3 Update!!! A BBS door program based on the history of North America. Supports RIPSCRIP Graphics, COM1-4, IRQ 0-15, Fossils and PCB/WC! Environment variables. Also creates full color buletins in ASCii/ANSI, WC!3.x and PCB special color codes. Locked DTE rates to 115200. Another quality door from PAROLE Software and Dennis Maidon. Copyright 1991-94, PAROLE Software all rights reserved
Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:04 am
"High Low Cards v1.12" ------------------------------------------ Attempt to guess if the next card will be higher or lower than the previous one. Keeps track of individual day's highest as well total for the month. Excellent contest door. Uses DOORFRAME library for Non-Standard Comport and IRQ's. Now able to be played without a BBS! Supports PCB, WC3.x/4.x and many others. Original Programming by: William Rountree
Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:04 am
HOSTAGE v3.0 Creates a Bulletin/Hello Screen for all you Conservative SysOps still lurking about. A FREE utility from PAROLE Software. I take no responsiblilty for all the whining and crying from Liberals and Democrats. HOSTAGE now supports WC!3.x and PCB specific color codes as well as regular ANSI/ASCII files. Also creates RIP Graphic bulletins. Update for the !!!FINAL!!! term.
Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:04 am
"In-Between Cards v1.93" ------------------------------------------ Card Game where 2 cards are displayed. The user then wagers that the next card be higher than the first and lower than the second. Odds of a winning hand are contiually updated. Keeps daily winners as well as a total winner for that month. Now able to be played without a BBS! Uses DOORFRAME library for Non-Standard Comport and IRQ's. Supports PCB, WC3.x/4.x and many others. Original Programming by: William Rountree
Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:04 am
"I Remember That...! v2.93" ------------------------------------------ Trivia Game that user attempts to guess the year an event took place. No nightly maintance is required. Requires ANSI. New capability for the user's to add additional questions. Sysop Editor! Now able to be played without a BBS! Now uses DOORFRAME Library, supporting Non-Standard Comport & IRQ's. Supports PCB, WC3.x/4.x and many others. Original Programming by: William Rountree
Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:04 am
"Klondike Solitaire v1.12" ------------------------------------------ A classic game of solitaire. One trip through the deck, one card at a time. Keeps daily winners as well as a total winner for that month. Now able to be played without a BBS! Uses DOORFRAME library for Non-Standard Comport and IRQ's. Supports PCB, WC3.x/4.x and many others. Original Programming by: William Rountree
Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:04 am
"Lunar Lander v1.11" ------------------------------------------ You control the amount of fuel to your engines in an attempt to successfully land on the moon. Uses DOORFRAME library for Non-Standard Comport and IRQ's. Now able to be played without a BBS! Supports PCB, WC3.x/4.x and many others. Original Programming by: William Rountree
Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:04 am
MovieTime Trivia v4.3 No Expiration A BBS door program relating to trivia questions about the movie industry. Now creates RIP bulletins and has a RIPSCRIP interface. Registered SysOps may download a utility to add questions to the database. Another shareware product from PAROLE Software and Dennis Maidon.
Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:04 am
"Murder Mansion v2.91" ------------------------------------------ Search throughout a mansion to discover to solve a murder. WARNING: If you take too long, you maybe the next victim! Now has user configurable names. Time remaining online is displayed. Require ANSI. Now uses DOORFRAME Library, supporting Non-Standard Comport & IRQ's. Now able to be played without a BBS! Original Programming by: William Rountree
Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:04 am
On Line Graffiti v1.20 Minor update. Supports nearly all the major BBS drop files. SysOp configurable. Fast and simple to setup. A full-featured graffiti or one-liners door that allows users to list their favorite sayings or quotes. SysOps may limit the number of days that listings are to remain active in the database. Users have the ability to kill or update the listings they originally entered.
Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:04 am
OnLine Reviews v1.20 Maintenance release A full- featured BBS door program that allows your users to write reviews relating to different categories which you have pre-determined in the door. Other users may read or even download these reviews and read them at their leisure. Another PAROLE Software BBS Door program.
Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:04 am
OnLine Stock Quotes v1.20 New Features! This is a fully functioning BBS door program that is used to allow your users to read and view the stock quote files coming from Planet Connect. Users may specify up to 20 personal stocks or securities and download a file compiled especially for them. There is no expiration date. Another PAROLE Software BBS Door program from Dennis Maidon.
Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:04 am
OnLine Trivia v5.2 Faster/New Interface OLT is a triva door that supports many different BBS systems. It contains over 1700 questions in 4 different categories that is user selectable. OLT will also create a full color bulletin using ANSI/WC!4.x and PCB color codes. It is fully functional with only a slight delay at startup. Registration will remove this delay. OLT now supports the use of a FOSSIL driver. Now creates RIP graphic bulletins and has a RIPSCRIP interface.
Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:04 am
OnLine Text Reader OLTR.EXE v2.7 A BBS door program that adds a bit of color and security to reading text files while online. SysOps may add special color codes to 10 text files in each of 6 special categories. Each category may be restricted by security level. Uncrippled other than a brief pause which is removed by registering. Another BBS Door from PAROLE Software and Dennis Maidon.
Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:04 am
Purity 1000 Purity Evaluation Test v2.7 A BBS Door program to test your "Purity". Fully functional. 1000 questions relating to all aspects of Sex and Sexual activities. This is an ADULTS ONLY! Door program and extreme care should be taken to prevent minors access to this program. Another BBS door program from PAROLE Software and Dennis Maidon.
Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:04 am
Pick 7! Online KENO/Lotto BBS Door. Supports most major BBS drop files. Also supports WC! and PCB color codes. Full color bulletins created. Weekly Lotto available to registered SysOps. Users have the ability to play regular KENO. Registered doors expand the area of play to different KENO options. Payoffs based on Las Vegas actual KENO. Self- maintaining and very easy to setup.
Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:04 am
"Master Plumber ! v1.20" ------------------------------------------ The game is fairly simple to play with all instructions in the door itself. The game is quite simple in playing. All you have to do is lay pipes in series and try to fill the entire grid so that the fluid flows through to the last pipe layed. You get 25 points for each pipe layed and a bonus of 50 points for using both sides of a cross section pipe Original Programming: Robert Poirier
Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:04 am
"Poker Solitaire v1.03" ------------------------------------------ Attempt to make pairs, 3 of kinds, 4 of kinds, straights, flushes, and straight flushes in this 5x5 grid. User controlable colors. Easy to play, but challanging for all ages. Requires ANSI. Keeps daily winners as well as a total winner for that month. Now able to be played without a BBS! Uses DOORFRAME library for Non- Standard Comport and IRQ's. Supports PCB, WC3.x/4.x and many others. Original Programming by: William Rountree
Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:04 am
Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:04 am
PURITY 500 v2.9 Adults Only BBS Door Comprehensive Purity Evaluation Test. 500 Adult oriented questions on all aspects of SEX and sexual relates subjects. Now supports RIP bulletins. Another PAROLE Software BBS Door by Dennis Maidon.
Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:04 am
"BBS Putt Putt v1.92" ------------------------------------------ Take a break on this 9/18 hole miniature golf course. WARNING: This game has Live Action, No Daily Maintence, Requires ANSI, Uses DOORFRAME Library, and Supports MOST BBS SOFTWARE! Now able to be played without a BBS! Artist: Jef Card Original Programming by: William Rountree
Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:04 am
"Puzzle v1.13" ------------------------------------------ Remember those numeric puzzles where you attempted to arrange them in order from 1 to 24, well here it is again. Requires ANSI. Keeps daily winners as well as a total winner for that month. Uses DOORFRAME library for Non-Standard Comport and IRQ's. Now able to be played without a BBS! Supports PCB, WC3.x/4.x and many others. Original Programming by: William Rountree
Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:04 am
Quarter*Slots v1.30 Minor Update! A full-featured online Slots game. Users may wager up to 5 quarters and payouts are based on the amount of wager. Win up to 5 different ways. Creates full color bulletins utilizing WC!, PCBoard or ANSI color codes. Another BBS Door product from PAROLE Software and Dennis Maidon.
Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:04 am
Quotes & Quips! Trivia v2.8 A BBS door program pertaining to famous sayings and quotes over the years. Registration will allow you to add questions to the database. Another PAROLE Software program by Dennis Maidon. Now creates RIP graphic bulletins as well as supports a RIPSCRIP interface. Supports all the major BBS drop files. WC!/PCB/SF/GAP, etc....
Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:04 am
Super Rassle v6.3 Wrestling Door Prg. Supports DOOR.SYS, USERINFO.DAT, CALLINFO.BBS, PCBOARD.SYS, SFDOORS.DAT, CHAIN.TXT and several other BBS user files. Super Rassle now supports a FOSSIL driver. No expiration date. Now supports RIP Graphics and WC!3.9. Another "PAROLE Software" release. Registration Fee: $15
Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:04 am
RATRACE DOOR GAME V1.1 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- BBS game that allows users to bet time or money on rats that race around the track. Supports multiple nodes. Name your rats to suit your needs. Works on almost any BBS system and supports multiple drop file types. Great graphics, sysop chat, carrier detect, no maintenance, bulletin generation, and much more. (Note: Ability to bet session time dependent upon BBS software capability.) Shareware.
Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:04 am
"Road Work v6.16" ------------------------------------------ ANSI graphics game where you have to construct a road from the Western Town to the Eastern town within the days of the contract, trying to make a profit. The door feature auto roll-over of the scores on the 1st of the month, play back/ahead days. Fully configurable in registered version by the sysop. Door auto-detects Fossil driver if used, supports multinode systems and non-standard com port IRQ's. Original Programming: Robert Poirier
Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:04 am
Sex Trivia v5.91 Adult Entertainment. A trivia door program containing over 200 questions on america's favorite pasttime, SEX! This is a full-featured release with only a small delay at the start. Registration will remove the delay. Sex Trivia now supports a FOSSIL driver. Registered doors will automatically reset the game scores at the beginning of each month. Another BBS Door from PAROLE Software by Dennis Maidon. Now creates RIP style bulletins and has a RIPSCRIP interface.
Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:04 am
"Super Plumber ! v6.17" ------------------------------------------ New Super Plumber door game for any BBS system. Any drop file. ANSI graphics game where you connect the pipes to try to keep the fluid flowing throughout the gridwork. Door features auto roll-over with the first caller after midnight on Saturday night. Allows makeup days, creates bulletins, and is configurable by the sysop. Master Plumber is tough, but Super Plumber is tougher. Supports MultiNode and non-standard com port IRQ's. Original Programming: Robert Poirier
Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:04 am
NCAA Sports Trivia v4.3 A college sports BBS door program from PAROLE Software. Automatically resets each month. Create full color ANSI, WC!3.x, PCBoard and RIP graphic bulletins. Registered SysOps may DL an editor to allow questions to be added to the database.
Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:04 am
"Space Race v2.93" ------------------------------------------ Try to become the strongest empire in this space conquest game. A lot of stratagy and a little luck is needed! Many various combinations of game setups. Very challaging! Now able to be played without a BBS! Now uses DOORFRAME Library, supporting Non-Standard Comport & IRQ's. Supports PCB, WC3.x/4.x and many others. Original Programming by: William Rountree
Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:04 am
U.S. States Trivia v1.2 Update Release The Ultimate "States" Trivia Door Game! Has over 300+ trivia questions with four multiple choice answers regarding all facets of information on the individual sates in the United States. There is a bit of history, geology and just general knowledge type questions contained in the database. PAROLE SoftWare (C) 1991-95 - All rights reserved
Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:04 am
"Star Trek Cryptograms v1.22" ------------------------------------------ Some of the wisdom of the original series along with the challange of solving a cryptogram. Requires ANSI. Keeps daily winners as well as a total winner for that month. Uses DOORFRAME library for Non- Standard Comport and IRQ's. Now able to be played without a BBS! Supports PCB, WC3.x/ 4.x and many others. Original Programming by: William Rountree
Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:04 am
Truth or Consequences v1.20 A FREE! Door program from PAROLE Software. See just how many user have the nerve to see the conclusion of this door program. There is NO registration fee for this door. This is one birthday where I'm giving out the presents. Enjoy! Copyright (c) 1993-95, PAROLE Software all rights reserved
Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:04 am
"Traffic Jam v3.15" ------------------------------------------ Door game for PCB14 or systems using 31 line door.sys files. ANSI graphics game where you have to get from home to the airport in two hours and avoiding uneccesary delays. Must stop along the way to pick up snacks for the kids. The door features auto roll-over of the scores the 1st of the month, play back/ahead days. Fully configurable in registered version by the sysop. Original Programming: Robert Poirier
Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:04 am
Star Trek Trivia v2.3 Enhancement Release! The Ultimate "Star Trek" Trivia Door Game! Has over 300+ trivia questions with four multiple choice answers regarding all "Star Trek" facets, i.e. ST:TOS, ST:TMP, ST:TNG, ST:DSN, Klingon/English and English/Klingon trivia, Science, Technology, Race, Religion, Culture, Heritage, Make-Up and MORE! TRIVIA TREK STAR LANGUAGE DOOR KLINGON PAROLE SoftWare (C) 1991-94 - all rights reserved
Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:04 am
Time Trials v2.6 Drag Racing Simulation. A BBS door program that gives you everything but the smell of burning rubber. Supports all the major BBS types. Another BBS door from PAROLE Software and Dennis Maidon. Now creates RIP Graphic Bulletins. You gotta see it to believe it!
Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:04 am
TEXT LOGGER v1.1 TEXTLOG.EXE A Utility to write a msg to a text file. Useful for SysOps to write notes to the ACTIVITY.LOG when certain doors or BBS events are run. Another FREEWARE utility from PAROLE Software and Dennis Maidon.
Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:04 am
"Word Criss Cross v2.21" ------------------------------------------ Attempt to make 5 letter words in this 5x5 grid. Displays the status of the remaining letters. If you like scrabble take a look at this! User controlable colors. Challanging. Requires ANSI. Keeps daily winners as well as a total winner for that month. Now able to be played without a BBS! Uses DOORFRAME library for Non- Standard Comport and IRQ's. Supports PCB, WC3.x/4.x & many others. Original Programming by: William Rountree
Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:04 am
"Wager In-Between Cards v1.93" ------------------------------------------ Card Game where 2 cards are displayed. The user then wagers that the next card be higher than the first and lower than the second. Odds of a winning hand are contiually updated. Users bet TIME! Very Sysop Configurable. Uses DOORFRAME library for Non-Standard Comport and IRQ's. Supports PCB, WC3.x/4.x & many others. Original Programming by: William Rountree
Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:04 am
"Word Search v1.13" ------------------------------------------ Find 26 words in this computer version of this classic word game. Over 6000 words, so no game will be the same. Easy, but it is quite challanging! Keeps daily winners as well as a total winner for that month. Uses DOORFRAME library for Non-Standard Comport and IRQ's. Now able to be played without a BBS! Supports PCB, WC3.x/4.x and many others. Original Programming by: William Rountree