BREV988.ZIP (330K)

Uploaded Wed May 22 2024 08:11 pm

Barren Realms Elite [BRE] v0.988
IBBS - Attack, trade, and make 
political alliances throughout 
the world - the real world - in 
this completely inter-BBS capable
strategy war game.

DUBLZ101.ZIP (255K)

Uploaded Wed May 22 2024 08:12 pm

 : filename / DUBLZ101.ZIP           :
 ├─────--- -- -           - --- -────┤
 : door / DUBLZ v1.01      :
 . bbs software / All                .
 * author / Tom Swartz - Night Rider *
 : released / 02/24/2024             :
 ├─────────────----- - -      - --───┤
 : desc: : The BBS door version of   ·
 · the tile game 2048.               ·
 · Programmed in 16/32bit.           ·
 : Free Pascal.                      :
 : [x] win [ ] linux [ ] mac         :
   [ ] amiga [ ] c64 [x] dos
 + --------------------------------- +
 :  x - selected items
 └──────────────────────────---  ─  -
                                                       █▄ ▀ ▀▀ ▀ ▄█        ▀▄    █▄▄██████▄▄█    ▄▀   \  ▄▄▄██▄▄▄/ ░
 ░▄▀  ▄▀ █▓▀▄▄▀▀▄▄▀▀▄▄▀▓█▀▄  ▀▄░
 ▒/ ▄▀  ▀▄▀▀▀██ ▀▀▀▄▀  ▀▄ \▒
 ▓/X██ X\/▄▄██    ▄▄\ ████████▓▀▀▓████████  \ ▀▀ ▓█▀▀▀▄████████▄▀▀▀█▓ ▀▀ /
       ▼▼  ◄█◄█▀██▀█►█►  ▼▼              ▼ ▼ ▼▼ ▼ ▼

 /\/\/:    PHENOM PRODUCTIONS   :\/\/\
 :    └──────·( EST. 2018 )·────┘    :
 :                                   :
 *   download from:                  *
 :      :
 :                                   :


Uploaded Wed May 22 2024 08:12 pm

|        For Honour          |
|           by               |
|       Andrew Pamment       |
| For Honour is a BBS door   |
| game similar to LORD.      |
|                            |
| Now with LUA IGM Support!  |
|                            |
| It is opensource.          |
|                            |
|  v1.91-dev         SOURCE  |


Uploaded Wed May 22 2024 08:12 pm

|        For Honour          |
|           by               |
|       Andrew Pamment       |
| For Honour is a BBS door   |
| game similar to LORD.      |
|                            |
| Now with LUA IGM Support!  |
|                            |
| It is opensource.          |
|                            |
|  v1.91-dev        win32    |


Uploaded Wed May 22 2024 08:11 pm

|      Galactic Dynasty      |
|            by              |
|       Andrew Pamment       |
| Galactic Dynasty is a BBS  |
| door game similar to Solar |
| Realms Elite.              |
|                            |
| It is interBBS capable and |
| opensource.                |
|                            |
|  v1.3.2-dev       SOURCE   |


Uploaded Wed May 22 2024 08:11 pm

|      Galactic Dynasty      |
|            by              |
|       Andrew Pamment       |
| Galactic Dynasty is a BBS  |
| door game similar to Solar |
| Realms Elite.              |
|                            |
| It is interBBS capable and |
| opensource.                |
|                            |
|  v1.3.2-dev       WIN32    |