Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 10:40 am
GuTTeRBoWL 2003 - v3.00 -------- Online Bowling Door! 16bit/32bit Simply the B E S T bowling door you'll ever play. ANSI-intensive animation! Bowl the nearly true action-pin-reaction. Featuring multi-node, multi-OS support and Telnet support. Supports nearly every known dropfile. Copyright ChasWare Software (c) 1996-2003 Release date --- August 24, 2003
Uploaded Mon May 08 2023 10:40 am
GuTTeRBoWL 2003 ------- IGM Pack 16bit/32bit versions included! Gutterbowl Colors -- allow users to change their in game colors. Bowlers Banter -- allow players to exchange verbal blows in this oneline program. --------------- SweetSpot ---- allows players to select default ball and curve position --------Gutterbowl 2003 Simply the B E S T bowling door you'll ever play. Copyright ChasWare Software (c) 1996-2003 Release date --- August 24, 2003