• 4sq25.zip (97K)

    Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:02 am

    4Square v2.5 BBS game door.  Logic
    puzzle game. Try to group the four colors
    together in their respective corners of
    the Square.  Supports almost any BBS
    software, multi-node, COM 0 - 15, up to
    115K Baud, and non-standard IRQ's. Now
    supports multi-port boards using FOSSIL
    drivers including PCBoard/M!. Runs in 
    local mode with /local.
  • burst17.zip (99K)

    Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:02 am

    OutBurst v1.7 like the board game
    with a small twist. You allow the
    number of clues, number of plays.
    Multi/node, multi/bbs. Another
    addition to the Livewire Doors
    Collection. Fixed Detect Ansi and
    Log errors. Runs in local mode
    with /local.
  • choice31.zip (93K)

    Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:02 am

    Ver 3.1 Choice, this game has three
    old fashioned text type games in one.
    Choose between Find-Me, Trap-Me and
    Reverse. Multi-bbs, multi-node, baud
    rates to 115K, Fossil Driver / DV
    aware. Com-ports 0-15. Fixed the NO
    ANSI errors. Works with /M and also
    works in local mode with /local.
  • clues22.zip (114K)

    Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:02 am

    20 Clues v2.2 is a game of skill and
    memory. Sysop controls showing right
    answers and times to play. Gives you
    choice of 20 clues to guess a Person,
    Place, Thing or Year. Get points on
    the Clues you DO NOT use. Great new
    Game. Multi/Node, Multi/BBS, Will run
    on Non/Standard IRQ's plus much more.
    Sysop Log Toggle and Color Toggle.
  • colors21.zip (90K)

    Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:02 am

    Ver 2.1 Colors. Players get to play
    against the computer for points by
    guessing which color the computer
    will pick next. Multi/bbs/node &
    baud rate to 115K. Fossil Driver
    DV aware. Com-ports 0-15 and all
    played from one main menu. Fixed
    the NO ANSI errors. Works with /M!
    Runs in local mode with /local.
  • crazy20.zip (95K)

    Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:02 am

    Crazy Eights v2.0 Play the card game of
    Crazy Eights against the computer (he's
    tough!).  Supports most BBS software,
    multi-node, COM 0-15, 115K Baud, and
    non-standard IRQ's. Now supports
    multi-port boards using FOSSIL drivers
    including PCBoard/M!. Runs in local
    mode with /local.
  • dfqbx33.zip (180K)

    Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:02 am

    DoorFrame v3.3 Doors development library for
    BASCOM/PDS 7.1. Has direct support for most
    BBS software, COM 0 - 15, up to 115K Baud,
    non-standard IRQ's, multi-nodes, music, high
    score bulletin, box and line drawing, ANSI
    and ASCII file send. Now supports multi-port 
    boards using a FOSSIL including PCBoard/M.
    Also detects and reports the presence of
    RIPscrip on the remote. New Functions added.
  • dframe49.zip (185K)

    Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:02 am

    DoorFrame v4.9 Doors development library for
    QuickBasic 4.x. Has direct support for most
    BBS software, COM 0 - 15, up to 115K Baud,
    non-standard IRQ's, multi-nodes, music, high
    score bulletin, box and line drawing, ANSI
    and ASCII file send. Now supports multi-port 
    boards using a FOSSIL including PCBoard/M.
    Also detects and reports the presence of
    RIPscrip on the remote. New Functions added.
  • dfvb21.zip (192K)

    Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:02 am

    DoorFrame v2.1 Doors development library for
    Visual Basic DOS. Has direct support for most
    BBS software, COM 0 - 15, up to 115K Baud,
    non-standard IRQ's, multi-nodes, music, high
    score bulletin, box and line drawing, ANSI
    and ASCII file send. Now supports multi-port 
    boards using a FOSSIL including PCBoard/M.
    Also detects and reports the presence of
    RIPscrip on the remote. New Inkey routine.
    New routines added on this release...
  • elim57.zip (98K)

    Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:02 am

    Eliminate v5.7. The computer selects a
    secret word. You try to guess it by
    entering words of the same length. Choose
    4-9 letter words.  Features 3 levels of
    difficulty. Supports most BBS software,
    multi-node, COM 0-15, 115K Baud, and
    non-standard IRQ's.  Now supports
    multi-port boards using FOSSIL drivers
    including PCBoard/M!. Runs in local
    mode with /local.
  • facts38.zip (105K)

    Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:02 am

    Ver 3.8 Facts, The door that test your
    knowledge. Similiar to TV's Jeopardy.
    Multi-bbs, Multi-node, handles baud
    rate to 115K. Configure the # of plays
    and can now show answers. Entire game
    now played from game menu. Fixed the
    score and register displays. Fossil
    Driver aware. Com-ports 0-15. Works
    with /M. Updating BLT error is Fixed.
    Runs in local mode with /local.
  • famous20.zip (96K)

    Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:02 am

    v2.0 Famous Celebrities. Can you guess
    what Celebrity name that was picked?
    Multi/bbs/node and handles bauds to 115k.
    Fossil Driver aware and needs no run time
    file. Sysop selects to give correct
    answer or not. Now handles com-ports
    0-15!  Fixed the NO ANSI errors. Works
    with fossil drivers and in local mode
    with /local.
  • feud27.zip (98K)

    Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:02 am

    Ver 2.7 Feud, Game similiar to TV's
    Family Feud. Allows players only 3
    strikes to be out. Multi-bbs/node
    and handles baud rates to 115K.
    Now Fossil Driver Aware. Fixed the
    bulletin reports plus much more.
    com-ports 0-15. Fixed the NO ANSI
    and too many files error. Runs in
    local mode with /local.
  • histry20.zip (98K)

    Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:02 am

    v2.0 Year in History which lets players
    guess what year events happened.
    Multi/bbs/node bauds up to 115k, fossil
    driver and dv aware, com-ports 0-15. No
    other files needed! Fixed the NO ANSI
    errors. Will work with Fossil Drivers
    now. Runs in local mode with /local.
  • lotery50.zip (103K)

    Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:02 am

    Ver 5.0 Lottery Door, players can win
    at Pick-3 or Pick-4. You can set the
    prizes that they win and also set the
    amount of times in the door per day!
    Multi-bbs, Multi-node, bauds to 115K.
    Fossil Driver aware and NO other file
    needed to run door. Com-ports 0-15
    Runs in local mode with /local.
  • lucky22.zip (95K)

    Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:02 am

    v2.2 Lucky-7 Let callers buy some
    lotto tickets and bank time. You set
    the cost per ticket, winning odds &
    max to save in the Online Time Bank!
    Now fossil driver/DV aware and will
    run on most all BBS Softwares, runs
    at 115K baud, multi-node, etc. Runs
    in local mode with /local.
  • match22.zip (97K)

    Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:02 am

    Ver 2.2 MatchIt. Similiar to the TV
    game of Concentration. Multi-node/bbs
    bauda up to 115K. Com-ports 0-15.
    Sysop creates the prizes (real or not)
    and timesin the door each day. Now is
    Fossil Driver/DV aware and commands are
    all on one screen for faster game play.
    Runs in local mode with /local.
  • oodles16.zip (104K)

    Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:02 am

    Oodles v1.6, First official release
    of a game that says something with
    out saying it. Your mission is to
    figure out what it is saying! Will
    run local with /local. Another of 
    the Livewire Door Collection. Multi
    bbs/node, bps to 115k, fossil driver
    and dv aware, ports 0-15 and more.
  • pegjmp26.zip (93K)

    Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:02 am

    Peg Jump v2.6. A logic puzzle game
    similar to the classic Hi-Que peg puzzle.
    Object is to jump the pegs in such a way
    as to leave only one peg, preferably in
    the center hole.  Supports most BBS
    software, multi-node, COM 0-15, 115K
    Baud, and non-standard IRQ's.  Now
    supports multi-port boards using FOSSIL
    drivers including PCBoard/M!. Runs in
    local mode with /local.
  • quizrd54.zip (135K)

    Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:02 am

    Quizard's Mountain v5.4. A Trivia
    Adventure type game. Climb the Mt. by
    answering Trivia questions & use Spells
    to help/hinder the progress of the other
    Wizard's on the Mt.  Supports most BBS
    software, multi-node, COM 1-15, 115K
    Baud, and non-standard IRQ's.  Now
    supports multi-port boards using FOSSIL
    drivers including PCBoard/M! Runs in
    local mode with /local.
  • races32.zip (96K)

    Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:02 am

    Ver 3.2 Races, a horse racing game to
    let players bet all their points away.
    Multi-bbs, Multi-node, baud rates up
    to 115K, Fossil Driver / DV aware.
    Game played from one Main Menu for
    a faster game. It now has a Color 
    toggle! Com-ports 0-15. Runs in
    local mode with /local.
  • recall47.zip (95K)

    Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:02 am

    Total Recall v4.7 You will need Total
    Recall to get a perfect score in this
    Concentration-type board game!  Supports
    most BBS software, multi-node, COM 0-15,
    115K Baud, and non-standard IRQ's.  Now
    supports multi-port boards using FOSSIL
    drivers including PCBoard/M!. Runs in
    local mode with /local.
  • rtbs24.zip (114K)

    Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:02 am

    Real-Time Battleship v2.5. Play online in
    real-time against a human! You may also
    choose the one-move-at-a-time option or
    play against the computer. Game save for
    all 3 options. Supports most BBS
    software, multi- node, COM 0-15, 115K
    Baud, & non-standard IRQ's. Now supports
    multi-port boards using FOSSIL drivers
    including PCBoard/M!. One of the Livewire
    Doors. Runs in local mode with /local.
  • rtches26.zip (113K)

    Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:02 am

    Real-Time Chess v2.6 Play chess online in
    real-time against a human! Can save
    unfinished games. Requires minimum of 2
    Nodes.  Supports almost any BBS software,
    multi-node, COM 0 - 15, up to 115K Baud,
    and non-standard IRQ's.  Now supports
    multi-port boards using FOSSIL drivers
    including PCBoard/M!. Runs in local
    mode with /local.
  • rtckrs29.zip (105K)

    Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:02 am

    Real-Time Checkers v2.9 - Play checkers
    online in real-time against a human! Can
    save unfinished games. Requires minimum
    of 2 Nodes. Supports almost any BBS
    software, multi-node, COM 0 - 15, up to
    115K Baud, and non-standard IRQ's. Now
    supports multi-port boards using FOSSIL
    drivers including PCBoard/M! Runs in 
    local mode with /local.
  • rtcon22.zip (107K)

    Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:02 am

    Real-Time Connect4 v2.2. Play Connect 4
    online in real-time against a human! You
    may also choose the one-move-at-a-time
    option or play against the computer. Game
    save for all 3 options. Supports most BBS
    software, multi- node, COM 0-15, 115K
    Baud, & non-stand. IRQ's. Now supports
    multi-port boards using FOSSIL drivers
    Runs in local mode with /local.
  • rtoth24.zip (105K)

    Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:02 am

    Real-Time Othello v2.4. Play Othello
    online in real-time against a human! You
    may also choose the one-move-at-a-time
    option or play against the computer. Game
    save for all 3 options. Supports most BBS
    software, multi- node, COM 0-15, 115K
    Baud, & non-standard IRQ's. Now supports
    multi-port boards using FOSSIL drivers
    including PCBoard/M!. Runs in local mode
    with /local.
  • sexq32.zip (100K)

    Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:02 am

    Ver 3.2 SexQuiz, An Adult Quiz door to
    test players knowledge of sex, woman &
    and men. Multi/node/bbs, Bauds to 115K.
    Able to set number of questions/timesin
    Fossil Driver / DV aware. Com-port 0-15.
    Very configurable by sysop. Runs local
    for testing.
  • songs31.zip (99K)

    Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:02 am

    Ver 3.1 Songs, Game that allows players
    to get first line of a song and then
    guess what the tune is! Multi/bbs/node,
    baud rates to 115K, Fossil Driver / DV
    aware. Com-ports 0-15. Now faster play
    from one menu and you select number of
    songs per entry. Runs in local mode
    with /local.
  • trek46.zip (109K)

    Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:02 am

    Ver 4.6 Trek Trivia, allows callers to
    choose between Original Series, TNG or
    Deep Space 9 Trivia. Multi/Node/BBS.
    Fossil Driver / DV Aware. Com-Ports
    0-15. Bauds to 115K. Also added a 
    BONUS round for winners. Sysop now
    configures number of questions, will
    run in local mode.
  • tvtriv28.zip (107K)

    Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:02 am

    Ver 2.8 TvTrivia, Players get to choose
    from 5 different Tv shows for the all
    the trivia. You can enhance it also &
    select how many times played etc. It
    is multi/node/bbs, bauds to 115K. Is
    fossil driver / DV aware. Com-ports
    0-15. Runs in local mode with /local.
    Fixed help screen and added an option.
  • wplay27.zip (94K)

    Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 11:02 am

    Ver 2.7 WordPlay, where your callers
    will try to create small words from
    larger ones. Multi/bbs/node & bauds
    to 115K. Fossil Driver / DV aware.
    Com-ports 0-15 plus much more. Get
    utility to add many more words once
    registered. Fast playing game. Runs
    in local mode with /local.